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"I thought I was done with "No-Shows No-Film for Ukraine", as well as with the Russian scammers who unwittingly allowed this feature film project to be completed, when I received a new email..."
Addendum to the first edition of "Russian scams during Ukraine war" for "No-Shows No-Film during Ukraine war" : new true stories of Russian attempts at sentimental scams on the Internet, one year after the others during the conflict in Ukraine, when this time the victim plays dead.
True story of three of nine of Russian attempts at sentimental scams on the Internet a few months after the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine when a victim also lies : all original english texts from "Mort d'un pseudo".
An english text from "Mort d'un pseudo" : true story of one of nine of Russian attempts at sentimental scams on the Internet a few months after the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine when a victim also lies... Original document to understand the moral depravity, the shameless tartuffery, and the lying ugliness of Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Medvedev, Alexeï Ridiger, etc., and of those who support them (also from "Russian scams during Ukraine war").
24 postscripts for the addendum to the 1st edition of the book "Russian scams during Ukraine war on a dating website" entitled "Death of pseudo Ukrainian (Russian scammers during war)" complement of sequences from "No-Shows No-Film for Ukraine" ; full version in this Supplement to n° 19 "Singuliers" magazine – ISSN 0992-2881.
Complements of 30 sequences for the movie "No-Shows No-Film for Ukraine", 24 English postscripts (30 French) extracts from the book "Hermit in showbiz" (also in addition to "Russian scams during Ukraine war : on a dating website") ; English Supplement to n° 19 "Singuliers" magazine – ISSN 0992-2881.
Extracts from "Our songs of love and hate", Singuliers magazine n° 19 – ISSN 0992-2881.
An ebook from "Hermit's confessions (film "No-Shows" postscriptums)", n° 19 "Singuliers" magazine – ISSN 0992-2881.
Original title : "Rebecca Hampton ou la fausse lettre".
" But what have you come here to do ?" : question posed by a doctor from Langres in Haute-Marne (the "Grand Est" region of mainland France) when he meets a patient from Paris... "I don't know what it's like in Paris, but it's not like that here!" : remark by a lawyer in the same area ; responses from the stranger in the form of increasingly fierce satires, inspired by the "Journal de la Haute-Marne" and one of its locals, ten years of observations in situations provoked for vitriolic paintings of provincialism... the problem in Paris is not primarily Parisians, nor even foreigners, but many provincials. On the face of it, nothing really new to read... but a sort of inventory, perhaps explaining why an independent Parisian publisher and producer, who moved to the provinces, now works only exceptionally in France ; original reworking, from republished excerpts in the supplement to issue 19 of the biennial magazine Singuliers founded in Paris in 1988... ultimate paradoxical eulogy of French decline : final end of the "Langres Haute Marne" series.