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An epidemic of a novel coronavirus emerged from Wuhan, China, in late December 2019 and has since spread to other parts of China and several foreign countries. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)pneumonia, which is believed to be an acute respiratory infectious disease, has been included among the Class B infectious diseases stipulated in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and measures for prevention and control of Class A infectious diseases have been adopted for this disease. Thanks to the implementation of a series of countermeasures including prevention, control and medical treatments, the outbreak of the epidemic in China has been curbed to a certain extent and the situation in most of the provinces has been alleviated; nevertheless, the number of newly confirmed cases in foreign countries are on the rise. Based on the increased awareness of the clinical manifestations and pathological features of this disease and the accumulated experience in diagnosis and treatment, the Scheme for Diagnosis and Treatment of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia(The 6th Trial Edition) was revised and the 7th edition was developed, with the aims to provide clinical guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, improve the cure rate, reduce the mortality, minimize nosocomial infections, as well as raise awareness on the potential transmission and spreading of the virus caused by the imported cases.
This book is a practical manual for anti-COVID-19. It is not only with the reference to the result of modern medical science, patients’ situation, but also take the deployment of medical resources into consideration. Content of this manual includes: Medical administration under emergent circumstances, protection and control of hospital infection, clinical practice guidance for diagnosis and therapy, the application of radiation for the examination, laboratory diagnosis, inhabitation of inflammatory cytokines crisis, plasma of patient in the recovery stage, and traditional Chinese medical science etcetera. Authors are from Union hospital, Tongji medical college in Wuhan city, who has first-hand experiences. This book is a collection and fusion of such experiences in fighting against epidemic infectious disease. It is a timely book for doctors who are fighting against COVID-19.
This book introduces the epidemiological characteristics, etiology, molecular biology, virology and the latest research progress of COVID-19. It also presents the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of the new infectious disease. The content is based on literature review of a large number of relevant articles published in China and abroad, as well as the experience of medical workers in this field in China. In the pandemic, experts from major hospitals in Shanghai had successfully treated more than 300 patients with COVID-19. Their valuable experience in diagnosis and treatment has been summarized and included in the book. It is hoped that this book will be helpful to the vast number of readers who are concerned about the research progress and treatment of COVID-19.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has spread throughout the globe and much time has passed since it was declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19: Diagnosis and Management provides clinicians and scholars all the information on this disease in 2 volumes. Readers will find a concise and visual reference for this viral disease and will be equipped with the knowledge to assess and manage Sar-Cov-2 infection cases in clinical settings. This book is divided into two parts (I and II). Part I provides comprehensive information about 1) History of Coronaviruses, 2) Epidemiology of COVID-19, 3) Clinical presentation of this viral disease and 4) COVID-19 diagnosis. Part II covers broader topics about this communicable disease including 1) the prevention and treatment methodology, 2) mortality and long-term complications, 3) COVID-19 vaccines and future perspectives. Key Features: Covers all the aspects of COVID-19 making this a perfect textbook for virology and medical students. Chapter wise description and segregation of topics from pathophysiology to diagnosis and management of COVID-19. Six chapters in the first part which focus on clinical basics of COVID-19. Six chapters in the first part which cover broader topics for practical infection control. Multiple tables and figures which summarize and highlight important points. Presents a summary of the current standards for the evaluation and diagnosis of COVID-19. Features a detailed list of references, abbreviations, and symbols. This book is an essential textbook reference for medical students, scientists (virologists, pulmonologists) and public health officials who are required to understand COVDI-19 diagnosis and management as part of their clinical training or professional work.
The management of COVID-19 is challenging due to the lack of clear information about the Sars-Cov2 and recommendations for specific treatment regimens. The scale of the pandemic has also exacerbated the situation, with health care systems under stress from the high volume of COVID-19 patients. In Demystifying COVID-19: Understanding the Disease, Its Diagnosis, and Treatment, medical experts explain many aspects about the COVID-19 pandemic, including guidelines to minimize risk of infection, diagnostic methods, treatment, real scenarios in the course of the disease and issues that need attention in specific patient groups. The book equips both general readers and healthcare professionals with key information required to understand COVID-19 and navigate a situation typical to a pandemic. Public health officials who wish to mobilize awareness campaigns for the benefit of the general public can also find value in the comprehensive information presented in this reference.
