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Este libro es una experiencia contada en primera persona y relata lo que experimenta y transita el paciente con alguna patología mental. La salud mental como forma para alcanzar el bienestar busca brindar herramientas que le puedan servir al enfermo para salir adelante y encontrar respuestas y soluciones a su problema. No reemplaza de ningún modo la palabra autorizada ni lo que puede aportar el profesional, simplemente el autor busca proporcionar una mirada de aprendizaje, optimista, esperanzadora, renovadora, superadora y que sea transformadora.
En un mundo donde la salud mental ha sido tradicionalmente marginada, este libro se presenta como una revolución necesaria. Explora cómo nuestras sociedades han fallado en comprender y tratar los problemas de salud mental y ofrece una visión transformadora para el futuro. A través de investigaciones actuales, historias conmovedoras y análisis profundos, el autor nos lleva a cuestionar las normas establecidas y a considerar un enfoque más humano y efectivo. Este libro no solo informa, sino que inspira acción y cambio, abogando por un sistema de salud mental que sea inclusivo, accesible y compasivo. Es una lectura imprescindible para cualquiera que desee entender el estado actual de la salud mental y cómo podemos mejorarla colectivamente.
This thoroughly updated second edition of MENTAL WELLNESS IN ADULTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME is upbeat and accessible in tone, yet encyclopedic in scope. The size of the book reflects both the breadth of the authors' knowledge--acquired as cofounders of the first medical clinic dedicated solely to the care of adults with Down syndrome--and the number of psychosocial issues and mental disorders that can affect people with Down syndrome. It's the go-to guide for parents, health practitioners, and caregivers who support teens and adults with Down syndrome. MENTAL WELLNESS emphasizes that understanding and appreciating both the strengths and challenges of people with Down syndrome is the key to promoting good mental health. It shows readers how to distinguish between bona fide mental health issues and common characteristics of Down syndrome--quirks or coping strategies. For example, although talking to oneself can be a sign of psychosis, many adults with Down syndrome use self-talk as an effective problem-solving strategy. The second edition includes new chapters on sensory issues (written by Dr. Katie Frank) and regression, expanded and now separate chapters on communication, concrete thinking, and visual memory, and an extensively updated chapter on Alzheimer's disease citing abundant new research. Other chapters cover a range of conditions and assessment and treatment options: What Is Normal? Self-Esteem & Self-Image Self-Talk Grooves & Flexibility Life-Span Issues Social Skills Mood & Anxiety Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Psychotic Disorders Eating Refusal Challenging Behavior Self-Injurious Behavior Autism Tics, Tourette Syndrome & Stereotypies While it's not inevitable that people with Down syndrome will experience mental health problems, certain biological differences and environmental stressors can create greater susceptibility. Assessment and treatment options are detailed for each condition. With this guide, caregivers will be able to foster good mental health and troubleshoot challenging mental health issues.
This book helps those aspiring toward recovery and wellness and also those in recovery, because it addresses and challenges the individual - in very real, basic and honest ways - to make significant cognitive adjustments in how they live their lives. The beauty of this curriculum is that people like to do it and don't consider it a chore, a demand, or a requirement, because every page subtly encourages the individual to think in realistic and forward-moving ways. This allows them to feel good about doing the work. This book is for any person who struggles with their mental health and who wants to live a happier life as well as for any person who wants to improve their quality of life, how they deal with stress, obstacles, difficulties and other people and live a happier, healthy and much more stable life. I based this book on my personal life and recovery, and every page has been used successfully in peer group settings.
