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This work examines the exaggerations, misunderstandings and muddled terminology that often characterize the controversies regarding the safety of food irradiation. It sets out to untangle the conflicting claims asserted by the proponents and opponents of this modern method of food processing. Information is drawn from international scientific and political bodies. This edition: presents results from recent studies on the wholesomeness of irradiated foods; considers practical aspects of food irradiation, regulation, control and consumer acceptance; discusses developments in the identification of irradiated foods; and more.
Food irradiation has been in the news lately, and this news strongly favors the consideration of food irradiation as a practical, economical method for improving food safety and shelf life. This new edition of a popular guidebook provides an updated, detailed, readable survey of the past, present and future of food irradiation. It covers a wide variety of topics ranging from the scientific basics to an examination of the many objections to food irradiation. Also included is a detailed discussion of the role of food irradiation in preventing a variety of foodborne diseases.
Food irradiation is increasingly used worldwide as a proven and effective method of food preservation, as well as for improvement of food safety and quality. The International Conference on Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Food through Radiation Processing convened for the presentation of new irradiation technology, and to assess the role of irradiation in ensuring the safety and nutritional adequacy of food of plant and animal origin. This new book presents the complete texts of all twenty reports from the conference. Examined are applications of the technology in produce, animal products, and prepared foods, the economics of various irradiation technologies, international regulations, the marketing of irradiated products to consumers and retail outlets, and irradiation's implications for the global trade in food and agricultural commodities. Also included is new information on the scientific, regulatory, and consumer acceptance status of food irradiation and the role this technology will play in the 21st century. The new information in this book will be useful to all those involved in the processing, preservation, and distribution of food, as well as food industry managers and regulatory personnel. To receive your copy promptly, please order now. Information on ordering follows the complete table of contents. Conference Sponsors and Speakers This conference was sponsored by three U.N. Agencies: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), and the WHO (World Health Organization). All authors are leading experts in aspects of food irradiation. From the Editor's Foreword "Significant developments on the acceptance and application of food irradiation as a method to ensure food safety and quality and to facilitate food trade have occurred in recent years. Regulations on food irradiation in many countries either have been or are being harmonized based on the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods and relevant recommendations of the International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation (ICGFI). The number of irradiation facilities for treating food is increasing and many more are under construction or being planned. The consumers are getting accurate information and are beginning to appreciate the benefit of irradiated foods.... The potential of irradiation as a method to ensure the hygienic quality of food, especially those of animal origin, as a quarantine treatment of fresh horticultural commodities, and as a substitute for fumigants, is being realized... The Conference reaffirmed the view that the safety and nutritional adequacy of irradiated food produced under conditions of Good Manufacturing Practice is no longer in question, regardless of the absorbed dose."
The benefits of food irradiation to the public health have been described extensively by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. and the World Health Organization. The American Medical Association and the American Dietetic Association have both endorsed the irradiation process. Yet the potential health benefits of irradiation are unknown to many consumers and food industry representatives who are wary of irradiated foods due to myth-information from “consumer-advocate” groups. Food Irradiation Research and Technology presents the latest scientific findings of researchers at the leading edge of food irradiation. In this book, experts from industry, government, and academia: define the basic principles of irradiation and the public health benefits of irradiation describe advances in irradiation technology, detection technology, and radiation dosimetry review the regulations pertaining to food irradiation and the toxicological safety data provide food industry representatives and public health officials with effective methodologies to educate consumers and counteract misinformation review recent advances in the irradiation of meat and poultry, fruits and vegetables, seafood, and the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment Food Irradiation Research and Technology appeals to a broad readership: industry food scientists involved in the processing of meat and fish, fruits and vegetables; food microbiologists and radiation processing specialists; government and industry representatives involved in the import and export of food commodities; and industry, local, and state officials involved in educational efforts regarding food irradiation. Food scientists and technologists share a responsibility to ensure that educational materials provided to the public regarding food safety and processing technologies are based on sound science and fact, not on misconceptions. Food Irradiation Research and Technology meets that goal.
Food irradiation is increasingly used worldwide as a proven and effective method of food preservation, as well as for improvement of food safety and quality. The International Conference on Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Food through Radiation Processing convened for the presentation of new irradiation technology, and to assess the role of irradiation in ensuring the safety and nutritional adequacy of food of plant and animal origin. This new book presents the complete texts of all twenty reports from the conference. Examined are applications of the technology in produce, animal products, and prepared foods, the economics of various irradiation technologies, international regulations, the marketing of irradiated products to consumers and retail outlets, and irradiation's implications for the global trade in food and agricultural commodities. Also included is new information on the scientific, regulatory, and consumer acceptance status of food irradiation and the role this technology will play in the 21st century. The new information in this book will be useful to all those involved in the processing, preservation, and distribution of food, as well as food industry managers and regulatory personnel. To receive your copy promptly, please order now. Information on ordering follows the complete table of contents. Conference Sponsors and Speakers This conference was sponsored by three U.N. Agencies: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), and the WHO (World Health Organization). All authors are leading experts in aspects of food irradiation. From the Editor's Foreword "Significant developments on the acceptance and application of food irradiation as a method to ensure food safety and quality and to facilitate food trade have occurred in recent years. Regulations on food irradiation in many countries either have been or are being harmonized based on the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods and relevant recommendations of the International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation (ICGFI). The number of irradiation facilities for treating food is increasing and many more are under construction or being planned. The consumers are getting accurate information and are beginning to appreciate the benefit of irradiated foods.... The potential of irradiation as a method to ensure the hygienic quality of food, especially those of animal origin, as a quarantine treatment of fresh horticultural commodities, and as a substitute for fumigants, is being realized... The Conference reaffirmed the view that the safety and nutritional adequacy of irradiated food produced under conditions of Good Manufacturing Practice is no longer in question, regardless of the absorbed dose."
Food preservation by irradiation is gaining recognition as a technology that is more environmentally benign than other current processes such as post-harvest chemical fumigation, it has less impact on thermally sensitive compounds than thermal decontamination technologies such as hot water or steam, and the technology is more accessible and cheaper. As the technical and economic feasibility, as well as the level of consumer acceptance, have increased its use has been growing fast. International organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have coordinated and worked with others to develop norms and review the safety and efficacy of irradiated foods. Commended in the Foreword by Carl Blackburn, Food Irradiation Specialist, Joint FAO / IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, this book makes a strong case for the use of this overwhelmingly safe food processing technique. This comprehensive book is a useful reference for food technologists, analytical chemists and food processing professionals, covering all aspects of gamma, electron beam and X-ray food irradiation, its impact on food matrices and microorganisms, legislation and market aspects. It is the first book to cover control and structural analysis in food irradiation and, being written by leading experts in the field, addresses the current global best practices. It contains updated information about the commercial application of food irradiation technology, especially regarding the type of radiation based on food classes and covers dosimetry, radiation chemistry, food decontamination, food quarantine, food processing and food sterilization.
This monograph will describe the food irradiation process and summarizing its historical development as a way to prolong the shelf-life of food and prevent the spread of foodborne illness. It will also examine of the known effects of irradiation on food quality. Including a presentation of the effect of irradiation on the flavor, appearance, and smell of food. The nutritional adequacy of irradiated foods and several improvements in some foods caused by irradiation will also be discussed. Finally a discussion of the safety issues associated with the process and its products. The safety of irradiated foods is an issue of growing concern to the American public. While irradiation shows great potential for reducing foodborne illness, the formation of radiolytic products, the physical dangers of radiation, and the possibility of cancer or genetic mutation worries many people. Theses.