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Why is cloning wrong? Does the Bible say a divorced person can remarry? Can angels sin? Is body piercing wrong? Can demons read our thoughts? Dr. Elmer Towns, author of over 80 books and Dean of Liberty University's School of Religion, answers these and many other questions you have wondered about.Written for the new Christian too embarrassed to ask, and for the long-time Christian who still has unanswered questions, this one-volume, indexed resource provides the kind of responses your own pastor would give as you're shaking hands after the Sunday morning sermon-short, knowledgeable, and to the point. Topics covered include: Politics The Bible,The Holy Spirit,and Angels Creation Demons and the DevilĀ· God's Names Prayer, Salvation, and Sin If you have questions-and who doesn't-Bible Answers for Almost All Your Questions is an essential resource.
"The Excellency of Christ" was preached in Northampton, Massachusetts by Jonathan Edwards and printed in 1738. This sermon explains Christ's excellency in terms of almost contradictory conjunctions such as Christ being a lion and also a lamb at the same time. In the APPLICATION the reader is exhorted to love and embrace Christ as friend, portion and Savior because of His many excellencies.
One, and the chief, design of this volume is to exhibit and illustrate the practical character of our Lord's emotional nature thus linking Him in closer and more personal actuality with our circumstances. Every endeavor to bring into more proximate communion the personality of Christ, and the individuality of the Christian, cannot fail, however imperfect the execution, to promote the holiest interests of experimental Christianity. Much that passes for sympathy, and is really so, as commonly understood, is deficient in this one essential element, and needs to be remodeled. There is poetry and there is beauty in real sympathy; but there is more there is action. True sympathy may exist impotent to aid, we concede, and its silent expression may not, in some instances, be the less grateful and soothing; but the noblest and most powerful form of sympathy is not merely the responsive tear, the echoed sigh, the answering look it is the embodiment of the sentiment in actual help. It identifies itself with the object of its commiseration so personally and so closely as to realize the apostle's beautiful idea of true sympathy "Remember those who are in bonds, as bound with them; and those who suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." This was preeminently the character of Christ's compassion when on earth. He was willing Himself to wear the chain He came to loose, to share the sorrow He came to soothe; and the remembrance that He was likewise "in the body" constantly forced itself upon His mind, imparting to His deep sensibility and tender compassion the power and the luster of an actual and personal participation in the calamities He repaired, the needs He met, and the griefs He assuaged. Thus, from His practical sympathy, who is the Great Teacher of the Church, and the "Consolation of Israel," may we derive lessons of holy instruction, and streams of the richest comfort. To aid this object, the present volume is, with diffidence, offered to the Christian Church. Composed under the pressure of important ministerial, extended pastoral, and continuous public labor, it necessarily partakes of the imperfections of a work thus written, and often at a season when the jaded powers, both of mind and body, demanded the restorative of sleep. But if the "lame take the prey," the author may humbly hope that this lowly attempt to present the Savior more vividly to the personal realization of the reader, and thus render Him more loved and precious, and His example more closely studied and imitated, will not be without acceptance and blessing to the one Church of God, the sorrowing, suffering Body of a Divine and sympathizing Head. The Triune Jehovah bless the work, and to the Sacred Three in One shall be the glory! Amen.
If any portion of the Old Testament has come in for undeservedly scant attention, it has been the minor prophets. Their significance has been obscured by our neglect. Among the major messages of these prophets, that of Zechariah shines forth with special prominence. Zechariah's prophecy is given primarily to console and comfort weary Israel. The nation's initial enthusiasm for rebuilding the temple and resettling the land had waned. With growing opposition to the temple reconstruction, they had turned to the pursuit of their own affairs. Zechariah (along with Haggai) arduously seeks to bring Israel from their indifference to a complete spiritual return to the Lord. The prophet's pronouncement is of a coming day of unparalleled glory - a day when Messiah will rule the entire earth from Jerusalem. The book's major eschatological importance can be clearly seen for it reveals a wealth of information about Messiah and about the future and role of Israel during the important Day of Jehovah. The prophet provides this information for us in concise, epitomized form. In 'God Remembers,' Charles Feinberg brings a high level of scholarship to his study of this significant and exegetically difficult book. His familiarity with and love for the Old Testament can be readily seen in his thorough and readable exposition of the message of Zechariah. In addition to the main body of the commentary, 'God Remembers' includes an informative introduction, thorough scripture and subject indexes, and an annotated selected bibliography, further enhancing the usefulness of this important reference work.
Life, Death, and After Why a Biblical Perspective? By: Jack M. Hilliard Have you ever wondered why you are here? What life is really about? When and how you will die? What happens after death? All these questions are important. Throughout generations all people have asked these questions. Our life could end at any moment without notice. The end of this world as we know it may be near. If that did happen would you be ready to face death? This book will explain what we should be doing today to prepare for this event. It will also explain what God says happens after death. We will explain why the Bible is without error and how we can trust its truths about life, death, and all other subjects. Life is not a promise it is a gift. Each of us will face death. Are you ready? Jack M. Hilliard received his BS and MBA from California Coast University. He is the Author of "Understanding Revelation" ISBN 978-1-60791-055-8 hardback, and ISBN 978-1-60266-650-4 paperback, published by Xulon Press in 2007 and 2008. Jack has been a student of the Bible since his salvation experience in 1978. He has served God by teaching Sunday school for over twenty years, teaching teachers, serving as Chairman of the Deacons, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, etc. Jack retired in 2005 after serving 35 years in the utility industry, where he held positions of leadership as he served as General Manager of a Utility, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the: Tennessee Valley Municipal Gas Association, Alabama Natural Gas Association, American Public Gas Association, Electric Cities of Alabama, and APGA Research Foundation, Inc. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Gas Research Institute and Gas Technology Institute.
This book retells the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on what has become Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-38, and John 12:12-19). The Arch? Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.
The Evangelical Parallel New Testament features the New Testaments of eight translations that are used by various segments within the American evangelical community today. It includes the recently published English Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Version, The Message, the New Living Translation and Today's New International Version. The EPNT shows the translation philosophies and word choices made by diverse groups of evangelical scholars in the last three decades of the Twentieth Century.
"Collected from his writings in Lutherische Brosamen, 1876; Ansprachen und Gebete, 1888; Casual Predigten und Reden, 1889; Festklaenge, 1892."