Discover "You Are Not a Failure: From Failure to Unlimited Success" by Diego Segura, a revelatory journey that takes you from the depths of failure to the heights of success. This book is not just a collection of personal anecdotes but a transformative manual for those looking to turn their setbacks into the foundation of their greatness. Diego Segura, a serial entrepreneur and renowned author, shares his own journey from the darkest moments of his life to his most brilliant triumphs. With a direct and honest approach, Diego breaks down the most valuable lessons he has learned along the way, demystifying failure and revealing it as an essential part of the path to success. Through captivating chapters, Diego will guide you to: - Decipher Failure: Understand what knocks us down and how we can rise stronger. - Entrepreneur Among Ruins: Survive the initial chaos of any project and turn obstacles into opportunities. - Develop Resilience: Build the mental and emotional strength needed to face and overcome any adversity. - Recognize the Dark Side of Success: Manage the risks of shining too brightly and avoid self-destruction. - Learn from the Greats: Inspiring stories of titans who fell but rose again to leave a lasting legacy. This book not only offers practical tools and strategies to better handle inevitable failures but also inspires with stories of individuals who have transformed their mistakes into resounding successes. From mindfulness techniques to risk management practices, "You Are Not a Failure" is filled with actionable advice that will equip you to face any challenge with a growth mindset and a positive attitude. Diego Segura invites you to join this journey of self-discovery and triumph, where each chapter blends personal experiences, thorough research, and inspiring interviews. By the end of the book, you will not only change your perspective on failure but also be prepared to turn every setback into a stepping stone towards your most ambitious dreams. Dive into "You Are Not a Failure: From Failure to Unlimited Success" and discover how every mistake can become a solid building block for your future. Dare to transform your failures into the steps towards your limitless success!
Hugo Galindo Salom, médico colombia - no, epidemiólogo e investigador con publicaciones sobre la calidad de vida en el cáncer. Conferencista internacional en temas de salud holística, gracias a su forma - ción en Sagradas Escrituras en Israel en 1982. Tiene Posgrado en Medicina Ortomole - cular en el Australian College of Medical Nutrition, y un Diplomado en Medicinas Alternativas de la Universidad del Ro - sario en Bogotá. Su perfil lo completa una Maestría en Educación en Brisbane, Australia, y la creación de la Sociedad Colombiana de Medicina Preventiva y Ortomolecular de la cual ha sido su Presi - dente en los últimos 6 años. Actualmente cursa su segundo año de Doctorado en Medicina Ortomolecular en CIC. Traductor del libro Vitamina C, misil sa - nador de la naturaleza, de los doctores Ian y Glenn Dettman, que ha superado el medio millón de copias impresas y vendidas en Latinoamérica. Creó la Fundación Ephetá, la cual cuenta con el novedoso Programa de Retiro de Salud para la Prevención de Cáncer, con resultados extraordinarios. Hugo Galindo entrena médicos en el manejo ortomolecular del cáncer uti - lizando la “dieta de los 7 colores” que promete ser la gran novedad en nutri - ción, después de las revolucionarias dietas Gerson, paleo y cetógenica; al igual que las megadosis de Vitamina C.
¡Despierto! La Auto-libertad se refiere a cinco elementos fundamentales: agua, tierra, fuego, metal y viento como una perspectiva simbólica y no una creencia sobre los elementos mismos. Simplemente representan una representación de las características compartidas de las cinco pautas hacia la libertad. Espiritual, Físico, Accional, Mental e Industrial son los cinco aspectos de la condición mental. Tener Auto-libertad es estar Despertado al hecho de que existen confinamientos físicos y mentales, y la libertad vendrá al comprender los elementos del confinamiento. Un encierro puede ser cualquier cosa que tenga control o limitaciones sobre alguien o algo. La base de los 5 Elementos son perspectivas simbólicas y no una creencia en los Elementos mismos. Simplemente representan una representación de las características compartidas de las cinco pautas para la Auto-libertad. La referencia a la libertad es la liberación teórica de los 5 estados de confinamientos institucionales físicos y mentales que se rigen por las tradiciones, la sociedad, los principios, las emociones y la identificación. Los elementos naturales se clasifican en cinco puntos de vista discutibles, que no pretenden ser el punto de vista de otra persona también, ¡sino que pretenden ser el impulso inspirador para comenzar su propio viaje hacia la verdad y vivir la mejor vida posible! ¡Poderoso! Pensamiento filosófico de la Nueva Era que cubre los temas principales utilizando elementos naturales y conceptos estoicos.