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Jusqu'a maintenant, l'intitulatio et l'inscriptio avaient ete suffisamment etudiees, mais la salutatio restait relativement negligee. Cette lacune est aujourd'hui en partie comblee. C. D. Lanham a l'art de situer la question qu'elle traite dans le cadre plus vaste des regles du style epistolaire; elle ouvre des apercus interessants sur certains aspects de l'education medievale, et ne manque pas de signaler des problemes qui meriteraient l'attention des chercheurs. Revue des etudes latines (1977) Ms. Lanham's study has the great merit first of all of reflecting her own eager interest in pursuing such an apparently narrow theme. Her enthusiasm even leads her to conclude with a postscript suggesting further research. [Lanham is] obviously a born medievalist. Her work has the further merit of providing us fully and reliably with the means necessary to enable us to make our own interpretations and reach our own conclusions. It is well organized; the problems...are clearly stated at the outset, and every promise is fulfilled. She starts with the obligatory rapid survey of classical usage, both Greek and Latin, then passes to a detailed and skillful analysis of the various types of conventional epistolary formulas that developed from it in the Middle Ages. This is clearly not a work that can be summarized; suffice it to say that the indeed a wondrous one, and every step of the way is here clearly illuminated. The Classical Journal (1977) Das Buch der Schulerin von Bengt Lofstedt ist ein bedeutender Beitrag fur die Erforschung der Epistolographie des Mittelalters, ausgezeichnet durch die absolute Neuartigkeit der Untersuchung bei nur minimalen und sporadischen bisherigen Beitragen; die Untersuchung ist gleichzeitig ein Musterbeispiel fur wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Hinblick auf die sorgfaltig genaue dokumentarische und bibliographische Information, die methodische Strenge und Vorsicht, die bei einem so stark formalisierten und daher willkurlichen Manipulationen ausgesetzten Bereich nichts zulasst, was nicht eindeutig belegt werden kann, und ebenso hinsichtlich der reichen und treffenden Ergebnisse, die des ofteren uber den Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit hinausgehen und Auswirkungen haben fur einen viel umfassenderen Bereich der mal. Kultur. Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch (1979)
In life Jerome's authority was frequently questioned, yet following his death he was venerated as a saint. Andrew Cain systematically examines Jerome's idealized self-presentation across the extant epistolary corpus, exploring how and why Jerome used letter writing as a means to bid for status as an expert on the Bible and ascetic spirituality.
The version of the Rule of St. Augustine used at the Abbey of St.Victor began with the command to love God above all things and ones neighbor as oneself. Not surprisingly, then, love was a pervasive theme in the writings produced there, many of which are introduced and translated here: (1)five lyrical essays by Hugh of St.Victor (d.1141): The Praise of Charity; The Betrothal Gift of the Soul; In Praise of the Spouse; On the Substance of Love; What Truly Should Be Loved?; (2)On the Four Degrees of Violent Love, by Richard of St.Victor (d.1173), which traces the likenesses and differences between romantic love and the love of God; (3)Achard of St.Victor (d.1170), Sermon5 and two of Adam of St.Victors sequences are examples of how these authors wove love into their writings; (4)excerpts from the Microcosmus by Godfrey of St.Victor (, summarize the central place of love in his humanistic theological anthropology.
The sermons presented in this rich collection cast a clearer light on Innocent's concept of what his duties were as priest and bishop.
This is the first commentary on the letters of Marcus Cornelius Fronto (c. 90-95 - c. 167). It aims at an extensive grammatical, stylistic and historical interpretation of the letters and the ancient testimonies on Fronto. The author demonstrates where he stands in Latin literature; hence the numerous quotations of parallel, similar and dissentient passages from Fronto and other writers. This commentary, based on the Teubner-edition by the author (Leipzig 1988), offers a thorough explanation of the letters, a close examination of Fronto's style and language, e.g., of his archaisms and colloquialisms, identification of the persons mentioned, and the chronology of the letters. Seven elaborate indices complete this book.
Ovid's Art and the Wife of Bath examines how Ovid's Ars amatoria shaped the erotic discourses of the medieval West. The Ars amatoria circulated in medieval France and England as an authoritative treatise on desire; consequently, the sexualities of the medieval West are haunted by the imperial Roman constructions of desire that emerge from Ovid's text. The Ars amatoria ironically proposes the erotic potential of violence, and this aspect of the Ars proved to be enormously influential. Ovid's discourse on erotic violence provides a script for Heloise's epistolary expression of desire for Abelard. The Roman de la Rose extends the directives of the Ars with a rhetorical flourish and poetic excess that tests the limits of Ovidian irony. While Christine de Pizan critiqued the representations of erotic violence in the Rose, Chaucer appropriates the Ovidian discourse from the Roman de la Rose to construct the Wife of Bath—a female figure that today's readers find uncannily familiar. Well written and provocative, this book will interest scholars of premodern literature, especially those who work on Medieval English and French, as well as classical, texts. Marilynn Desmond draws on feminist and queer theory, which places Ovid's Art and the Wife of Bath at the cutting edge of debates in gender and sexuality.
Italy in the Middle Ages was unique among the countries of Europe in recreating, in a changed environment, the urban civilization of antiquity - the society, culture, and political formations of city-states. This book examines the origins and nature of this phenomenon from the fall of Rome to the eve of its consummation, the Italian Renaissance. The explanation is sought in Italy's singular `double existence' between two contrasted worlds - ancient and medieval. The ancient was characterised by the total predominance of the landed aristocracy in economy and society, enforced through a peculiar system of city states embracing town and country. The new medieval influences were marked by the separation of town, country and aristocracy, by the identification of towns with trade and a mercantile bourgeoisie, and by commercial and proto-industrial revolution. Italy shared in both worlds. It remained a land of cities and of an urbanized ruling class (except in the Norman South) and re-established territorial city states; but the staes were very different from those of antiquity, the city leaders in the commercial revolution, and Italy itself seen as a nation of shopkeepers, birthplace of capitalism. In this fascinating and ground-breaking study, Philip Jones traces in detail the tension and interaction between the two traditions, civic and patrician, mercantile and bourgeois, through all phases of Italian life to their culmination in two rival regimes of communes and despots.
In Jerome and the Monastic Clergy, Andrew Cain provides the first full-scale commentary on the famous Letter to Nepotian, in which Jerome articulates his radical plan for imposing a strict ascetic code of conduct on the contemporary clergy. Cain comprehensively addresses stylistic, literary, historical, text-critical and other issues of interpretive interest. Accompanying the commentary is an introduction which situates the Letter in the broader context of its author’s life and work and exposes its fundamental propagandistic dimensions. The revised critical Latin text and the new facing-page translation will make the Letter more accessible than ever before and will provide a reliable textual apparatus for future scholarship on this key writing by one of the most prolific authors in Latin antiquity.
Comprehensive and learned translation of these texts affords insight into Abelard's thinking over a much longer sweep of time and offers snapshots of the great twelfth-century philosopher and theologian in a variety of contexts.
The Culture of Letter-Writing in Pre-Modern Islamic Society received an honourable mention from the British-Kuwait Friendship Society at BRISMES 2009Writing letters was an important component of intellectual life in the Middle Islamic period, telling us much about the cultural history of pre-modern Islamic society. This book offers a unique analysis of letter-writing, focusing on the notion of the power of the pen. The author looks at the wider context of epistolography, relating it to the power structures of Islamic society in that period. He also attempts to identify some of the similarities and differences between Muslim modes of letter-writing and those of western cultures.One of the strengths of this book is that it is based on a wide range of primary Arabic sources, thus reflecting the broader epistemological importance of letter-writing in Islamic society.