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This book is based on an empirical research which explores bottom-up development practices initiated and organized by rural communities in the Indonesian periphery by placing “communication” at its core of analysis. The aim is to determine the extent that the Indonesian decentralization policy and the use of internet and other digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has affected the theory and practice of development communication as well as changes in relations between the center and the periphery within the context of Indonesian rural development. The book takes on periphery perspective in center-periphery interactions and relations. Hence, it belongs to "periphery research" that has rarely been used in recent decades. By using Grounded Theory for its data collection and analysis method, the results of this study are grouped into two major thematic categories: “communication development”, instead of development communication, and “communication empowerment”.
The formulation of a rural development strategy for any country is an extremely difficult and multi-faceted task, especially so for a country as large and diversified as Indonesia. With its almost two hundred million inhabitants and its island geography, Indonesia presents a particular challenge to efforts aimed at improving the lot of the rural poor. Illustrating again how economic growth in urban areas rarely translates into a decrease in rural poverty, this volume identities the impact of recent changes in the national economy on the rural poor, the interaction between the agricultural sector and the rural population, and patterns of food consumption, nutrition, and health. Drawing on the data and conclusions of thirteen years of IFAD experience in Indonesia, this book also examines the successes and failures of past development efforts and makes tangible, practical recommendations for future programs. Emphasizing that different strategies are required for Java, the other Inner Islands, and for the Outer Islands, the authors highlight the need for greater employment opportunities, greater commodity and regional diversification (in the form of the cultivation of secondary food crops, maintenance and improvement of irrigation, and the construction of roads, among other programmes), and a special emphasis on poor rural women.
This book provides a broad, interdisciplinary overview of the major facets of Indonesia's contemporary agricultural and rural development, while exploring the macro and micro factors that account for uneven development patterns. In assessing the rate and distribution of economic growth within the rural sector of the Indonesian archipelago, the auth
The wide variety of ethnic groups in Indonesia is reflected in the ethnic diversity among Indonesian villages. Until now, descriptive studies of village life have been virtually nonexistent except in the Dutch language. This collection of comprehensive surveys of thirteen villages in Indonesia provides the first major study of this fundamental level of Indonesian society in the post-colonial period. The studies are based on first-hand field experience by outstanding Indonesian, Dutch, and American scholars. The villages included are representative of the variety of social, political, economic, and religious systems in the major island regions: Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sumbawa, Timor, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Ambon, and West Irian. Most of the contributors are anthropologists, but a sociologist, an agronomist, and an authority on adat law are also represented. Although the articles reflect the particular interests of the individual authors, certain general anthropological topics - such as demography, settlement patterns, subsistence economy, land tenure, and social and political structures - are covered in each to allow for comparisons among the studies. The editor has added a history of Indonesian village studies, and in a concluding chapter he makes general observations about village life in Indonesia. In addition to illustrating the range of Indonesia's ethnic diversity, these village surveys provide greater understanding of the social phenomena and processes that form a basic part of contemporary life in a rapidly changing country. KOENTJARANINGRAT (1923-1999) was a professor and head of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Indonesia. He was the author of numerous scholarly books and articles in both the Indonesian and English languages.
A collection of essays on the villages of various cultures in Indonesia.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the constraints facing the development of rural non-farm enterprises in Indonesia. Recent years have seen a substantial effort by the Indonesian government to improve the investment climate. To date, much of this effort has focused on the constraints faced by businesses at the national level. However, if Indonesia is to be successful in creating jobs and reducing poverty across the archipelago, this will require improving the investment climate for the 15.7 million micro and small enterprises that employ more than half of all the non-farm workers in the country. This book brings together leading Indonesian and international academics to consider seven key constraints that RNFEs face: labour regulations and practices; infrastructure; competition and marketing; knowledge transfer and technology; access to credit and financial services; local taxation and user charges; and insecurity. In each case the authors draw on the Indonesian Rural Investment Climate Survey, a unique dataset of more than 2,500 RNFEs, to identify the size and nature of the constraints, the way in which they impact upon enterprise growth and the implications for policy. In addition, a key chapter estimates the strength of the linkage between agriculture and non-agricultural activities in rural areas, showing that agricultural revitalization is an essential complement to the development of the non-farm economy. "Understanding the rural investment climate in both slow- and fast-growing economies has taken on new urgency in the wake of the world food crisis. The rural non-farm economy often provides half or more of the income of farm families and is especially important for food-deficit rural households hard-hit by rising food prices. The Indonesian Rural Investment Climate Assessment is the "gold standard" for how to achieve this understanding. It is a delight to see it published and available to a wide audience." - C. Peter Timmer, Visiting Professor, Program on Food Security and Environment, Stanford University; Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Global Development
Most literature on the economic crisis in indonesia has focused on the negative macro-economic impacts during the "crisis- years" of 1997-99. The case studies presented in this book take a different perspective. With a longitudinal research perspective, this comparative study analyses a wide variety of responses to the crisis among communities and households. The case studies in this book cover the coping and adapting mechanisms of rural households under a variety of resource use practices and resource use regulations in different areas of Indonesia.
Indonesia was founded on the ideal of the “Sovereignty of the People”, which suggests the pre-eminence of people’s rights to access, use and control land to support their livelihoods. Yet, many questions remain unresolved. How can the state ensure access to land for agriculture and housing while also supporting land acquisition for investment in industry and infrastructure? What is to be done about indigenous rights? Do registration and titling provide solutions? Is the land reform agenda — legislated but never implemented — still relevant? How should the land questions affecting Indonesia’s disappearing forests be resolved? The contributors to this volume assess progress on these issues through case studies from across the archipelago: from large-scale land acquisitions in Papua, to asset ownership in the villages of Sulawesi and Java, to tenure conflicts associated with the oil palm and mining booms in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra. What are the prospects for the “people’s sovereignty” in regard to land?