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Though few might think to connect the two figures, Ralph Waldo Emerson was an important influence on Friedrich Nietzsche. Specifically, Emerson played a fundamental role in shaping Nietzsche's philosophical ideas on individualism, perfectionism, and the pursuit of virtue, as well as his critiques of social conditioning, religious dogmatism, and anti-natural morality. With Individuality and Beyond, Benedetta Zavatta offers the first philosophical interpretation of Emerson's influence on Nietzsche based on a sound philological analysis of previously unpublished materials from Nietzsche's private library. Nietzsche's collection reveals numerous copies of Emerson's essays covered with annotations and marginalia as Nietzsche revisited these works throughout his life. Through close-reading, Zavatta casts a new light on the ways in which Emerson's work informed Nietzsche's defining ideas of self-creation, the relation between fate and free will, overcoming morality of customs and achieving moral autonomy, and the "transvaluation" of such values as compassion and altruism. Zavatta organizes these concepts into two main lines of thought: the first concerns the development of the individual personality, or the achievement of intellectual and moral autonomy and original self-expression. The second, on the contrary, concerns the overcoming of individuality and the need to transcend a limited view of the world by continually questioning one's own values and engaging with opposing perspectives. Ultimately, Zavatta clarifies the surprising contributions that Emerson made to 20th century European philosophy. She provides a fresh portrait of Emerson as an American thinker long stereotyped as a naïve idealist disinterested in the social issues of his day. Seen through the eyes of Nietzsche, his acute interpreter, Emerson becomes an incisive cultural critic, whose contributions underpin contemporary philosophy.
Uber Fichtes Schuljahre ist bislang wenig bekannt. Die Untersuchung von neu herangezogenen Quellen ermoglicht nun die Rekonstruktion eines reichen und lebendigen Bildes vom Unterricht in Schulpforta, von Fichtes Kenntnissen und Interessen. Zahlreiche bislang unbekannte Details erhellen Fichtes intellektuelle Personlichkeitsentwicklung in der Auseinandersetzung mit der Spataufklarung. - Der zweite Teil enthalt die wichtigsten Dokumente zur Geschichte und Organisation von Pforta sowie Fichtes Werke aus dieser Zeit, darunter seine Valediktionsrede 'Uber den rechten Gebrauch der Regeln der Dichtkunst und der Rhetorik' aus dem Jahre 1780, mit einem Kommentar und einer neuen Ubersetzung.In this work, Fichte's high school years in Schulpforta are reconstructed for the first time, building on sources never considered before and throwing new light on this first phase of his intellectual biography and on his reception of the work of important figures of the Enlightenment such as Lessing, Herder, Gottsched, Gellert, and Rosseau. - The volume also includes the most important contemporary documents on Schulpforta and Fichte's texts from those years. Among these, the most relevant is his Latin speech concerning the use of rules in poetry and rhetoric. In this volume, Fichte's speech is newly translated and annotated for the first time, to provide the rich historical background.
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (1848-1931) has been considered the highest authority in classical philology for generations. In 1889, he published what has been regarded as his most significant study, that is, a monumental commented edition of Euripides’s Herakles which includes a general introduction to Greek tragedy. A section of this introduction, entitled “Was ist eine attische Tragödie?”, is of particular worth in itself in that it provides a passionate and detailed account of the evolution of Greek tragedy, from its origins, much discussed among scholars, to its classic fifth-century BC form. In some respects, it also constitutes a mature response to Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy whose publication, in 1872, had triggered a heated debate between the two still young scholars. This parallel edition presents the first English translation of a text that has served as a landmark for ancient drama scholars for decades and still offers many useful and relevant suggestions.
The Encyclopedia of Paleontology is designed to address the shortage of general reference works on both vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology and to serve the needs of students and lay persons interested in the field. As the encyclopedia aims to provide basic information, the majority of the 350 entries are devoted to explanations of paleontological concepts and techniques, examinations of the evolutionary development of particular organisms and biological features, profiles of major discoveries, and biographies of leading scientists. Each entry includes an essay and a further reading list. An international team of 200 leading experts in the field has prepared the illustrations and the essays, which range from concise descriptions to comprehensive discussions.