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Let the Apostleship of Prayer (The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network) be your guide during Lent by helping you deepen your prayer life in the most solemn season of the year. This powerful prayer book--based on the traditional spiritual practice of lectio divina (sacred reading)--will engage and inspire you with the Church's daily scripture readings from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. Helping you enter into the most important season of the year, Sacred Reading for Lent 2018 provides opportunities for you to listen to God's Word, prayerfully respond, and explore ways the gospel reading can be applied to your daily life. Using a six-step process, the booklet will guide you through the Church's daily Lenten gospel readings, as well as readings for solemnities and feast days. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing through Easter, this book is a catalyst for an intimate encounter with Christ by reading, reflecting, praying, and responding to the Word of God in a way that is both familiar and fresh. The compact format and affordable price make this perfect for parishwide distribution during Lent.
Lent, a holy time of introspection and penance in preparation for the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, can be further enriched with Sacred Space for Lent 2018, a daily prayer experience from Sacred Space, the internationally known online prayer guide. Sacred Space for Lent invites readers to develop a closer relationship with God during this season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. What we know and trust about the Sacred Space online prayer experience is now available in a compact print format to heighten our Lent prayer practice in a way that is accessible, engaging, and meaningful to daily life. Throughout the Lenten season, each day includes a Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and meditation. With its small size and meaningful message, Sacred Space for Lent is a simple way to build a richer relationship with God and embrace the Lenten season as a sacred space.
This powerful Lenten prayer book from the Apostleship of Prayer -- the pope's prayer group -- introduces Catholics and other Christians to the traditional spiritual devotion known as lectio divina, or sacred reading, in a new way.Lent is a season of solemn repentance that leads to the most important celebration of the Catholic Church year, the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. The Apostleship of Prayer -- an international Jesuit prayer ministry -- leads you through the season in an accessible, six-step process that will help create moments of serenity during your busy day so you can listen to God's Word, prayerfully respond, and easily explore ways the gospel reading can be applied to your daily life. Sacred Reading for Lent 2017 is inspired by Ignatian spirituality and guides you through the Church's daily gospel readings as well as readings for solemnities and feast days, asking you to:* know that God is present * read the gospel * notice what you think and feel * pray for yourself and others * listen to Jesus * ask God to show you how to live today
Helping Catholics enter into the season of renewed prayer and penance, Sacred Reading for Lent 2019 from the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network--an international ecclesial ministry served by the Jesuits--will engage and inspire you with the Church's daily scripture readings. It incorporates the Pope's monthly prayer intentions for groups across the globe, giving you a new way to experience the traditional spiritual devotion known as lectio divina (sacred reading). Using an easily accessible, six-step process, Sacred Reading for Lent 2019 guides you through the daily gospel readings for Lent as well as readings for solemnities and feasts from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday: know that God is present; read the gospel; notice what you think and feel; pray as you are led for yourself and others; listen to God; and ask him to show you how to live each day. This powerful prayer book is the perfect resource if you are interested in a deeper prayer life or are seeking a new approach to praying and living the scriptures during Lent. More than simply another daily prayer book, Sacred Reading for Lent 2019 draws on the traditions of Ignatian spirituality and models the lectio divina approach to scripture reading and prayer, allowing you to change your heart and find expression in your actions. You will feel a greater sensitivity to those around you and people across the globe in meditating on the Pope's monthly prayer intentions and creating an enriching habit of daily prayer and scripture reading that is as easy to maintain as it is enriching.
Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each chapter looks at something author Tish Harrison Warren does in a day—making the bed, brushing her teeth, losing her keys—and relates it to spiritual practice as well as to our Sunday worship.