Umfassende Betrachtung aller wesentlichen Aspekte von COVID-19, insbesondere der Ätiologie, Diagnose, Symptomatologie, Versorgung und Behandlung Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Clinical Guide bietet Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe auf allen Ebenen aktuelle Erkenntnisse über die klinischen, epidemiologischen, genomischen, virologischen und radiologischen Merkmale von COVID-19. Mit diesem umfassenden Lehrwerk werden zahlreiche systematische Übersichten und Meta-Analysen in einem einzigen Band zusammengeführt. Darüber hinaus werden Themen wie gesundheitspolitische Maßnahmen, Notfallpläne für einen Massenanfall von Erkrankten, die Sicherheit des Gesundheitspersonals, die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen, die Lehren für künftige Pandemieausbrüche und weitere paraklinische und soziale Aspekte der COVID-19-Pandemie betrachtet. Das Buch bietet eine gründliche Zusammenfassung und kritische Analyse von COVID-19 auf Grundlage einer umfassenden Durchsicht der neuesten veröffentlichten Literatur und Daten. Dargestellt werden die virologischen Eigenschaften von SARS-CoV-2, pulmonale und extrapulmonale Manifestationen und Folgen von COVID-19, die Prävention und Eindämmung der Übertragung, die direkten Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Versorgung und Behandlung von Patienten mit anderen Erkrankungen, die passive Immuntherapie und ihre Auswirkungen, Diagnose- und Behandlungsansätze für kritisch erkrankte Patienten und viele weitere Themen. Herausgeber ist ein führender Mediziner, der an der Spitze der COVID-19-Forschung steht. Dieses unverzichtbare Referenzwerk bietet außerdem: * Eine Zusammenführung klinischer, radiologischer und epidemiologischer Daten sowie eine Betrachtung der Prävention, Diagnose und Behandlung * Erörterungen der Epidemiologie, Wirkmechanismen, Erscheinungsformen und Behandlung von kardiovaskulären, neurologischen und pulmonalen Erkrankungen in Verbindung mit COVID-19 * Einen Überblick über die Diagnosetechniken, insbesondere radiologische Bildgebung und RT-PCR-Tests * Eine Analyse der therapeutischen Ansätze zur Behandlung unterschiedlicher Komplikationen * Eine Erörterung der Behandlung von Symptomen nach der Impfung und der Auswirkungen der Immunisierung * Informationen über COVID-19 in der Pädiatrie, bei Krebspatienten sowie bei Patienten mit Lungenerkrankungen, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck, Adipositas und anderen Grunderkrankungen Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Clinical Guide ist eine unverzichtbare Informationsquelle für Ärzte, Forscher, Epidemiologen, Krankenhauspersonal, Radiologen und Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen, die mit beliebigen Aspekten der COVID-19-Pandemie konfrontiert sind.
As the dawn of 2020 arrived, a new threat to Mankind was revealed in the form of- novel Corona Virus, claiming lives incessantly all over the world. Starting in the end of 2019, December, this strain of Corona virus was first isolated from Wuhan, China. The never before identified strain of Corona virus in man, was named as novel Corona virus (2019-nCoV). The infection caused has now been named as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19). With the physicians still to learn about its behaviour and with no cure at hand, the disease turned into pandemic very soon. World Health Organization instructed all information regarding COVID-19 accessible, so as to doctors and health workers all over the world can use it for better management of the patients globally. Association of Physicians of India has also followed the foot-steps of WHO and has committed itself for the integration of knowledge among the nation and its members regarding COVID-19 through this book Clinical Updates on COVID- 19. As severe forms of the infection have been encountered by the individuals suffering from co-morbidities, this book has addressed Covid 19 infection in such patients with great details. Hope this book will be helpful for all the practicing physicians and resident doctors in combating this Pandemic all over the world.
COVID-19: The Essentials of Prevention and Treatment elaborates on the ethology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, treatment principles, rehabilitation and prevention, and prevention and control measures for COVID-19. Aimed at healthcare workers, and written to be a practical guide, six chapters cover the following aspects of COVID-19: respiratory viruses; pathogenesis; case definitions and diagnosis; treatment; prevention and disease control; and prospects for the management and research of respiratory virus infections. This book gives first-hand information on the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. COVID-19 was recognized as a pandemic in March 2020 by the World Health Organization. It is a disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Physicians working in China, particularly where the outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, have built up knowledge of prevention and control measures, and diagnosis and treatment of this disease. These insights are now globally relevant. The authors of this book are senior physicians specializing in respiratory diseases, pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine, and are all clinical and scientific research experts working in China, with particular experience in Wuhan. Describes the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 Offers practical guidance to healthcare professionals for COVID-19 Gives clinical insights in a question and answer format Details first-hand experience in Chinese cities during the initial outbreak Presents insights that healthcare professionals need to prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19
This timely volume is a comprehensive review of the evolution, diagnosis, prevention, control, and treatment strategies (both modern as well as complementary and alternative) being used against COVID-19. With chapters written by experts in diverse medical fields from around the world, the volume presents authentic and easily understood information on this novel and often deadly virus. The book is organized in sections that cover pathology, epidemiology, and diagnosis; prevention strategies; and treatment. The book first covers the morphology, pathogenesis, genome organization and replication of coronavirus (COVID-19) and then goes on to address epidemiology and pathogenesis, the psychological effects, and detection assays and techniques. Chapters on prevention strategies discuss social distancing and quarantine, face masks and hand sanitizers, lockdown strategies, and vaccines. The authors also cover diverse treatment strategies, including using medicinal plants, natural products, and traditional Chinese medicines as well as nanomedicines.
Almost nine months since the first recorded case, the novel betacoronovirus; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has now passed 18 million confirmed cases. The multi-disciplinary work of researchers worldwide has provided a far deeper understanding of COVID-19 pathogenesis, clinical treatment and outcomes, lethality, disease-spread dynamics, period of infectivity, containment interventions, as well as providing a wealth of relevant epidemiological data. With 27 vaccines currently undergoing human trials, and countries worldwide continuing to battle case numbers, or prepare for resurgences, the need for efficient, high-quality pipelines for peer-reviewed research remains as crucial as ever.