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The material presented in this monograph is a logical continuation of research results achieved in the control of manipulation robots. This is in a way, a synthesis of many-year research efforts of the associates of Robotics Department, Mihailo Pupin Institute, in the field of dynamic control.of robotic systems. As in Vol. 2 of this Series, all results rely on the mathematical models of dynamics of active spatial mechanisms which offer the possibility for adequate dynamic control of manipula tion robots. Compared with Vol. 2, this monograph has three essential new character istics, and a variety of new tasks arising in the control of robots which have been formulated and solved for the first time. One of these novelties is nonadaptive control synthesized for the case of large variations in payload parameters, under the condition that the practical stability of the overall system is satisfied. Such a case of control synthesis meets the actual today's needs in industrial robot applications. The second characteristic of the monograph is the efficient adaptive control algorithm based on decentralized control structure intended for tasks in which parameter variations cannot be specified in advance. To be objective, this is not the case in industrial robotics today. Thus, nonadaptive control with and without a particular parameter variation is supplemented by adaptive dynamic control algorithms which will cer tainly be applicable in the future industrial practice when parametric identification of workpieces will be required.
The first book of the new, textbook series, entitled Applied Dynamics of Manipulation Robots: Modelling, Analysis and Examples, by M. Vukobratovic, published by Springer-Verlag (1989) was devoted to the problems of dynamic models and dynamic analysis of robots. The present book, the second in the series, is concerned with the problems of the robot control. In conceiving this textbook, several dillemas arouse. The main issue was the question on what should be incorporated in a textbook on such a complex subject. Namely, the robot control comprises a wide range of topics related to various aspects of robotics, starting from the syn thesis of the lowest, executive, control level, through the synthesis of trajectories (which is mainly related to kinematic models of robots) and various algorithms for solving the problem of task and robot moti on planning (including the solving of the problems by the methods of artificial intelligence) to the aspects of processing the data obtai ned from sensors. The robot control is closely related to the robot pro gramming (i. e. the development of highly-specialized programming lan guages for robot programming). Besides, numerous aspects of the con trol realization should be included here. It is obvious that all these aspects of control cannot be treated in detail in the frame of a text book.
This book covers the most attractive problem in robot control, dealing with the direct interaction between a robot and a dynamic environment, including the human-robot physical interaction. It provides comprehensive theoretical and experimental coverage of interaction control problems, starting from the mathematical modeling of robots interacting with complex dynamic environments, and proceeding to various concepts for interaction control design and implementation algorithms at different control layers. Focusing on the learning principle, it also shows the application of new and advanced learning algorithms for robotic contact tasks.
This is the fourth book from the Series "Scientific Fundamentals of Ro botics". The first two volumes have established abackqround for studying the dynamics and control of robots. While the first book was exclusive ly devoted to the dynamics of active spatial mechanisms, the second treated the problems of the dynamic control of manipulation robots. In contrast to the first two books, where recursive computer-aided me thods for setting robot dynamic equations where described, this mono graph presents a new approach to the formation of robot dynamics. The goal is to achieve the real-time model computation using up-to-date mi crocomputers. The presented concept could be called a numeric-symbolic, or analytic, approach to robot modelling. It will be shown that the generation of analytical robot model may give new excellent possibili ties concerning real-time applications. It is of essential importance in synthesizing the algorithms for nonadaptive and adaptive control of manipulation robots. If should be pointed out that the high computational efficiency has been achieved by off-line computer-aided preparation of robot equations. The parameters of a specified robot must be given in advance. This, af ter each significant variation in robot structure (geometrical and dy namical parameters) ,we must repeat the off-line stage. Thus is why the numerical procedures will always have their place in studying the dy namic properties of robotic systems. This monograph is organized in 5 chapters.
During the period 1982-1985, six books of the series: Scientific Fun damentals of Robotics were published by Springer-Verlag. In chronolo gical order these were: Dynamics of Manipulation Robots: Theory and Application, by M. Vukobra tovic and V. Potkonjak, Control of Manipulation Robots: Theory and Ap plication, by M. vukobratovic and D. Stokic, Kinematics and Trajectory Synthesis of Manipulation Robots, by M. Vukobratovic and H. Kircanski, Real-Time Dynamics of Hanipulation Robots by M. Vukobratovic and N. Kircanski, Non-Adaptive and Adaptive Control of Manipulation Robots, by M. Vukobratovic, D. Stokic and N. Kircanski and Computer-Aided De sign and Applied Dynamics of Manipulation Robots, by M. Vukobratovic and V. Potkonjak. Within the series, during 1989, two monographs dealing with new sub jects will be published. So far, amongst the published monographs, Vol. 1 has been translated into Japanese, Volumes 2 and 5 into Russian, and Volumes 1-6 will appear in Chinese and Hungarian. In the author's opinion, the afore mentioned monographs, in principle, cover with sufficient breadth, the topics devoted to the design of ro bots and their control systems, at the level of post-graduate study in robotics. However, if this material was also to apply to the study of robotics at under-graduate level, it would have to be modified so as to obtain the character of a textbook. With this in mind, it must be noted that the subject matter contained in the text cannot be simpli fied but can only be elaborated in more detail.