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A new drama teacher, Ms Mooney, has arrived at Ranting Lane, Jiggy's school. She plans to put on a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream - and guess who will be chosen to play Bottom? Not only that, Ms Mooney also seems to be able to mesmerise Jiggy into doing things he really shouldn't, especially not in public . . .
Jiggy is given a pen - one of those with a scantily-clad female in it who loses her clothes when the pen is tipped. Trouble is, when Jiggy uses the pen, his clothes disappear too - but being Jiggy, he doesn't put two and two together until he has suffered a number of very nude, public and embarassing episodes.
There's something a bit weird about Ralph's new neighbour, Jack Bilt, and it isn't long before Ralph finds out the strange secret. Jack Bilt has managed to get his hands on a powerful miniaturisation device and has been using it on people! He's been moving around the country to hide the fact that he has created a mini work-force to work on a miniaturised house. Once the house is complete, he plans to use it as a fairground attraction, rather like an old-fashioned freak show. Time is running out, and soon Ralph finds himself miniaturised too...
Something's after Jiggy McCue! Something big and angry and invisible. Something which hisses and flaps and stabs his bum and generally makes his life a misery. Where did it come from? Jiggy calls in his best pals, Pete and Angie, and together the Three Musketeers - one for all and all for lunch! - set out to send the poltergoose back where it belongs.
There is a tradition in Jiggy's hometown - the night before a boy starts school he goes to the Piddle Pool near the old quarry and pees in the pool for good luck. But when Jiggy went...he couldn't go, and he's been unlucky ever since. Now Jiggy wants to change his luck. One night, while he is mid-piddle, a genie rises out of the water. Will the genie bring Jiggy good luck, or is Jiggy's life about to get even worse?
What would you do if you were attacked by vampires? Edwardian butcher's son Jiggy Offal-Trype knows what he'd do. Run. But he can't. He has to fight back. Luckily, he has these killer new skills... A fang-tastically funny new story from a bestselling author.
Jiggy is horrified to hear that his parents have signed him up for a reality TV show called Kid Swap. He is to move in with another family and everything he does will be filmed. Sadly, most of what he does while the camera is pointing his way is not the kind of thing he wants to share with millions of total strangers. And then, on top of it all, there's his bizarre skin problem... Find out how Jiggy copes with TV fame and flick the pages for a disgusting dinner!
This ninth Jiggy McCue story sees Jiggy entering an alternative reality when he hides in the school caretaker's broom cupboard. In this new world, Jiggy finds he has swapped places with a boy called Juggy who is about to go on a school trip - a trip to compete in the UK Extreme Ironing Championships.
This eighth Jiggy McCue story sees Jiggy and his pals, Angie and Pete, as usual, in trouble. This time, they are under threat from the brain of Bryan Ryan, one of their classmates. Bryan's Brain is out of control and threatening to take over the world! And only Jiggy, Pete and Angie, the 'Three Musketeers', can stop it. One for All and All for Lunch!
Stanley Buggles holds the key to the smugglers' map. But does he dare to uncover its ancient secrets? What will happen if he ventures down into the treacherous tunnels? And who is following behind...? Originally published under the title 'The Smugglers' Mine'.