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Probabilistic topic models have proven to be an extremely versatile class of mixed-membership models for discovering the thematic structure of text collections. There are many possible applications, covering a broad range of areas of study: technology, natural science, social science and the humanities. In this thesis, a new efficient parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference algorithm is proposed for Bayesian inference in large topic models. The proposed methods scale well with the corpus size and can be used for other probabilistic topic models and other natural language processing applications. The proposed methods are fast, efficient, scalable, and will converge to the true posterior distribution. In addition, in this thesis a supervised topic model for high-dimensional text classification is also proposed, with emphasis on interpretable document prediction using the horseshoe shrinkage prior in supervised topic models. Finally, we develop a model and inference algorithm that can model agenda and framing of political speeches over time with a priori defined topics. We apply the approach to analyze the evolution of immigration discourse in the Swedish parliament by combining theory from political science and communication science with a probabilistic topic model. Probabilistiska ämnesmodeller (topic models) är en mångsidig klass av modeller för att estimera ämnessammansättningar i större corpusar. Applikationer finns i ett flertal vetenskapsområden som teknik, naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap och humaniora. I denna avhandling föreslås nya effektiva och parallella Markov Chain Monte Carlo algoritmer för Bayesianska ämnesmodeller. De föreslagna metoderna skalar väl med storleken på corpuset och kan användas för flera olika ämnesmodeller och liknande modeller inom språkteknologi. De föreslagna metoderna är snabba, effektiva, skalbara och konvergerar till den sanna posteriorfördelningen. Dessutom föreslås en ämnesmodell för högdimensionell textklassificering, med tonvikt på tolkningsbar dokumentklassificering genom att använda en kraftigt regulariserande priorifördelningar. Slutligen utvecklas en ämnesmodell för att analyzera "agenda" och "framing" för ett förutbestämt ämne. Med denna metod analyserar vi invandringsdiskursen i Sveriges Riksdag över tid, genom att kombinera teori från statsvetenskap, kommunikationsvetenskap och probabilistiska ämnesmodeller.
Probabilistic topic models have proven to be an extremely versatile class of mixed-membership models for discovering the thematic structure of text collections. There are many possible applications, covering a broad range of areas of study: technology, natural science, social science and the humanities. In this thesis, a new efficient parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference algorithm is proposed for Bayesian inference in large topic models. The proposed methods scale well with the corpus size and can be used for other probabilistic topic models and other natural language processing applications. The proposed methods are fast, efficient, scalable, and will converge to the true posterior distribution. In addition, in this thesis a supervised topic model for high-dimensional text classification is also proposed, with emphasis on interpretable document prediction using the horseshoe shrinkage prior in supervised topic models. Finally, we develop a model and inference algorithm that can model agenda and framing of political speeches over time with a priori defined topics. We apply the approach to analyze the evolution of immigration discourse in the Swedish parliament by combining theory from political science and communication science with a probabilistic topic model.
How can we automate and scale up the processes of learning accurate probabilistic models of complex data and obtaining principled solutions to probabilistic inference and analysis queries? This thesis presents efficient techniques for addressing these fundamental challenges grounded in probabilistic programming, that is, by representing probabilistic models as computer programs in specialized programming languages. First, I introduce scalable methods for real-time synthesis of probabilistic programs in domain-specific data modeling languages, by performing Bayesian structure learning over hierarchies of symbolic program representations. These methods let us automatically discover accurate and interpretable models in a variety of settings, including cross-sectional data, relational data, and univariate and multivariate time series data; as well as models whose structures are generated by probabilistic context-free grammars. Second, I describe SPPL, a probabilistic programming language that integrates knowledge compilation and symbolic analysis to compute sound exact answers to many Bayesian inference queries about both hand-written and machine-synthesized probabilistic programs. Third, I present fast algorithms for analyzing statistical properties of probabilistic programs in cases where exact inference is intractable. These algorithms operate entirely through black-box computational interfaces to probabilistic programs and solve challenging problems such as estimating bounds on the information flow between arbitrary sets of program variables and testing the convergence of sampling-based algorithms for approximate posterior inference. A large collection of empirical evaluations establish that, taken together, these techniques can outperform multiple state-of-the-art systems across diverse real-world data science problems, which include adapting to extreme novelty in streaming time series data; imputing and forecasting sparse multivariate flu rates; discovering commonsense clusters in relational and temporal macroeconomic data; generating synthetic satellite records with realistic orbital physics; finding information-theoretically optimal medical tests for liver disease and diabetes; and verifying the fairness of machine learning classifiers.
