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Every Christian needs to have a clear understanding of the work of Satan and demons, and their legal defeat at Calvary. We will never be able to walk in our God given authority until and unless we know who the enemy is, and how he has been defeated. We trust this book will be an encouragement and a source of inspiration to you. Colossian 2:15 (NIV) “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross”. To know more about Adonai Ministries and the various conferences/seminars that are conducted throughout the year, kindly visit us on our web site (see inside the book)
Every Christian needs to have a clear understanding of the work of Satan and demons, and their legal defeat at Calvary. We will never be able to walk in our God given authority until and unless we know who the enemy is, and how he has been defeated. We trust this book will be an encouragement and a source of inspiration to you. Colossian 2:15 (NIV) "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross". To know more about Adonai Ministries and the various conferences/seminars that are conducted throughout the year, kindly visit us on our web site (see inside the book)
'Satan and his kingdom - Exposed!' helps us gain a biblical understanding of Satan and his demons. Unless we know who our enemy is, we will never be able to walk in our God-given authority.Rev. Victor D'Monte gives a detailed account of who demons are and how they operate in our present world. He also exposes the subtle schemes of the enemy that keeps people in bondage. This book will enable you to be successful in ministering to those who are oppressed by the enemy, and also recognise those who are held captive in various areas of their lives.The second part of this book focuses on 'Spiritual Warfare', which is essential to see God's Kingdom established on Earth. In the last chapter, the teaching on the Armour of God will give you the confidence to stand against the enemy and his plots against you. You will also find testimonies of how people's lives have been transformed through the ministry of healing and deliverance.
Satan and his fallen angels - principalities and demons - are well and alive on the earth. They are not figments of peoples' imaginations but malevolent spirits fighting the Lord God Almighty, born-again Christians and the entire human race (Ephesians 6: 12). The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! is about their modus operandi and artifices in the world. The book exposed the organogram of the satanic world and the spread of false religions to lure the unwary and the ignorant into hell.
This highly readable--and useful--examination of Satan and spiritual warfare was written out of necessity. In recent years, pastor and teacher Dennis McCallum found himself fielding more and more questions about Satan. He wanted to recommend a book on the subject, but those he found either reflected extreme beliefs, contained little biblical instruction, used fear tactics, or were poorly written. In Satan and His Kingdom, McCallum clarifies what is true and what is false about Satan, demons, and demonic control--both historically and today. He shows readers how to effectively battle the enemy individually and corporately, all the while keeping their focus on Christ, not Satan. A reliable resource for pastors, lay leaders, and any Christian wanting to know more about evil in the world.
Spiritual warfare is not a church fad. Rather, it is the rediscovery of biblical Christianity. Furthermore, one will not grasp what the Bible teaches until one comprehends what it affirms about spiritual warfare. In truth, spiritual warfare permeates the entire Bible. When one learns to read the Scriptures through the lens of spiritual warfare, one will discern the mission of God, understand the kingdom of God, and be able to participate in the work of God. As a professional theologian, seminary professor, and spiritual warfare practitioner, Bill Payne believes that the church will not make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) until it operationalizes what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare. As it orients the reader to the spiritual warfare mandate, Satan Exposed tackles the difficult passages of Scripture. In short, this book will change how you read the Bible, how you understand reality, and how you do ministry.
Bestselling Author Makes Spiritual Warfare Strategies Accessible to All It seems strange to consider: The Creator of the universe is at war with one of his own creatures. The cosmic battle with evil is real, however, and spilling over into the lives of unsuspecting dwellers here on earth. In this evangelically friendly approach to spiritual warfare, Richards describes the invisible war raging around us. Through careful analysis and exceptional scriptural insight, he exposes the origin of evil, the demonic hierarchy, and Satan's current strategies. Richards then helps God's people go on the offensive. This revealing look at deliverance will help even the most cautious believers participate in Jesus's victory and move confidently to defeat the power of darkness in their own lives.
This book contains a fascinating blend of biblical information, revelation from the author, and spiritual teaching about Satan's strategies against believers. It includes answers to important questions about Satan and tools readers can use to defeat his plans and purposes.
EXPOSING SATAN'S DEVICES is a spiritual tool chest of the many devices Satan uses to keep people under his lies and deceptions which eventually destroys them. It's very broad and yet specific in it's coverage of exposing Satan's devices. Some of the topics covered deal with things we all face in our day with the devil on the rampage. As long as Satan stays covered he is able to continue his evil works, but when the light of God's Word shines on his deeds, he can no longer use his deceptions. We certainly don't want to allow the devil to get an advantage over us by our ignorance of the devices he uses (2 Corinthians 2:11). This book is an expose of Satan and his methods and how to overcome him through spiritual warfare. As overcomers we have the victory!
Satan Exposed is a real eye opener for both Christians and non-Christians alike. It truly exposes the devil and his devices and builds a greater appreciation for the truth of the word of God. This book provides deep insights into the way Satan works so that we no longer take him for granted. About the author Thomas Eristhee was converted in his teens when a young man in his community came and witnessed to him. He spent several years in the church learning about God and all aspects of church life-teaching Sunday school, preaching at weekly services and serving as the president of the youth department. Thomas then felt the Spirit of God impressing upon his heart to attend Bible school. After a few years of indecision, he decided to heed God's call upon his life. Thomas left his small business and attended the West Indies School of Theology, where he obtained a Diploma in Theology. After graduation he returned to his homeland St. Lucia in the West Indies, and started pastoring at a Pentecostal church. That church experienced much growth under his leadership. Bishop Eristhee holds a diploma from the West Indies School of Theology, and a Graduate Diploma of Ministry with Glory Word Seminar in Malaysia. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Caribbean College of the Bible International. He also attended the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching, U.S. A. He received his Master of Ministry Degree with Trinity Theological Seminary, U.S.A., and his Doctor of Ministry with Covington Theological Seminary, U.S.A.