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LA has known its share of notorious murderers. Hickman, Glatman, Bashor, Sirhan, Manson, Turner, Bianchi and Buono, just to name an ugly few. These remain stories told once and again. Tragic cases that commanded varying degrees of attention. None upset the urban routine like the Night Stalker. His crimes activated insecurities previously foreign to Angelenos. Brutal and unthinkable killings moved millions to a state of near lockdown. Law enforcement's simultaneous scramble aimed to calm the masses and catch a killer. The effect on the millions of innocents was patently unfair, but proved abundantly necessary. The social impact of the serial killings and serial crimes committed by Richard Ramirez is discussed by a number of contributors who bolted doors, locked windows and took up arms in the heat of just a single summer. It was 1985.It was Satan's Summer in the City of Angels.
Illuminating the Dark Side’s Spirits, Fiends, Devils, and Demons. Throughout human history, we have been obsessed with the dark opposites of God and angels, light, and mercy. Whether it is our religious and sacred texts, folklore and myths of old, legends, fairy tales, novels, or the movies and television shows of today, the dark entities enthrall us, terrify us, and remind us of the dualities of life. But where did they originate? Are they real? Does every religion or region of the world include them? Exploring over two dozen religious traditions, myths, folkloric and spiritual traditions, the world of the supernatural, and the demons, the Devil, and fallen angels in today’s pop culture, Demons, the Devil, and Fallen Angels is a comprehensive resource of the many faces of the devil, his minions, ominous deities, and the darker side of nature and ourselves. From ancient demon worship to modern Satanism, the bloody era of the Inquisitions and later witch burnings to the Satanic Panic of the late-twentieth century, and secret occult societies to Hitler's involvement with demonology, this book covers it all! You'll learn about the key figures in history associated with demons and the Devil, the worshiping of the dark forces, and the lives of Aleister Crowle, John Dee, and Anton LaVey, as well as well-known figures who were alleged Satanists, some of whom may surprise you! Also featured are dozens of examples of links between demons/fallen angels and aliens, cryptids, apparitions and poltergeists, and IDEs (interdimensional entities). Were the demons of the Bible possibly ancient alien visitors? Are alien abductions and poltergeists really demons in disguise? Is Slender Man a modern day demonic entity ... or totally fake? This fascinating look at Satan, evil spirits, and their 10,000-year history has 120 photographs, drawings, and illustrations to bring the portraits of over 200 demons and fallen angels to shivering life. Demons, the Devil, and Fallen Angels also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness. It is a comprehensive, clear, and objective look at a subject that fills most people with fear and dread. Yet the presence of dark angels continues to remain a part of our human experience, our popular culture, and our spiritual understandings. Come and explore the shadowy side of existence and its integral part of our nature.
Famous 23-day-long exorcism case of Erling, Iowa. Incredible and frightening. We have received several letters from Iowa verifying that this exorcism really occurred. Probably the most famous exorcism ever performed in the U.S.A.
Discover the fascinating history and culture of Satanism through the ages and learn why many Satanists today stand up for free inquiry and personal liberty. Satanism is too often misunderstood as a religion that makes blood sacrifices to an evil, horned Prince of Darkness. In reality, modern Satanists are nonviolent and nontheistic, and consider the Devil to be a meaningful metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge, reason, and justice. The Little Book of Satanism details the “mark of the beast” in cultural and historic movements over the centuries, which have informed the sincerely held beliefs and practices of Satanists today. Written by award-winning alternative culture journalist and blogger La Carmina, this comprehensive guide includes: A foreword from Lucien Greaves, activist, spokesperson, and cofounder of The Satanic Temple Information on Satan’s biblical origins, and his various names, appearances, and symbols Details on his age-old role as a scapegoat, from medieval witch trials to the 1980s Satanic Panic An overview of modern philosophy and practices, focusing on The Church of Satan, The Satanic Bible, and The Satanic Temple Examples of the Devil’s influence on art, literature, music, and films—from Paradise Lost to Rosemary’s Baby This accessible book explains how Satanism developed in the context of social history while debunking lurid conspiracy theories about serial killers and ritual abuse. It includes a primer on various Satanic practices such as social activism, rituals, and holidays. In the spirit of the fallen angel Lucifer, be inspired by Satanism’s affirmative values that courageously oppose arbitrary authority and champion nonconformity.
