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The third in a series of books that result from annual conferences of the top evangelical hermeneutical scholars in the world.
This book examines the portrayal of Israel as a royal-priestly nation within Exodus and against the background of biblical and ancient Near Eastern thought. Central to the work is a literary study of Exodus 19:4-6 and a demonstration of the pivotal role these verses and their main image have within Exodus. This elective and honorific designation of Yahweh's cherished people has a particular focus on the privilege of access to him in his heavenly temple. The paradigm of the royal grant of privileged status has profound implications for our understanding of the Sinai covenant.
A Biblical Theology of the Royal Priesthood from Genesis to Revelation "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." —1 Peter 2:9 From Genesis to Revelation, the theme of the royal priesthood is a silver thread running through the biblical story from the garden of Eden through the priesthood of Israel to Jesus Christ—the true and better priest. It culminates with the creation of God's covenant people, called out of the nations to be his priests to the nations. In this concise treatment, David Schrock traces this theme of priesthood throughout the Bible and displays to readers how Jesus, the great high priest, informs the worship, discipleship, and evangelism of the church. Short and Accessible: Traces the theme of priesthood from Genesis to Revelation and gives practical application for the church today Written for Laypeople and Church Leaders: Excellent for students, Bible studies, small groups, and leaders of all levels Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series
The NIV Study Bible is the #1 bestselling study Bible in the world's most popular modern English Bible translation. This best-loved Bible features a stunning four-color interior with photographs, maps, charts, and illustrations. One look inside this white Italian Duo-Tone(TM) edition reveals why this Bible is a favorite for over 9 million people.
After thirty-three years as a senior pastor and nearly fifty overseas missions, Peter Barfoot is well-qualified to write on the subject of faith. In Faith: God's Gift to the Heart, Peter explores the many and diverse aspects of the Christian faith and shares on how it brought him to and through difficult and even dangerous situations. Peter's years as a newspaper editor, magazine publisher, and author of hundreds of articles combined with his ministry experience to produce a book, which is both inspiring and informative. Accompanied by his wife, Lorraine, Peter continues to teach, write, and minister to the sick worldwide""to the glory of God and his Son Jesus Christ.
Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ's family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. Under the Levitical system, there was one high priest among the priests. Christ was called a High Priest and not the only priest; thus, there has to be other priests that serve with Him. These other priests are those who have believed on Him. The believer receives kingship and priesthood through Jesus. To have a people of a royal priesthood has always been a part of God's plan for His people. It was His desire for the children of Israel, yet He developed this desire in the believers. In the pages of the second book of this set, we will bring clarity to the believers as the royal priesthood. Book 2 of 2. - Small Group and Bible study edition is available: "Royal Priesthood Studies 101: Introductory Studies to the Priesthood of the Believer."
There are many investigations of the Old Testament priests and the New Testament’s appropriation of such imagery for Jesus Christ. There are also studies of Israel’s corporate priesthood and what this means for the priesthood of God’s new covenant people. In this NSBT volume, Andrew S. Malone traces these two distinct threads and their intersection through Scripture with an eye to the contemporary Christian relevance.
Jesus Christ, through His priestly ministry, provided salvation unto all men. Those who receive Him, of both Jew and Gentile, become members of His family. Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ’s family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. In the pages of this study, we will provide foundational truth concerning the royal priesthood of the believer.
This book is divided in two parts. The first part is the story the Bible tells of God’s presence in the world beginning with creation and the rebellion of the first humans, followed by God’s project of restoration in the chosen people of Israel, its fulfillment in the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the final consummation at the end of time. The second part is an exposition of what the Bible teaches our response to the story should be. The author points out that the Holy Spirit reveals to us our union with Christ in his death and resurrection. This enables us then to practice the virtues that lead to holiness, which is the foundation of our vocation as kings and priests.