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Accurate tropical cyclone (TC) intensity estimates are best achieved from satellite observations. The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) has operated since 1998 on polar-orbiting environmental satellites and is able to measure the warm temperature anomaly in the upper troposphere above a TC's center. Through hydrostatic equilibrium, this warm anomaly is roughly proportional to the TC's sea-level pressure anomaly. Based on this principle, the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) provides near real-time AMSU-based estimates of TC minimum sea-level pressure (MSLP) to forecast centers worldwide. These estimates are as accurate as the benchmark Dvorak technique, but are subject to error caused by precipitation effects (primarily brightness temperature reduction by scattering) on the AMSU 55 GHz channels sensitive to upper-tropospheric temperature. Simulated AMSU brightness temperatures (TB's) are produced by a polarized reverse Monte Carlo radiative transfer model using representative TC precipitation profiles. Results suggest that precipitation depression of high-frequency window channel TB's is correlated with depression of sounding channel TB's and can be used to correct for scattering effects on the AMSU channels used in TC intensity estimates. Analysis of AMSU data over the tropical oceans confirms this, and forms the basis for an empirical scattering correction using AMSU 31 and 89 GHz TB's. This scattering correction reduces CIMSS TC MSLP algorithm RMS error by 10% in a 7-year, 497 observation sample.
Climate and other environmental changes are drawing unprecedented concern and attention from national governments, international organizations and local communities. Global warming has left noticeable impacts on the environment and the ecosystems it supports (including humans), and has important implications for sustainable economic and social development in the future. Satellite observations of climate and environmental change have become an increasingly important tool in recent years in helping to shape the response of international communities to this critical global challenge. The book presents the latest advances in satellite-based remote sensing of the Earth’s environment - ranging from applications in climate and atmospheric science to hydrology, oceanography, hydrology, geomorphology, ecology and fire studies. Introductory chapters also cover key technical aspects such as instrumentation, calibration, data analysis, and GIS tools for decision-making.
This book deals with recent advances in our understanding and prediction of tropical cyclogenesis, intensification and movement as well as landfall processes like heavy rainfall, gale wind and storm surge based on the latest observational and numerical weather prediction (NWP) modeling platforms. It also includes tropical cyclone (TC) management issues like early warning systems, recent high impact TC events, disaster preparedness, assessment of risk and vulnerability including construction, archiving and retrieval of the best tracking and historical data sets, policy decision etc., in view of recent findings on climate change aspects and their impact on TC activity. The chapters are authored by leading experts, both from research and operational environments. This book is relevant to cyclone forecasters and researchers, managers, policy makers, graduate and undergraduate students. It intends to stimulate thinking and hence further research in the field of TCs and climate change, especially over the Indian Ocean region and provides high-quality reference materials for all the users mentioned above for the management of TCs over this region.
Today, tropical cyclones continue to bring destruction, as well as disruption, to societies that are exposed to their threat. This book represents a compilation of recent cutting-edge research on tropical cyclones and their impacts from researchers at many institutions around the world. This book contains new looks at tropical cyclone dynamics, the use of satellite-based remote sensing in the detection and climatology of tropical cyclones, and the modeling and prediction of tropical cyclones as well as their associated impacts. This book would make a nice addition to any course on tropical meteorology highlighting topics of interest in recent research on this topic.
Atmospheric Satellite Observations: Variation Assimilation and Quality Assurance provides an invaluable reference for satellite data assimilation. Topics covered include linear algebra, frequently used statistical methods, the interpolation role of function fitting, filtering when dealing with real observations, minimization in data assimilation systems, 3D-Var and the inverse problem it solves, 4D-Var and adjoint techniques, and much more. The book concludes with satellite observation of hurricanes. Contains mathematical concepts from several branches of study, including calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, functional analysis, and minimization Illustrates quality assurance for satellite observations using real data examples Includes a dedicated chapter on how different satellite instruments see hurricanes Reviews theory, system development, and the numerical experiments of three- and four-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-Var/4D-Var)
In tropical cyclones, a strong inverse relationship exists between the magnitude of the upper-tropospheric warm anomaly (UTWA) and minimum sea level pressure (MSLP). Uniquely poised to capture this warming aloft, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) flown aboard current National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar-orbiting satellites is capable of observing Tropical Cyclones (TC's) worldwide. A physical/statistical MSLP estimation algorithm based on AMSU brightness temperature anomalies (dTbs) has been operating in an experimental mode at the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (UW-CIMSS) for two years. The algorithm relies on a single AMSU channel (54.9 GHz) and shows great promise as a viable TC analysis tool. However, the radiances can be susceptible to environmental variability leading to sub-sampling and errors in MSLP. The goal of this research is to improve the existing single-channel algorithm by introducing an additional channel (55.5 GHz) that seeks to capture the true magnitude of the UTWA in instances when the single channel fails. By implementing the multi-channel approach, the goal is to create an operationally viable satellite-based guidance tool to help support tropical forecast and analysis centers worldwide.
A fair question to ask of an advocate of subjective Bayesianism (which the author is) is "how would you model uncertainty?" In this book, the author writes about how he has done it using real problems from the past, and offers additional comments about the context in which he was working.
This book discusses in detail the science and morphology of powerful hurricane detection systems. It broadly addresses new approaches to monitoring hazards using freely available images from the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Sentinel-1 SAR satellite and benchmarks a new interdisciplinary field at the interface between oceanography, meteorology and remote sensing. Following the launch of the first European Space Agency (ESA) operational synthetic aperture radar satellite, Sentinel-1, in 2014, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data has been freely available on the Internet hub in real-time. This advance allows weather forecasters to view hurricanes in fine detail for the first time. As a result, the number of synthetic aperture radar research scientists working in this field is set to grow exponentially in the next decade; the book is a valuable resource for this large and budding audience.