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Between 1940 and 1944 forty Belgians were trained in industrial sabotage at Brickendonbury Manor, near Hertford, UK. This book tells the stories of their successes and failures when they were dropped into Belgian. They include: Emile Tromme, Robert Jourdain, Armand Campion, Octave Fabri, Jean Scohier, Jean Cassart, Henri Verhaeghen, André Wendelen, Achille Hottia, Oscar Catherine, Valère Passelecq, Willy Bernaert, Jean Deflem, Léon Kaanen, ? Piquart, Felicien Moreau, Victor Lemmens, Pierre Osterrieth, Pierre Vliex, Frederic Veldekens, Henri Frenay, Jean Woluwe and Jean van Gyseghem, Jean Schools, Leon Engelen, Adhemar Delplace, Francois Mathot, André Berten, Alphonse Mabille, Theo Andries, André Bayet, Pierre Davreux, Léon Joye, Georges André, Maurice Bertrand, Robert Duby, Zephir Braibant, Leon Servais, Raymonde Thonon and André Guissart.
This dramatic memoir traces Herman Bodson's transformation from a pacifist and scientist to, in his own words, "a cold fighter and a killer" in the Belgian underground, an expert in explosives and sabotage. Serving first in the OMBR (Office Militaire Belge de Resistance), he later formed a group of underground fighters in the Belgian Ardennes. They undertook blowing up military trains and installations - including the sabotage of a bridge which resulted in the deaths of some six hundred German soldiers - cutting German communication lines, and rescuing downed American fliers. Bodson also served as a medical aide to an American military doctor at Bastogne in the crucial days of the Battle of the Bulge.
The seven year old daughter of diplomats posted to Peking "concocts a fantasy life as rich as her surroundings are bleak," and on one of her rounds, she meets a young Italian girl, Elena, who is "beautiful, aloof, disdainful of silly games. Our heroine is instantly infatuated, and comes to realize the only fight worthy of her energies is shattering Elena's indifference."--Jacket.
The Jewish leftist lawyer Ernst Fraenkel was one of twentieth-century Germany's great intellectuals. During the Weimar Republic he was a shrewd constitutional theorist for the Social Democrats and in post-World War II Germany a respected political scientist who worked to secure West Germany's new democracy. This book homes in on the most dramatic years of Fraenkel's life, when he worked within Nazi Germany actively resisting the regime, both publicly and secretly. As a lawyer, he represented political defendants in court. As a dissident, he worked in the underground. As an intellectual, he wrote his most famous work, The Dual State – a classic account of Nazi law and politics. This first detailed account of Fraenkel's career in Nazi Germany opens up a new view on anti-Nazi resistance – its nature, possibilities, and limits. With grit, daring and imagination, Fraenkel fought for freedom against an increasingly repressive regime.
A bewildering feature of so much contemporary political violence is its stunning impersonality. Every major city centre becomes a potential shooting gallery; and every metro system a potential bomb alley. Victims just happen, as the saying goes, to 'be in the wrong place at the wrong time'. We accept this contemporary reality - at least to some degree. But we rarely ask: where has it come from historically? Killing Strangers tackles this question head on. It examines how such violence became 'unchained' from inter-personal relationships. It traces the rise of such impersonal violence by examining violence in conjunction with changing social and political realities. In particular, it traces both 'push' and 'pull' - the ability of modern states to force the violence of their challengers into niche forms: and the disturbing new opportunities that technological changes offer to cause mayhem in fresh and original ways. Killing Strangers therefore aims to highlight the very strangeness of contemporary experience when it is viewed against a long-term perspective. Atrocities regularly capture media attention - and just as quickly fade from public view. That is both tragic - and utterly predictable. Deep down we expect no different. And that is why such atrocities must be repeated if our attention is to be re-engaged. Deep down we expect that, too. So Killing Strangers deliberately asks the very simplest of questions. How on earth did we get here?
"The study is the second product of SORO (CRESS) research on undergrounds and describes, on the basis of existing empirical information and current state of knowledge, the organizational, motivational, and behavioral characteristics of undergrounds in insurgent movements and relates thise characteristics to the total revolutionary structure, mission, and operations. There are six parts to the study: Organization; Paramilitary Operations; Government Countermeasures. Three appendices give details on the methodological approach, offer an analysis of 24 insurgencies, and summarize World War II underground rules of clandestine behavior."--Report documentation page.
During the Second World War, the British Royal Air Force's Special Duties Squadrons parachuted thousands of pigeons into Belgium. Bletchley Park, the nerve centre of the British Intelligence Service, had its own pigeon loft from where birds were sent on intelligence gathering missions. A secret organisation, MI14(d), was created to organise a pigeon service to occupied Europe. Those who found the pigeons were expected to supply military, economic and political intelligence for the Allies. This book includes the messages sent back from Belgium. In particular, it investigates the roles played by Josef Raskin and Jean Ceysens, the British Intelligence Services, the RAF and the brave individuals who, despite the possibility of imprisonment, sent messages to Britain in the hope it would help liberate their country.