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Vol:1 Folklore Of Gujarat, Vol:2 Folklore Of Konkan.
This book presents the basic fundamentals of descriptive archaeoastronomy and its application to the astronomical descriptions found in ancient Indian scriptures. Archaeoastronomy is a branch of positional astronomy that helps to determine the epochs of ancient astronomical alignments and special astronomical events. In this book, only the descriptions of special stellar alignments and events found in ancient texts can identify the antiquity of the descriptions. India possesses a large volume of ancient scriptures like Vedas and Puranas which contain many astronomical descriptions as in ancient India positional astronomy was well developed. The antiquities of these texts are determined through archaeoastronomical techniques. Major events like Mahabharata War are dated and using these dates a chronology of ancient India is determined. The astronomically determined chronology is compared with the results from various archaeological, palaeoclimatological, geological and genealogical investigations of ancient India. This introductory book interests readers interested in unveiling the mystery involved with the protohistory of this ancient civilization.
"This Book has done the first-time discovery of a totally forgotten empire, ARYAVARTA EMPIRE, the biggest empire of the World till the 15th Century BC, and unsurpassed in size only by the Persian Empire of 550 BC, fully recorded in more than 400 hymns of Rig-Veda written of 15th Century BC, with indicative information relating to the empire-boulder's Mesopotamian origin, original name “ Idrimi”, his career as a Vassal king of Mitanni Kingdom [1448 BC-1433 BC], proven by his own Statue-Inscription and Clay-tablets and his killing of Assyrian King Ashur-Nadin-Ahhi-I in 1433 BC, deified as “ Indra” by Rig-Veda, Indo-Aryan’s biggest empire-builder from India to Iran and Sistan to Central Asia. This book also reveal the co-relation of Mesopotamia History, Egyptian History to the so far un-written pre-historic period of 15th and 14th Century’s political upheaval of Asia.”

Freewill enabled humans to establish tremendous strides in science and technology. Their firm belief  that they can achieve whatever their mind sets upon has driven them to safer zones of survival. Their faith in Freewill has led to perversion like attempts to create life in the laboratory, setup artificial intelligence, creation of nuclear devices, extension of life span and so on and so forth. He projects himself as the master of this world ( Earth .

But Destiny has its say , turn back pages of history , individuals cruising in glory have fallen and have been eliminated unceremoniously, similarly nations flourishing once have fallen back to beaten track. Twists and turns of Destiny working on individuals rise him to unprecedented heights or pull him down to non oblivion. Finally nature has to do salvaging to keep the Eco system,Sun as the respondent energy and Earth as a seeker energy .

Freewill and Destiny will they meet at a point or run parallel is left to readers discretion to draw his own conclusion.