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Vorbemerkung. [Die flamische Literatur im Ueberblick]. Anhang : Verdeutschungen einiger Gedichte Gezelle's. Pachthofszene (Gekiirzt). - o. t. : PachthofschHderinge. (Uit : Dichtoefeningen). Aurora. - O. t. : Aurora. (Uit : Gedichten, gezangen & gebeden). Warum docH konnen wir nicht. - O. t. : Waarom en kunnen wij niet. (ld.). Die Fliege. - Z. t., Ie vs. : 0 Gij dikke, welgekleede, welgevoede (Uit: Tijd. krans). - In: latere uitgn. get. : De vliege. Nicht ganzlicn werd ich sterben! - Z. t., Ie vs. : Is 't mooglijk dat (Id.). - In latere uitgn. get. : Niet heel en zal ik sterven! 's 1st stille - Z. t., Ie vs. : 't Is stille! Neerstig tikt het on. (Id.). Der Rabe. - Z. t., Ie vs. : Met zwart. en zwaren zwaai aan 't werken door de grauwe, (Id.). - In latere uitgn. get. : De rave. 's 1st stille. - Z. t., Ie vs. : 't Is stille .. Rustig Iigt (Id.). Die Meisen. - O. t. : Meezen. (Uit : Rijmsnoer). Die N achtigall. - O. t. : De nachtegale. Ie vs. : Och Moeder, is dat nu de (Id.). Die Kirchenfenster. - O. t.: De ramen. (Id.). Krieg. - O. t. : Oorloge. (Id.). Courtrai! - O. t. : Courtrai! (Id.). Der Webstuhl. - O. t.: Het getouwe. (Id.). Memento homo! (Gekiirzt). - O. t.: Memento homo ... (Id.). Wir nahen. - O. t. : Wij naderen. (Uit : Laatste verzen). Halb April. - O. t. : Half April. (Id.).
In a world still scarred two centuries after a nuclear holocaust, a military academy in an embattled nation has been turning out brilliant officers whose skill in fighting is exceeded only by their devotion to the law of courtesy. Then two of its elite students uncover a secret that has haunted its founder for twenty years. As the building scandal threatens Ryswyck Academy, their friendship becomes an indispensable grace for their community and the linchpin of a perilous solution to their country's desperate struggle.Lieutenant Stephanie Speir has just won a place in Ryswyck's junior officer cadre. Her buoyant, balanced joy in combat is shadowed by the illness of her father, a retired intelligence officer and former prisoner of war. In the single-combat arena she faces Lieutenant Walter Douglas, the youngest son of a rural family, and they kindle an unshakable friendship.That friendship becomes their anchor when a security breach reveals to them the dark secret behind General Barklay's drive to found Ryswyck Academy. Already troubled by Ryswyck's isolated culture and the problems of translating the ideal of courtesy to modern warfare, Douglas becomes profoundly disturbed by the revelations of Barklay's past participation in a heinous act. His only confidant is Speir, who up till this moment had been shielded from the details of her father's experiences as a prisoner in Berenian hands. Barklay's secret sets Ryswyck's loving ethos against the context of a brutal war with Ilona's enemy across the strait, a contrast that only grows starker as the two friends take commissions at an inhospitable island base. Soon Speir and Douglas find themselves drawn not only into the looming threat of scandal, but into the overwhelming prospect of battle, which will put their skill, their courtesy, and their friendship to the ultimate test.
This second volume by Bruce Murray looks at Wits University's role in South Africa's war effort, its contribution to the education of ex-volunteers after the war, its leading role in training job-seeking professionals, the rise of research and postgraduate study and the University's defence to preserve its 'open' status.
This documentary history of the Flemish movement and its role as a social, intellectual and political force in Belgium recounts the struggle for the recognition of the language and cultural identity of the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of Belgium.