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Moyar presents a wide-ranging history of counterinsurgency which draws on the historical record and interviews with hundreds of counterinsurgency veterans. He identifies the ten critical attributes of counterinsurgency leadership and reveals why these attributes have been more prevalent in some organizations than others.
This provocative book seeks to answer a most crucial—and embarrassing—question concerning the U.S. military: why the United States is so often stymied in military confrontations with seemingly weaker opponents, despite its "superpower" status. This fascinating book examines a question that continues to puzzle soldiers, statesmen, and scholars: why do major powers—including the ostensible superpower United States—repeatedly perform poorly against seemingly overmatched adversaries? And what can they, and the United States, do to better achieve their military objectives? How Wars are Won and Lost: Vulnerability and Military Power argues that beyond relying solely on overwhelming military might, the United States needs to focus more on exploiting weaknesses in their adversaries—such as national will, resource mobilization, and strategic miscues—just as opposing forces have done to gain advantage over our military efforts. The author tests the "vulnerability theory" by revisiting six conflicts from the Philippine War of 1899-1902 to the ongoing actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, showing again and again that victory often depends more on outthinking the enemy than outmuscling them.
General Arthur MacArthur’s extraordinary life spans the history of the United States from the Civil War through the Indian Wars to the Spanish-American War and the heyday of American imperialism in the Philippines. And in a sense, as the father of Douglas MacArthur, his influence extends well into our own century. The General’s General is the first biography of Arthur MacArthur, and it clearly establishes his importance in American history. Arthur MacArthur’s military career began as a scrawny seventeen-year-old lieutenant, his commission owed not to any evidence of his ability but to family connections. His squeaky voice, barely audible on the parade field, combined with an adolescent conception of proper military bearing to make the young officer an object of ridicule. But MacArthur overcame this bad start and went on to become a bona fide Civil War hero. The youngest regimental commander of the war, he led his troops with distinction in battle and became one of the very first officers to be awarded the congressional Medal of Honor. In the 1870s MacArthur served in forts in the West during the Indian Wars, married “Pinky†Hardy, and started a family. He next commanded a division in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. MacArthur went on to become the governor-general of the Philippines—the most imperial post in that blatantly imperialistic period of American history. His blunt opposition to aspects of Washington’s colonial policy in the Philippines led to a series of conflicts with Taft, McKinley, and other civilian authorities. After his return to the United States in 1907, these same leaders blocked MacArthur’s appointment as chief of staff of the army. Instead, an embittered MacArthur was forced to retire. The MacArthur family, including Douglas, never forgave the powerful men who had thwarted Arthur in his greatest ambition and denied him his place in history. After one of the most distinguished careers in the history of the U.S. Army, Arthur MacArthur died in relative obscurity while delivering a speech at the fiftieth reunion of his original Civil War regiment. A man whose whole life had been soldiering left instructions forbidding a military funeral and asking to be buried in civilian clothes rather than in the uniform he had worn so proudly from the age of seventeen. MacArthur died too soon to witness the military exploits of his famous son. But there can be no doubt that Arthur made a profound impression on Douglas, who regarded the general with awe and spent much of his own life following in his father’s footsteps. Arthur MacArthur had spent his life striving to be a soldier’s soldier; in the end it can be truly said that he was the general’s general.
Given in honor of Dr. David Romei by the Aggieland Rotary Club of Bryan-College Station.
Why has the United States, unlike every other 20th-century world power, failed to settle on a durable system of military service? In this lucid book, Eliot Cohen studies the enduring problems of America's methods of raising an army.
While the major conflicts in American history have become all too familiar, America’s “small wars” have played an essential but little-appreciated role in the country’s growth as a world power. First published in 2002, The Savage Wars of Peace quickly became a key volume in the case for a new policy of interventionism. Max Boot shows how America’s smaller actions—such as the recent conflicts in Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Kosovo, and Afghanistan—have made up the vast majority of our military engagements, and yet our armed forces do little to prepare for these “low intensity conflicts.” A compellingly readable history of the forgotten wars that helped promote America’s rise in the last two centuries, The Savage Wars of Peace is now updated with new material on the repercussions of America’s far-flung imperial actions and the impact of these ventures in American international affairs.