Probabilistic modeling, as known as probabilistic machine learning, provides a principled framework for learning from data, with the key advantage of offering rigorous solutions for uncertainty quantification. In the era of big and complex data, there is an urgent need for new inference methods in probabilistic modeling to extract information from data effectively and efficiently. This thesis shows how to do theoretically-guaranteed scalable and reliable inference for modern machine learning. Considering both theory and practice, we provide foundational understanding of scalable and reliable inference methods and practical algorithms of new inference methods, as well as extensive empirical evaluation on common machine learning and deep learning tasks. Classical inference algorithms, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo, have enabled probabilistic modeling to achieve gold standard results on many machine learning tasks. However, these algorithms are rarely used in modern machine learning due to the difficulty of scaling up to large datasets. Existing work suggests that there is an inherent trade-off between scalability and reliability, forcing practitioners to choose between expensive exact methods and biased scalable ones. To overcome the current trade-off, we introduce general and theoretically grounded frameworks to enable fast and asymptotically correct inference, with applications to Gibbs sampling, Metropolis-Hastings and Langevin dynamics. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved impressive success on a variety of learning problems in recent years. However, DNNs have been criticized for being unable to estimate uncertainty accurately. Probabilistic modeling provides a principled alternative that can mitigate this issue; they are able to account for model uncertainty and achieve automatic complexity control. In this thesis, we analyze the key challenges of probabilistic inference in deep learning, and present novel approaches for fast posterior inference of neural network weights.
Statistical topic models are a class of probabilistic latent variable models for textual data that represent text documents as distributions over topics. These models have been shown to produce interpretable summarization of documents in the form of topics. In this book, we describe how the statistical topic modeling framework can be used for information retrieval tasks and for the integration of background knowledge in the form of semantic concepts. We first describe the special-words topic models in which a document is represented as a distribution of (i) a mixture of shared topics, (ii) a special-words distribution specific to the document, and (iii) a corpus-level background distribution. We describe the utility of the special-words topic models for information retrieval tasks. We next describe the problem of integrating background knowledge in the form of semantic concepts into the topic modeling framework. To combine data-driven topics and semantic concepts, we describe the concept-topic model and the hierarchical concept-topic model which represent a document as a distribution over data-driven topics and semantic concepts.
Recent advances in the area of lifted inference, which exploits the structure inherent in relational probabilistic models. Statistical relational AI (StaRAI) studies the integration of reasoning under uncertainty with reasoning about individuals and relations. The representations used are often called relational probabilistic models. Lifted inference is about how to exploit the structure inherent in relational probabilistic models, either in the way they are expressed or by extracting structure from observations. This book covers recent significant advances in the area of lifted inference, providing a unifying introduction to this very active field. After providing necessary background on probabilistic graphical models, relational probabilistic models, and learning inside these models, the book turns to lifted inference, first covering exact inference and then approximate inference. In addition, the book considers the theory of liftability and acting in relational domains, which allows the connection of learning and reasoning in relational domains.
