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2017 ser� el a�o de la Transformaci�n Digital en Espa�a" Esta es una afirmaci�n un�nime de la pr�ctica totalidad de expertos en la materia. El 52% de las empresas espa�olas manifiestan llegar tarde a esta transformaci�n. No pierdas ni un minuto m�s. Ponte manos a la obra. Si sabemos como abordar el problema, tendremos gran parte de la soluci�n. Este libro te mostrar� las claves de c�mo abordar este apasionante proyecto, en el que debemos tener muy en cuenta: La tecnolog�a (las herramientas) Los procesos (procedimientos y sistemas) Las personas (el liderazgo y la cultura) Las competencias digitales Este es un avance de lo que se encontrar�s en este libro �Por qu� te interesa este libro? �C�mo te puede ayudar lo que aqu� encontrar�s? �C�mo ser�n los clientes del futuro? El papel de RR.HH. en el proceso Muchos casos reales de los que aprender �A qui�n est� dirigido este libro? A las personas de las �reas de Tecnolog�a, porque de ellos depende la puesta en marcha de las herramientas disponibles para la organizaci�n. A las personas del �rea de Marketing, porque tienen que alumbrar el camino para que los procesos se alineen con las necesidades del mercado y los clientes. A las personas del �rea de RR.HH. porque ser�n los responsables de que la implantaci�n del proyecto de transformaci�n, sea un �xito. Y en general a todas las personas ya que todos necesitamos mantener actualizado un perfil digital acorde con las exigencias del momento y porque todos, en mayor o menor medida, tenemos cosas que aportar en este apasionante viaje. �C�mo te puede ayudar este libro? Analizaremos el papel de los avances tecnol�gicos y tambi�n descubriremos la enorme importancia que tiene contar con las personas, que son a la postre, las que deben llevar a cabo este proceso que comienza por la transformaci�n cultural. Se describen con detalle las metodolog�as m�s impactantes como son el Reverse Mentoring y la Gamificaci�n, ambas de incalculable valor para el �xito del proyecto.
ÍNDICE: Las grandes rutas de la innovación. La coproducción. La sincronización. Más allá del cliente. La digitalización. Romper reglas. Trabajar en red de conocimiento. Entusiasmar personas. Eliminar lo que sobra. Perseverar en la intención. Velocidad de decisión y proceso.
This book contains compilation of emerging discourses on responsible leadership for sustainability in uncertain times. Uncertainty is looming large at global level due to COVID, climatic disruptions and persisting social discriminations, especially since the pandemic, which have disrupted economies at both local and global levels. Technology was a boon to mitigate hardships emerging from such disruptions. The book documents the leadership roles, welfare issues, best practices and innovations that help organizations to sustain in a VUCA world. Economic, social and environmental concerns and their mitigation as documented in this book will be relevant for future planning and execution for sustainable existence. A blend of research by practitioners and academicians, capturing organizational experiences through case studies makes it attractive for a wide range of readership. Business leaders will find this book extremely helpful to understand the nuances and insights for responsible leadership and innovative strategies for stakeholder management and engagement for sustained businesses. Practitioners would get insights into responsible leadership for improving existing sustainable practices and speed up the transition which is necessitated due to disruptions. Prospective entrepreneurs may find that book helpful for creating responsible organizations which are sustainable due to responsible management of resources, employees and environment. Students and researchers can learn from the cases and documentation on responsible leadership, social and environmental concerns and sustainability in this book.
In the context of an increasingly internationalized agri-food sector, this volume explores existing and new tools developed to help professionals with writing, interpreting and translating. Centered on the English-Spanish language pair, the contributions address a variety of terminology issues, the importance of intercultural understanding, the use of corpora, as well as the possibilities offered by automatic translation.
This open access book explores the global challenges and experiences related to digital entrepreneurial activities, using carefully selected examples from leading companies and economies that shape world business today and tomorrow. Digital entrepreneurship and the companies steering it have an enormous global impact; they promise to transform the business world and change the way we communicate with each other. These companies use digitalization and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of decisions and augment their business and customer operations. This book demonstrates how cloud services are continuing to evolve; how cryptocurrencies are traded in the banking industry; how platforms are created to commercialize business, and how, taken together, these developments provide new opportunities in the digitalized era. Further, it discusses a wide range of digital factors changing the way businesses operate, including artificial intelligence, chatbots, voice search, augmented and virtual reality, as well as cyber threats and data privacy management. “Digitalization mirrors the Industrial Revolution’s impact. This book provides a complement of perspectives on the opportunities emanating from such a deep seated change in our economy. It is a comprehensive collection of thought leadership mapped into a very useful framework. Scholars, digital entrepreneurs and practitioners will benefit from this timely work.” Gina O’Connor, Professor of Innovation Management at Babson College, USA “This book defines and delineates the requirements for companies to enable their businesses to succeed in a post-COVID19 world. This book deftly examines how to accomplish and achieve digital entrepreneurship by leveraging cloud computing, AI, IoT and other critical technologies. This is truly a unique “must-read” book because it goes beyond theory and provides practical examples.” Charlie Isaacs, CTO of Customer Connection at, USA "This book provides digital entrepreneurs useful guidance identifying, validating and building their venture. The international authors developed new perspectives on digital entrepreneurship that can support to create impact ventures.” Felix Staeritz, CEO FoundersLane, Member of the World Economic Forum Digital Leaders Board and bestselling author of FightBack, Germany
This dictionary consists of some 25,000 terms and references in both Spanish and English, drawn from all the major areas in the field of Telecommunications. It includes comprehensive labelling of subject areas, detailed abbreviation entries including cross-reference links to full forms, full British and American English coverage of lexical and spelling variants presented in clear layout and typography. Este diccionario consta de unos 25.000 términos y referencias tanto en español como en inglés, procedentes de las principales áreas del campo de las Telecomunicaciones. Incluye etiquetado completo de áreas temáticas, entradas de abreviaturas detalladas que incluyen enlaces de referencia cruzada a formularios completos, cobertura completa en inglés británico y americano de variantes léxicas y ortográficas presentadas en un diseño y tipografía claros.