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A work that is edited with prolegomena, critical apparatus, appendix, and index.
Introd. Alcestis in myth and legend ; Alcestis in Greek literature ; Euripides and Alcestis ; Alcestis and the poets ; Alcestis and the critics ; The transmission of the text ; The metres of Alcestis ; Sources for the text ; Symbols used in the apparatus ; Metrical symbols and abbreviations -- The hypotheses -- The characters -- Text -- Commentary -- -- Editions : a select list.
This volume looks at literature of the Hellenistic period.
Ancient greek sholarship constitutes a precious resource for classicists, but one that is underutilized because graduate students and even mature scholars lack familiarity with its conventions. The peculiarities of scholarly Greek and the lack of translations or scholarly aids often discourages readers from exploiting the large body of commentaries, scholia, lexica, and grammatical treatises that have been preserved on papyrus and via the manuscript tradition. Now, for the first time, there is an introduction to such scholarship that will enable students and scholars unfamiliar with this material to use it in their work. Ancient Greek Scholarship includes detailed discussion of the individual ancient authors on whose works scholia, commentaries, or single-author lexica exist, together with explanations of the probable sources of that scholarship and the ways it is now used, as well as descriptions of extant grammatical works and general lexica. These discussions, and the annotated bibliography of more than 1200 works, also include evaluations of the different texts of each work and of a variety of electronic resources. This book not only introduces readers to ancient scholarship, but also teaches them how to read it. Here readers will find a detailed, step-by-step introduction to the language, a glossary of over 1500 grammatical terms, and a set of more than 200 passages for translation, each accompanied by commentary. The commentaries offer enough help to enable undergraduates with as little as two years of Greek to translate most passages with confidence; in addition, readers are given aids to handling the ancient numerical systems, understanding the references found in works of ancient scholarship, and using an apparatus criticus (including an extensive key to the abbreviations used in an apparatus). Half the passages are accompanied by a key, so that the book is equally suitable for those studying on their own and for classes with graded homework.
This volume contains the expanded papers of the second workshop of the European Science Foundation Network on the "Classical Tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance", devoted to classical scholarship in the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance. It focuses on commentaries on Horace, Lucan, Statius and Terence, Byzantine grammatical commentaries, accessus ad auctores, Old High German glosses, and pseudo-antique literature. A comprehensive bibliography, containing some thousand items, makes this an essential tool for anyone concerned with the diverse aspects of mediaeval and renaissance scholarship, in particular in relation to classical Greek and Latin texts, textual criticism, commentaries and glosses, and questions of attribution.
Torben Vestergaard, Mogens Herman Hansen, Lene Rubenstein, Lars Bjertrup & Thomas Heine Nielsen: The Age-structure of Athenian Citizens Commemorated in Sepulchral Inscriptions Jens A. Krasilnikoff: Aegean Mercenaries in the Fourth to Second Centuries BC. A Study in Payment, Plunder and Logistics of Ancient Greek Armies Eberhard Ruschenbusch: Eine Richtigstellung zu V. Gabrielsen, Trierarchic Symmories, C&M XLI (1990) 89-118 Vincent Gabrielsen: Trierarchic Symmories. A Note Vincent Gabrielsen: The Status of Rhodioi in Hellenistic Rhodes Simon Laursen: Theocritus' Hymn to the Dioscuri. Unity and Intention Georg Græsholt: Philo of Alexandria. Some Typical Traits of his Jewish Identity Stig Bergquist: Considerations on Yields, the Distribution of Crops and the Size of Estates. Three Roman Agricultural Units John Barsby: The Stage Movements of 'Demipho' in the Greek Original of Terence Phormio 311ff Eva Maria Lassen: The Ultimate Crime. Parricidium and the Concept of Family in the Late Roman Republic and Early Empire Karin Hult: Marinus the Samaritan. A Study of Damascius Vit.Isid. fr. 141 Michale Whitby: The Era of Philip and the Cronicle of Zuqnin Ole L. Smith: Tricliniana II Panagiotis A. Agapitos: Byzantine Literature and Greek Philologists in the Nineteenth Century Geoffrey Nathan: The Last Emperor. The Fate of Romulus Augustulus Loren J. Samons II: The Vita Liutbirgae Neil Adkin: Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillion. Anticlaudianus 1, 167-170
For generations, the Royal Library in Denmark has contributed to or published bibliographies within the field of humanities and social sciences. This bibliography of Classical studies is a continuation of P.A. Hansen's Bibliography of Danish Contributions to Classical Scholarship from the Sixteenth Century to 1970 (Copenhagen 1977), continuing up to 1991. It restricts itself to Classical Antiquity, from which follows the exclusion of Theology (comprising works by or on Christian writers in antiquity, as well as the Scriptures), Middle Latin, Byzantine Greek (scholia on classical writers excepted), the Classical tradition, and the ancient cultures outside the classical world.
A study of the presence and effects of rhythm in Byzantine rhetoric, its musical qualities, and its function in argumentation.