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Every believer needs to understand that the Church as an entity has an enemy–Satan, whose assignment is to ensure that the church never fulfills her purpose. Many of our plans may be hindered if we do not understand this enemy, his strategies and how to fix them. Also, a lot of the problems and challenges we face in the church today are caused by church people. Our purpose to reach the world is being slowed down because, there are some amongst us who are fighting against us. They are part of the church yet they both consciously and unconsciously fight against her. This is what I call church sabotage. Therefore, in this book, I will expose the several ways Satan works through such people to sabotage the church, how the spirit of rebellion and strife works, and how we can consciously come to the unity of the faith.
The concept of holiness is one that I have longed to write about for a while now because the Spirit of God has put this burden in my heart. The level of misunderstanding about holiness is gross and universal, thus, I believe the Lord wants to use this book to teach and move the church into greater realms of fellowship with Him and greater levels of power. What many teachers teach and what many believe about holiness is not holiness. The word is often interchanged with words like righteousness, consecration, and sanctification, but they are not all the same. Holiness is not just a character or attribute, neither is it a virtue or a set of rules. It is so much more. It is the nature and power of God. Understanding holiness is therefore paramount because it is the key to accessing the unlimited power of God and the glory realm. I believe that one of the reasons many believers are not functioning in the power of God in these last days is because they either do not understand or misunderstand holiness and how to access power by partaking in the holiness of God. If you would function with God and experience face to face encounters with Him, this book is for you. I will be giving you a totally new revelation on Holiness just as the Lord taught me, so, I want you to read and meditate deeply on this book. These are the days of His mighty power, signs and wonders and those who have this revelation can partake of His holiness.
Witnessing is the essence and purpose of the church. The concept should hence be understood in its entirety. Jesus gave the church this all important calling at His ascension because it is the heartbeat of the Father. Sadly, most people and churches have not fully understood it, making the church ineffective in its fulfillment. Witnessing is a lot more than preaching from street to street, morning cries or even mega crusades. Though these are very important in witnessing, they are perhaps just a minute part of the process. This book aims to enunciate the concept of witnessing as a process that requires the right consciousness, attitude, and sacrifice and the role of the church, individuals and groups in effective witnessing. Our Master Jesus Christ is coming back very soon. Consequently, we need to employ all necessary techniques, and tactics to witness to this world for Him. As you read this book, I pray that God will birth in you a strong passion for souls and grant you understanding into this ultimate assignment of witnessing in Jesus Name. Amen.
The desire to see souls saved is not enough to get souls saved. Every true witness must first seek to have a revelation of the mandate given us by the Lord Jesus Christ when He commissioned us for soul winning. “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:18-20 As seen in the scripture above, the Lord Jesus commissioned us to witness after He has received all power in heaven and on earth. This shows that we have not been sent empty-handed. Rather, we have been sent with all power in heaven and or earth. Glory to God! Thus, every true witness ought to set out and go about soul winning with the understanding and confidence that he has the backing of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that the resources of Heaven are at his disposal. In this book, I would be bringing to you the revelation of the power and authority of heaven backing you as you witness. I would also be helping you to see how to consciously draw on the limitless resources of heaven in your quest to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and turn many unto righteousness. It is time to kit up, set out with all confidence, and return with fruits that would abound in God’s Kingdom. Get ready for a new level of fruitfulness in soul winning. Come along with me.
The confidence that we have in prayer is hinged on the Word of God, and the infallibility of His person. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 1John 5:14-15 However, many times we do not get answers when we pray, even though we may have followed the rules that guide prayer. This is a cause for concern for many believers around the world. If God is ready to hear us and grant the petitions we desire of Him, then what may be the cause of unanswered prayers? In this book, we will be studying factors that may hinder us in prayers. These are factors like guilt, unbelief, doubt, offence, sin and asking amiss.