JESUS DIED INSTEAD OF YOU. HE WAS PUNISHED FOR YOUR SINS AS YOUR SUBSITUTE. INSTEAD OF YOU BEING PUNISHED, HE WAS PUNISHED SO YOU COULD WALK AWAY FREE. HE WAS THE SINLESS LAMB SACRIFICED FOR ALL PEOPLE, NO MATTER WHAT SIN YOU'VE COMMITTED. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE SALVATION FROM BEING BURNED ALIVE FOREVER IN THE LAKE OF FIRE, AND YOU ARE SAVED. THE LAKE OF FIRE IS THE CORE OF THE IMPLODED UNIVERSE OF FIERY STARS AND HOT GALAXIES MELTED TOGETHER AS EINSTEIN , JESUS , PETER AND PAUL SAID WILL HAPPEN. HOW COULD AN ANCIENT DOCUMENT LIKE THE BIBLE TALK ABOUT THE COLLAPSE OF THE UNIVERSE, MATTERS THAT SCIENCE IS JUST GRAPPLING WITH TODAY? MATHEW 24:35, LUKE 21:33 II PETER 3:7,12. JUST BELIEVE IN JESUS. JOHN 3:14-18 14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. JOEL 2:32 "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED: FOR IN MOUNT ZION AND JERUSALEM SHALL BE DELIVERANCE, AS THE LORD HATH SAID, AND IN THE REMNANT WHOM THE LORD SHALL CALL." Credits: King James Bible Public Domain Referenced with KJV BIBLE Note that the Bible said Zion, not Islam, or Buddha or Hindi, but in Zion shall be salvation or you will be burned in the Lake of fire, the Bible, Jesus and Einstein talked about. The Bible and Einstein agree. This is your last warning. Seek Jesus who is Almighty God.
A searing look at one of Canada's most dangerous gangs Gang violence is nothing new to Vancouver, but the brutality of the Bacon Brothers—Jonathan, Jarrod, and Jamie—has become legendary. The Notorious Bacon Brothers follows the chaotic rise of these three gangland figures to the pinnacle of Vancouver's lucrative drug trade. Chronicling not only the Bacon Brothers themselves, but also the gangs they infiltrated on their way to the top, and the catastrophic wave of violence they brought to the streets of Vancouver, the book explores how the bothers' adeptness at making and breaking allegiances and propensity for violence is now being replicated by gangs across Canada. With one Bacon brother dead and the other two behind bars, a power vacuum has developed for control of the drug trade in the Greater Vancouver area. The result has been full on war among the Hells Angels, Red Scorpions, UN Gang, and Independent Soldiers, as they fight to take the position once occupied by the Bacon Brothers—a lasting legacy to their place in Canada's gang history. Presents an incisive look at the violent lives of the Bacon Brothers, some of Canada's most notorious criminals Shows how the Bacon Brothers set a new precedence for gang violence that is being mimicked throughout the country Explores how the void left by the Brothers has spurred on increasing violent gang warfare on the streets of Vancouver Hard-hitting and insightful, The Notorious Bacon Brothers is a powerful look at the seedy underbelly of contemporary Canadian organized crime.
Samantha Martin is an imp, bound by an angel who allows her to live among the humans . . . as long as she follows his rules. It's never easy for an imp to follow the rules, especially now that Sam's brother, Dar, has found himself in hot water. He needs her help to retrieve an artifact from the vampires, or the powerful demon he owes a favor to will enslave and torture him for centuries. It should be a simple courier job, but with demons nothing is simple. Sam reluctantly attempts to help her brother, trying not antagonize the vampires or the demon gunning for him, all while chafing to comply with the restrictions her angel has placed on her as a bound demon.
Shares uplifting advice about the virtues of forgiveness, offering strategic and biblically based advice on how to achieve peace and personal fulfillment by letting go of past wrongs.
Journey with Ollie Marie Phason, the mother of Broderick Bell, the six-year-old who was shot between the eyes with a 9 mm and went back to school in second grade just two months later. A family with a godless lifestyle of murder, drive-by shootings, molestation, drugs, and alcohol addiction. This is the family's journey to find God and the "power of prayer." Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are""yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Heb. 4:14""16, NKJV) Denver's 1993 "summer of violence" left seventy-four dead. Even though the number of homicides was lower that year than in encompassing years, the outcome was different. People were more frightened. Much of the violence was gang related, and the violence had moved beyond the boundaries of the inner city. The killing and injuring of innocent people had spread to the suburbs. Some of the deaths were from stray bullets; others intentional murder. There was also a randomness to the violence, which increased the fear. Gang members were killing people who were not gang-involved, giving the feeling anyone could be the next victim. Fear spiked, and there was a run on guns at stores. Many of the gang-related murders that summer were drive-by shootings, and nearly half of the murder victims were teenagers. Then-Gov. Roy Romer said of the violence: "It's not just the number of acts . . . It's the increased awareness that these are very young people who have no code of conduct, no moral framework that teaches them to respect life." He called a special session of the legislature, and ten special-session bills on youth violence were signed into law that September. They included the ban of handgun possession by youths under eighteen, the construction of more jail space, and the right to charge fourteen- through seventeen-year-olds as adults for violent crimes. When the Enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isa. 59:19, NKJV)