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Jusqu'a maintenant, l'intitulatio et l'inscriptio avaient ete suffisamment etudiees, mais la salutatio restait relativement negligee. Cette lacune est aujourd'hui en partie comblee. C. D. Lanham a l'art de situer la question qu'elle traite dans le cadre plus vaste des regles du style epistolaire; elle ouvre des apercus interessants sur certains aspects de l'education medievale, et ne manque pas de signaler des problemes qui meriteraient l'attention des chercheurs. Revue des etudes latines (1977) Ms. Lanham's study has the great merit first of all of reflecting her own eager interest in pursuing such an apparently narrow theme. Her enthusiasm even leads her to conclude with a postscript suggesting further research. [Lanham is] obviously a born medievalist. Her work has the further merit of providing us fully and reliably with the means necessary to enable us to make our own interpretations and reach our own conclusions. It is well organized; the problems...are clearly stated at the outset, and every promise is fulfilled. She starts with the obligatory rapid survey of classical usage, both Greek and Latin, then passes to a detailed and skillful analysis of the various types of conventional epistolary formulas that developed from it in the Middle Ages. This is clearly not a work that can be summarized; suffice it to say that the indeed a wondrous one, and every step of the way is here clearly illuminated. The Classical Journal (1977) Das Buch der Schulerin von Bengt Lofstedt ist ein bedeutender Beitrag fur die Erforschung der Epistolographie des Mittelalters, ausgezeichnet durch die absolute Neuartigkeit der Untersuchung bei nur minimalen und sporadischen bisherigen Beitragen; die Untersuchung ist gleichzeitig ein Musterbeispiel fur wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Hinblick auf die sorgfaltig genaue dokumentarische und bibliographische Information, die methodische Strenge und Vorsicht, die bei einem so stark formalisierten und daher willkurlichen Manipulationen ausgesetzten Bereich nichts zulasst, was nicht eindeutig belegt werden kann, und ebenso hinsichtlich der reichen und treffenden Ergebnisse, die des ofteren uber den Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit hinausgehen und Auswirkungen haben fur einen viel umfassenderen Bereich der mal. Kultur. Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch (1979)
Jusqu'a maintenant, l'intitulatio et l'inscriptio avaient ete suffisamment etudiees, mais la salutatio restait relativement negligee. Cette lacune est aujourd'hui en partie comblee. C. D. Lanham a l'art de situer la question qu'elle traite dans le cadre plus vaste des regles du style epistolaire; elle ouvre des apercus interessants sur certains aspects de l'education medievale, et ne manque pas de signaler des problemes qui meriteraient l'attention des chercheurs. Revue des etudes latines (1977) Ms. Lanham's study has the great merit first of all of reflecting her own eager interest in pursuing such an apparently narrow theme. Her enthusiasm even leads her to conclude with a postscript suggesting further research. [Lanham is] obviously a born medievalist. Her work has the further merit of providing us fully and reliably with the means necessary to enable us to make our own interpretations and reach our own conclusions. It is well organized; the problems...are clearly stated at the outset, and every promise is fulfilled. She starts with the obligatory rapid survey of classical usage, both Greek and Latin, then passes to a detailed and skillful analysis of the various types of conventional epistolary formulas that developed from it in the Middle Ages. This is clearly not a work that can be summarized; suffice it to say that the indeed a wondrous one, and every step of the way is here clearly illuminated. The Classical Journal (1977) Das Buch der Schulerin von Bengt Lofstedt ist ein bedeutender Beitrag fur die Erforschung der Epistolographie des Mittelalters, ausgezeichnet durch die absolute Neuartigkeit der Untersuchung bei nur minimalen und sporadischen bisherigen Beitragen; die Untersuchung ist gleichzeitig ein Musterbeispiel fur wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Hinblick auf die sorgfaltig genaue dokumentarische und bibliographische Information, die methodische Strenge und Vorsicht, die bei einem so stark formalisierten und daher willkurlichen Manipulationen ausgesetzten Bereich nichts zulasst, was nicht eindeutig belegt werden kann, und ebenso hinsichtlich der reichen und treffenden Ergebnisse, die des ofteren uber den Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit hinausgehen und Auswirkungen haben fur einen viel umfassenderen Bereich der mal. Kultur. Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch (1979)