The never seen coronavirus pandemic has brought every nation to its knees and seeks to further cause fear, panic and great losses. Many claim the virus was from an experiment, others say it was planned by China while even propaganda in China says it is from the US. Could this pandemic be a harbinger of worst things to come? Could it be signaling the new era of chaos? When will it end and can the world recover from its effect? In September of 2019, I had a vision and in that vision I saw a pale horse and a rider. The rider was pink in body and apparel, the horse was also light pink in colour. Then I heard, 'The pale horse has been released', which is the spirit of death and hell with a mission to bring mass death on the earth so that many may die before they come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and thereby end up in hell. (I will elaborate more on this in the first chapter of this book). Before this time, based on my theology, the four horses spoken about in Revelations chapter 6 are to ride after the rapture.
There are certain believers today who are of the opinion that living right and doing good works are all it takes to reach the world and turn people to Christ. Is this really true? Some others also criticize the approach of those who actively evangelize, share tracts and preach the Gospel with every opportunity as being too confrontational. Are they correct? As important as living right and doing the right thing are, there are still many people who would not be saved until they hear and understand the Gospel. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14 And this is why the Lord Jesus specifically instructs us to ‘Go’ and ‘Preach the Gospel’.And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 This does not suggest any form of passiveness or indifference, but literarily going out there to relate the message of the Gospel to the lost. This requires some deliberate efforts. In this book, you would learn practical steps and wisdom from scriptures on how to be proactive in reaching out to the lost and winning souls to Christ through teaching, preaching and testifying.
As the race for the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States began to gather steam, the media and online space was flooded with numerous prophecies from ministers of God around the world about the outcome of the elections. With one voice, several renowned prophets pointed to Donald Trump as God’s choice to win the race. However, as you read this book, you already know that against the predicted outcome, Joe Biden emerged victorious, and Trump is no longer President of the United States of America. So, what happened to the prophecies released by those ministers around the world? Did they really hear from God? What happened to their prediction? How did they miss the mark? As a seasoned prophet of God, who myself have spoken severally from the LORD about the political landscape of the United States of America, I would like to share with you from the revelations of God the intricacies behind prophecy and the interplay between its interpretation and update that determines its outcome. We will be looking through this lens to dissect the prophecy of Trump’s second term in office, and helping you to understand where the prophecies were right and where they were wrong, and also to reveal what God’s plan is for the United States.
Prayer is work- hard work, carried out with the intent of getting answers or results. And, there are instruments that can aid or help us in this process. An instrument can be defined as a tool, vehicle, or means used for precision, and accuracy at work, something or someone used as a means of achieving or accomplishing a desired purpose. These instruments we speak about are spiritual mechanisms that simplify the work of prayer, ultimately increasing efficiency in prayer, and mobilizing the forces of heaven on our behalf. In this book, we will study the instruments that can be used to facilitate the process of prayer, what they are, and how we can maximize them in our quest for an effective prayer life.
For hundreds of years, the subject of prayer has been one with divergent views, opinions, and ideologies, one that has engendered great dissention in the body of Christ with respect to its methodology and practices. However, what cannot be denied is the timeless passion and ageless desire in every man to communicate with a higher power and to initiate changes in every area of life. This desire in man can be expressed in and through prayer but, what is prayer? Is prayer just talking to God as popularly defined? If prayer is simply talking to God, what would we call casting out devils and binding Satan? Despite the fact that many people seem to pray, why are so few getting the results? Are there principles or rules that guide prayer? Are there factors that hinder effectivity in it? This book does not only seek to answer these questions above but to introduce new concepts in prayer that will create new prayer experiences. It also seeks to explore the concept of prayer with the intention to break previous erroneously established boundaries that hinder its effectiveness and to equip the end-time believer with the necessary understanding and light required for an effective prayer life and to ultimately equip the church in enforcing its rights and privileges in the place of prayer. My heart desire for you as you read this book is that a fresh understanding and passion for prayer will be birthed in your spirit and that you will take your place in prayer for the body of Christ, thus, fulfilling the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ on the earth. Amen!