Digital media collections hold an unprecedented source of knowledge and data about the world. Yet, even at current scales, the data exceeds by many orders of magnitude the amount a single user could browse through in an entire lifetime. Making use of such data requires computational tools that can index, search over, and organize media documents in ways that are meaningful to human users, based on the meaning of their content. This dissertation develops an automated approach to analyzing digital media content based on topic models. Its primary contribution, the Infinite-Word Topic Model (IWTM), helps extend topic modeling to digital media domains by removing model assumptions that do not make sense for them -- in particular, the assumption that documents are composed of discrete, mutually-exclusive words from a fixed-size vocabulary. While conventional topic models like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) require that media documents be converted into bags of words, IWTM incorporates clustering into its probabilistic model and treats the vocabulary size as a random quantity to be inferred based on the data. Among its other benefits, IWTM achieves better performance than LDA while automating the selection of the vocabulary size. This dissertation contributes fast, scalable variational inference methods for IWTM that allow the model to be applied to large datasets. Furthermore, it introduces a new method, Incremental Variational Inference (IVI), for training IWTM and other Bayesian non-parametric models efficiently on growing datasets. IVI allows such models to grow in complexity as the dataset grows, as their priors state that they should. Finally, building on IVI, an active learning method for topic models is developed that intelligently samples new data, resulting in models that train faster, achieve higher performance, and use smaller amounts of labeled data.
Multi-instance data, in which each object (e.g., a document) is a collection of instances (e.g., word), are widespread in machine learning, signal processing, computer vision, bioinformatic, music, and social sciences. Existing probabilistic models, e.g., latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), probabilistic latent semantic indexing (pLSI), and discrete component analysis (DCA), have been developed for modeling and analyzing multiinstance data. Such models introduce a generative process for multi-instance data which includes a low dimensional latent structure. While such models offer a great freedom in capturing the natural structure in the data, their inference may present challenges. For example, the sensitivity in choosing the hyper-parameters in such models, requires careful inference (e.g., through cross-validation) which results in large computational complexity. The inference for fully Bayesian models which contain no hyper-parameters often involves slowly converging sampling methods. In this work, we develop approaches for addressing such challenges and further enhancing the utility of such models. This dissertation demonstrates a unified convex framework for probabilistic modeling of multi-instance data. The three main aspects of the proposed framework are as follows. First, joint regularization is incorporated into multiple density estimation to simultaneously learn the structure of the distribution space and infer each distribution. Second, a novel confidence constraints framework is used to facilitate a tuning-free approach to control the amount of regularization required for the joint multiple density estimation with theoretical guarantees on correct structure recovery. Third, we formulate the problem using a convex framework and propose efficient optimization algorithms to solve it. This work addresses the unique challenges associated with both discrete and continuous domains. In the discrete domain we propose a confidence-constrained rank minimization (CRM) to recover the exact number of topics in topic models with theoretical guarantees on recovery probability and mean squared error of the estimation. We provide a computationally efficient optimization algorithm for the problem to further the applicability of the proposed framework to large real world datasets. In the continuous domain, we propose to use the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) framework for multi-instance datasets. In this approach, bags of instances are represented as distributions using the principle of MaxEnt. We learn basis functions which span the space of distributions for jointly regularized density estimation. The basis functions are analogous to topics in a topic model. We validate the efficiency of the proposed framework in the discrete and continuous domains by extensive set of experiments on synthetic datasets as well as on real world image and text datasets and compare the results with state-of-the-art algorithms.
A guide for using computational text analysis to learn about the social world From social media posts and text messages to digital government documents and archives, researchers are bombarded with a deluge of text reflecting the social world. This textual data gives unprecedented insights into fundamental questions in the social sciences, humanities, and industry. Meanwhile new machine learning tools are rapidly transforming the way science and business are conducted. Text as Data shows how to combine new sources of data, machine learning tools, and social science research design to develop and evaluate new insights. Text as Data is organized around the core tasks in research projects using text—representation, discovery, measurement, prediction, and causal inference. The authors offer a sequential, iterative, and inductive approach to research design. Each research task is presented complete with real-world applications, example methods, and a distinct style of task-focused research. Bridging many divides—computer science and social science, the qualitative and the quantitative, and industry and academia—Text as Data is an ideal resource for anyone wanting to analyze large collections of text in an era when data is abundant and computation is cheap, but the enduring challenges of social science remain. Overview of how to use text as data Research design for a world of data deluge Examples from across the social sciences and industry