English summary: Close relationships that go beyond family ties and kinships have become an interdisciplinary research subject that has received a lot of attention. Variations of social ties such as friendship, patronage and social networks ensue from different historical and cultural contexts and, hence, constitute a significant yet under-represented subject of interdisciplinary research. Questions such as the changing semantics of friendship, historical, intercultural and political practices of friendship, patronage and loyalty were the focus of an international conference for a critical discussion and re-assessment of values and norms that constitute such relationships in different cultures and epochs, as well as the social circumstances that determine them. Aspects of interest included the constitution and representation of the body and gender and the growth of trust and deceit, as well as the culturally and historically different practices and semantics of friendship and patronage and the way they are perceived according to social status and social and historical contexts. The results of the conference are presented in this volume. German description: Nahbeziehungen, die uber familiare und verwandtschaftliche Bindungen hinausgehen, haben sich zu einem vielbeachteten Thema interdisziplinarer Forschung entwickelt. Beziehungen wie Freundschaft, Patronage und soziale Netzwerke als Variationen sozialer Bindungen sind das Ergebnis unterschiedlicher historischer wie kultureller Kontexte und stellen deshalb einen wesentlichen, aber immer noch unterreprasentierten Gegenstand interdisziplinaren Forschens dar. Fragen nach sich andernden Freundschaftssemantiken, historischen und interkulturellen bzw. politischen Praktiken von Freundschaft, Patronage und Loyalitat standen im Mittelpunkt einer internationalen Tagung, die eine kritische Diskussion und Neubewertung von Werten und Normen, die z.B. Freundschaft in verschiedenen Kulturen und historischen Epochen konstituieren, sowie der sozialen Umstande, die diese Nahbeziehungen bedingen, vorgenommen hat. Aspekte wie Konstitution und Reprasentation von Korper und Gender und das Entstehen von Vertrauen und Betrug waren dabei ebenso von Interesse wie die kulturell und historisch unterschiedliche Praxis und Semantik von Freundschaft und Patronage sowie deren jeweilige Wahrnehmung in Abhangigkeit von ihrer gesellschaftlichen Situation in verschiedenen sozialen und historischen Kontexten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Tagung werden nun im vorliegenden Band prasentiert.
Short enough to be synoptic, yet long enough to be usefully detailed, A Short History of Writing Instruction is the ideal text for undergraduate courses and graduate seminars in rhetoric and composition. It preserves the legacy of writing instruction from antiquity to contemporary times with a unique focus on the material, educational, and institutional context of the Western rhetorical tradition. Its longitudinal approach enables students to track the recurrence over time of not only specific teaching methods, but also major issues such as social purpose, writing as power, the effect of technologies, the rise of vernaculars, and writing as a force for democratization. The collection is rich in scholarship and critical perspectives, which is made accessible through the robust list of pedagogical tools included, such as the Key Concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter, and the Glossary of Key Terms and Bibliography for Further Study provided at the end of the text. Further additions include increased attention to orthography, or the physical aspects of the writing process, new material on high school instruction, sections on writing in the electronic age, and increased coverage of women rhetoricians and writing instruction of women. A new chapter on writing instruction in Late Medieval Europe was also added to augment coverage of the Middle Ages, fill the gap in students’ knowledge of the period, and present instructional methods that can be easily reproduced in the modern classroom.
A Short History of Writing Instruction preserves the legacy of writing instruction from antiquity to contemporary times with a unique focus on the material, educational, and institutional context of the Western rhetorical tradition.
A Companion to Byzantine Epistolography offers the first comprehensive introduction and scholarly guide to the cultural practice and literary genre of letter-writing in the Byzantine Empire.
The Culture of Letter-Writing in Pre-Modern Islamic Society received an honourable mention from the British-Kuwait Friendship Society at BRISMES 2009Writing letters was an important component of intellectual life in the Middle Islamic period, telling us much about the cultural history of pre-modern Islamic society. This book offers a unique analysis of letter-writing, focusing on the notion of the power of the pen. The author looks at the wider context of epistolography, relating it to the power structures of Islamic society in that period. He also attempts to identify some of the similarities and differences between Muslim modes of letter-writing and those of western cultures.One of the strengths of this book is that it is based on a wide range of primary Arabic sources, thus reflecting the broader epistemological importance of letter-writing in Islamic society.