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This book offers the biblical truths in examining and exposing the weapons and schemes of the evil one who perpetuates the lies and solidifies the ignorance in the minds of unsuspecting "Christians" concerning our Creator. The Word of God states: "When you know the Truth (embrace the Truth), the Truth will set you free." If you reject the Truth, you will remain in your bondage of ignorance! And ignorance is deadly!
DIVThe Bible says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and Rick Godwin believes that rebellion is rampant in the churches today. Satan is using some unfamilar spirits to divide and destroy families and churches. Godwin's teaching exposes how the devil is using the sin of witchcraft, and how you can defeat the enemy and his evil plots. Ideal reading for pastors, church leaders and anyone else interested in knowing what the Bible says about the satanic scheme to bring down your church./div
Satan always works in one of two ways to deceive: perversion or diversion! Satan cannot create anything! He can only try to pervert what God has already created. If perversion doesn't work, he then attempts to divert (distract) in order to destroy, or at least diminish the Word of God and the work of God in our lives! This book exposes the schemes, plans and designs of the evil one in his attempt to distract, divert, persuade and pervert the "church" by using the weapon of "religion!" The church today looks nothing like the early church in the Book of Acts! Most of what we do in church on Sundays is a fraud, a sacrilege, a powerless shadow of the early New Testament church. In fact, it seems as though the church has been high jacked by the evil one. This author gives us insightful clues as to how and why this happened. And he explains why God truly hates religion, but He loves relationship!
"Satan wants to control, manipulate, and demoralize God's people. How does he do this? During one of his most intense spiritual battles, international evangelist Steve Foss received a series of prophetic dreams and visions that exposed the key weapon the enemy is using against God's people: shame. Believers are ashamed of past mistakes. Churches are being shamed for defending the gospel. Brother is turning against brother as the culture shames anyone who does not walk in lockstep with its agenda. Cancel culture itself is a way of shaming people into submission to the status quo. Shame is transforming our culture into a godless, sin-celebrating society. In Satan's Big Fat Lie, Foss exposes Satan's great end-time strategy and how Christians can war against it. Shame was the final attack upon Jesus when He was on the cross, and it was designed to keep Him from fulfilling His destiny. But God has given His people a powerful weapon to triumph over the enemy's attacks. We overcome the deceptive attacks of the enemy when we learn to use the keys God has given us to stand strong in these last days"--
Did you ever wonder how to be victorious over the sin patterns of your life? Did you ever wonder why you are in a spiritual battle? The church has left this important topic out of its pulpits and classes. We are not preparing God's people to become the warriors for the faith that they need to be. If you want victory in your spiritual, personal, and emotional life, then this book is a great step in that direction. This book will give you the basic 5 questions of spiritual warfare: who, what, why, when, and how. Every soldier in the army has to go through boot camp to learn the basics and this study is your own boot camp of spiritual training. Gear up soldier! Grab your Bible and a pen and prepare to grow into the hero of the faith you were called to be! Jackie lives in Dublin, CA with her husband, Joe, and daughter, Sahara. She loves teaching men and women of God how to draw closer to the Father through the study of His Word. She attends Northwestern Theological Seminary in the pursuit of a BS/MS in Theology and Biblical Studies. She is in the process of starting a nonprofit, Planting Hope, to help people find the right avenues of healing and growth. In her free time, she loves to read, spend time with her family, and watch movies. If you would like Jackie to come speak at your event, please contact her at
THE CONCEPT OF THE TWELVE MYSTERIES OF GOD Why is the necessity of studying the subject of the Twelve Mysteries of God? The reason is because no one will be perfect as a full grown saint without these lectures / teachings of/in the mysteries of God. This is the course needed to secure the saint for spiritual endurance and works in/by the Spirit. These studies causes the saints to know how to comprehend what is the breadth, length, depth, and height of the purposes in the plans that God have for the Jews, Church, and the world. Please read. Ephesian 3:1-11, 16-19; 1Corinthians 2:1-10. This volume is the sequel of volume one entitled: General Bible Knowledge: Which contains the milk of the word.
This book contains a fascinating blend of biblical information, revelation from the author, and spiritual teaching about Satan's strategies against believers. It includes answers to important questions about Satan and tools readers can use to defeat his plans and purposes.
Janet Warren Lane has been a Christian for 54 years, a school teacher for 15 years, a minister’s wife for 33 years, a mother of four grown and married children who are all involved in ministry and/or missions, and a grandmother of 8 and counting! For most of that time she was unaware of Satan’s most formidable weapon used against Christians - Fiery Darts. Since becoming aware of this weapon, Satan’s motives for using it, and how to wield the power of God’s Word against it, Janet’s release from years of captivity has been wondrously secured.Most people agree that negative thinking can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life. But just knowing this does little to help combat such thinking. By comparing negative thinking to the weapon of fiery darts, Janet exposes the weapon and the tactics used by Satan to manipulate. After the weapon and its tactics are exposed, detailed instructions are given as to how to counter-attack and live life free from the bondage negative thinking can impose.
In his second book about the coming horrendous WWIII nuclear fire war, Final Warning: WWIII Part Two, Gabriel Michaels deals with several end-time subjects. Among these are the rise of the Antichrist and the false prophet; the extensive preparations for WWIII that are being done by the United States, NATO, Russia, and Russia’s prophetic allies; and the end-time signs in the heavens. He also examines the question that everyone wants to know concerning the timing of Jesus’s return—when? I think you will be surprised by what God has shown him about this and how close we actually may be to WWIII and Jesus’s return at the Rapture. In easy-to-understand language, Gabriel Michaels shows that time is running out for man’s rule of earth. He shows how and why Jesus truly is coming to earth soon to set up his kingdom of one thousand years. If you have already read WWIII Part One, then, once you read this book, many of your questions concerning the end-times may well be answered. For the sake of you, your family, and your friends, you should know these things. We are quickly moving to a great climax in world history. This could quite literally be the final warning that many will hear. The sunset of man’s rule over Earth, his final generation to rule Earth, began May 14, 1948, when Israel became a nation. The sunrise of the rule of Earth by Jesus Christ, King of kings, is upon us and very few understand that. The prophet Daniel was told in Daniel 12:9 (NIV), “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.” The words of end-time prophecy are being unsealed in this book in a way you have probably never heard before. You can be one of those in the end-times, who would be among the wise, as the prophet was told in Daniel 12:10 (NIV), “None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” Author Gabriel Michaels has studied for over fifty years to bring this word of warning to you, to help you understand the lateness of the hour in which you live. This is a warning done out of love. Please listen, before it’s too late! King Jesus is coming. Get ready for the return of the King!