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"Why should I invest myself in something that I'm not sure does any good?" This is a question many people today are asking about the church. Data shows young people are leaving the church, especially in urban contexts. Yet as Jon Tyson will show you in this Barna Frame, the church has much to offer cities—and individuals—in the 21st century. Whether you come with an open-mind, skeptical, or already committed to your local church, join Jon Tyson, lead pastor of Trinity Grace Church in New York City, as he makes the case for why church matters.
Remember when all you needed was a cool business card for cocktail parties? Now social status is determined in a hundred ways that all come with their own pressures-how many Twitter followers do you have? How many facebook page likes? How much traffic does your site get? Are you speaking? Traveling? How full is your inbox? While pressure has always been there, in many ways that pressure is more public than ever. The world is both bigger and smaller today. With access to so much media and so quickly, we know everything that's going on in the world. We are bombarded with possibilities and opportunities. It seems like we have limitless choices. It's easy to feel like your life is small, that you aren't doing enough, that other lives, careers, and even cities are more exciting than yours. The challenge today is, with limitless public pressure on how your life measures up against everyone else's, how do you find contentment in this context? Join Claire Diaz-Ortiz, an author, speaker, and Twitter employee, in this Barna Frame as she explores this timely issue.
FRAMES is a series of mini-books that address the critical issues of our day and equips you to live a more meaningful life in the midst of complicated times. This compilation includes all nine of the FRAMES in Season 1 in one softcover book. Each FRAME includes compelling research from Barna Group, full-color infographics, thoughtful commentary and insights from experts, and provocative questions that help you and your book club, small group, or social media group to have meaningful discussion.
A coming-of-age book of a young man and his early commitment to religion and the trials, struggles and complexities of religion. A glimpse into the authors private life from childhood through adulthood and his decision to pull away from organized religion. The author brings insight into religion from personal experiences and research into the relationship of religion to physical, mental and psychological well-being on humans. Obsolescence and Vanishing Ethos explores personal trials and cover such topics as guilt, control, issues of the church and sex, masturbation and homosexuality, as well as topics on the anthropological aspect and religion as a business enterprise.
What is the point of church? Really? This book is for anyone questioning the value of church to their everyday life. Sacred Roots offers four personal and communal shifts critical to being the kind of church that transforms people---and renews the world. Sacred Roots is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture.
There is a new reality for mothers in the 21st century-it's a different world with different goals than it was even a generation ago. As little girls, today's moms didn't grow up with ONLY dolls and toy kitchens and princesses and visions of idyllic domesticity and motherhood behind a white picket fence: they were given these but also a little plastic doctor's bag and a coloring book full of potential careers to choose from. "You can be anything you want, child." It's a message of empowerment and it's beautiful. But, as many of those young girls grew up, a message that was once meant to convey opportunity has begun to feel like a pressure cooker. What once was "You can have it all" has now become "You need to have it all." You need to have the perfect job, the perfect husband, the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect play dates and craft nights and date nights and DIY Pinterest projects and #nofilter Instagrams. What does it mean to be a mom in a world like that? Where does vocation fit into all this? What does a holistic idea of self fit in? Many women struggle with the decision to work inside the home or outside the home. How can you maintain a sense of self and motherhood in both decisions? The reality is we can't really have it all - sometimes we will have to make choices. This Barna Frame explores the value and beauty in those constraints. Join Kate Harris, wife, mother, and the executive director of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture, as she unpacks the identity questions, the economic realities, and the role of the church in your life as you feel compelled to be wonder woman.
Caring for orphans makes grace touchable. When Christians choose to adopt, foster, mentor or support care for orphans around the world, it reveals God's true character to the world like nothing else we can do. This softcover book unpacks specific steps that you can take to care for orphans in distress. Some of these steps are “big” choices like fostering or adopting; some are smaller choices like supporting work abroad or mentoring a foster youth. But all have the impact of revealing God’s love to someone who wants to be home for good. Join Jedd Medefind, president of the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), as he reveals the profound sense that deep, sustaining love for orphans springs not from duty, guilt or even idealism, but foremost as a response to the way we've first been loved by God.
Job changes. Restructures. A waning passion. Retirement. A new 'norm' for length at any job. All of these, and more, lead us to wonder about the legacy we are leaving this world. Are we leaving it better than we found it? Are we able to separate our identity from our career? Maybe you know the deep passion you recently discovered (or re-discovered), that lay dormant for 30 years. Or perhaps you don't know yet what that calling is, but you know there is more than what you are doing now. Join Bob Goff, founder of Restore International, in this Barna Frame as you explore a biblical perspective on the legacy you are leaving, even as you face a career transition.
“Timothy Rommen has done it again. After the success of his earlier award-winning study of gospel music in Trinidad and the ethics of style, Rommen turns his attention to the complex and conflicted history of music in the Bahamas. Drawing upon extensive ethnographic and historical research, Rommen explores the interrelationships between rake-n-scrape, goombay, and Junkanoo performance, and shows how such ‘local’ musics are implicated in Bahamian understandings of national identity. In Funky Nassau, Timothy Rommen confirms his status as one of the best scholars of Caribbean music today.” —Michael Largey, author of Vodou Nation: Haitian Art Music and Cultural Nationalism "This sensitive, bittersweet account of music-making in the Bahamas shows how a small, fragmented country that has been buffeted by powerful currents emanating from both the United States and the Caribbean has managed to produce a vibrant popular music of its own. Rommen carefully maps the political and cultural economies that are integral to this story, but he keeps the musicians themselves, their aesthetics and strategies, at the center where they belong. The result is a vivid and finely nuanced portrait of a unique musical culture that deserves to be better known." —Kenneth Bilby, Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College Chicago
There are lots of questions we must ask ourselves when we talk about violence, and our role in perpetuating it or in creating peace. Why are we, as Christians, more comfortable with violence in our movies than sex? What does it mean that Jesus called us to love our enemies? How can we, in our churches, cultivate a peace that might reshape society? Do we create it by constantly protesting violence? By preaching? By rethinking our foreign policy? By somehow making peace cool? Join Tyler Wigg-Stevenson and Carol Howard Merritt as they tackle these tough questions and others in this Barna Frame. Violence is a tough, timely topic, and one that we, as the Church, have the chance to transform.