Lent, a holy time of introspection and penance in preparation for the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, can be further enriched with Sacred Space for Lent 2020, a daily prayer experience from Sacred Space, the internationally known online prayer guide. Sacred Space for Lent invites readers to develop a closer relationship with God during this season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. What we know and trust about the Sacred Space online prayer experience is now available in a compact print format to heighten our Lent prayer practice in a way that is accessible, engaging, and meaningful to daily life. Throughout the Lenten season, each day includes a Scripture reading and points of reflection, as well as a weekly topic enhanced by six steps of prayer and meditation. With its small size and meaningful message, Sacred Space for Lent is a simple way to build a richer relationship with God and embrace the Lenten season as a sacred space.​
Take this season to listen and look for Christ's presence in your life. Lent is a time of new life and fresh beginnings. In this unique daily email subscription for the season of Lent, short readings from extraordinary Christians will open windows on your spiritual life, allowing fresh air to burst in. You'll find the life-changing wisdom of Francis of Assisi, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas a Kempis, Richard Rolle, Benedict of Nursia, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and others. Because each was a person of fervent life and passionate prayer, their words reveal how our waiting on God, and seeking God's will, lead to a life of meaning and joy.
Based on the popular spiritual healing program designed by Bob Schuchts and the John Paul II Healing Center, Lenten Healing offers a twist to traditional Lenten fasting: instead of giving up chocolate, give up your sin. This daily Lenten devotional offers a unique approach to fasting, helping you reexamine the psychological and spiritual roots of sin in your life while sharing reflections and prayer exercises for overcoming sinful habits and acquiring virtuous ones. Lent is the ideal time to identify and address "spiritual blind spots"—unacknowledged emotional wounds and false ideas that hinder your prayer life and worship. During each week of Lent, Ken Kniepmann of the John Paul II Healing Center breaks open one of the seven deadly sins (pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, anger, envy, and greed) and its corresponding virtue (humility, chastity, abstinence, diligence, patience, kindness, and liberality). You'll start by learning about the sin and how it manifests itself in daily life and thought patterns. Then you'll move into reflection and prayer exercises that guide you through the process of renouncing that week's sin and resolving to adopt that week's virtue. Fasting, the practice of giving up pleasures or comforts, allows us to grow in holiness by putting our desires to a kind of death. Obvious examples include giving up a habit such as a favorite food, sleeping in, or late-night TV—but what happens when you try to give up your sins while recognizing the deeper reasons you commit them in the first place? By seeing those connections and praying specifically for God's insight, healing, and revelation, you’ll be able to experience God’s mercy and love to a greater capacity. Kniepmann helps you see how the depth of Catholic teaching is connected to your daily life. Sin isn't just an activity; it is a place of the heart (the interior life) and the movement of the heart (toward or away from sin) as related to thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. By the time Easter arrives, you'll possess a deeper understanding of sin and emotional wounds as impediments to intimacy with God and come away with tangible, practical tools for addressing those impediments in your life.
No one goes to the desert for forty days without expecting to find someone or something there. Christians, by their very nature, are seekers. We look for direction, we look for fulfillment, and we look for others who want to walk the road with us. We knock on the doors of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, seeking shelter and wisdom. Embracing the Sacred Season is a guide in this search, at the center of which we hope to find God. What happens when the door is opened, and we know that we are in the presence of God? These unique reflections for the entire seasons of both Lent and Easter, based on Scripture readings, are direct, and help us take an honest look at our relationship with God. Each is followed up by reflection questions and a prayer. Let Janis Yaekel take you on a spiritual dance with God, as you embrace the sacred season.
In The Lent Factor, Graham James wrote about 40 people (one for each day of Lent) who had inspired him and helped to shape his spiritual journey. In this new book he turns his attention to places, from the Flinders Ranges in Australia to Devil's Island (French Guiana) via the Holy Land, Center Parcs and Holborn Underground Station. As with the previous book, each chapter of A Place for God offers a daily reflection, beginning with a suggested Bible reading and ending with a short prayer, and employing the same engaging combination of autobiography, history and spirituality. Some of the locations are well known and others very obscure: what they have in common is the part they have played in the author's life, in enabling his 'discovery of the divine in the landscape and the built environment, and of a God who always locates himself in our world, supremely revealed in Jesus of Nazareth'.