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Neil Anderson comes from a humble farming background. No one suspected that this fun-loving, athletic child would complete five degrees, author or co-author sixty books and found a global ministry. Neil served in the US Navy, then graduated in electrical engineering and worked as an aerospace engineer before sensing a call to ministry. He spent years as a church pastor and seminary professor before starting Freedom in Christ Ministries. -God put a burden on my heart to see captives set free and their emotional wounds healed, - he writes. -But my early education was steeped in western rationalism. It has taken me years to discover the reality of the spiritual world, and learn to be guided by the Holy Spirit, - Freedom in Christ Ministries equips the church to help people become fully alive, and free in Christ. -So many counselors deal only with symptoms, but Neil helps us find healing. His memoirs show that he did not write from an ivory tower, but from the context of his own participation in the battle in which we are all engaged.- ' Dr. Timothy Warner, Former Director of Professional Doctoral Programs, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 'Inspiring and challenging. Neil's rediscovery of these biblical truths ' of truth encounter, and of our identity in Christ ' has changed and liberated countless lives, and transformed my perspective and my practice of spiritual warfare ministry. You will be enlightened and blessed by Neil's story." ' Dr. Paul L. King, Associate Professor at Oral Roberts University -Praise God for Neil Anderson's contribution to the Christian church, and for his awesome ministry.- ' Dr. Elmer L. Towns , Co-Founder and Vice President, Liberty University -This book is a jewel. We catch a glimpse of the man behind the movement, and praise God for the remarkable fruit.- ' Chuck Mylander, EFM Director
Best-selling author shares his inspirational journey Today known as the author of the mega-seller The Bondage Breaker and the founder of Freedom in Christ ministries, Neil Anderson didn't always know that he was called to serve the Lord as a Christian minister. Though he is sure of his calling now, he readily admits that he has never sought a position in ministry and though he has founded and led a successful international parachurch organization, he refuses to spend a minute of his time to keep it in business. The son and grandson of Norwegian farmers, Anderson grew up in rural Minnesota. He was a fun-loving, sports-crazy child, and no one suspected that God had planted a seed in him that would lead first to years as a pastor, then to teach in seminary, write or coauthor sixty books, and found a global ministry. Here he honestly shares his journey, complete with struggles and trials as he learns to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Though he still asks God, "Why me?" he continues to set people on the path to true freedom in Christ.
A riveting tale of a brave family's last bid for freedom, and the price they pay to find it. Julia May and her family have done the unthinkable. They have fled from their life of slavery on a tobacco plantation in Virginia, and are making their way north, on foot, where they have heard that slaves can live free. Their story, told through Julia May's journal entries, is gruelling. Their journey takes them through swamps, travelling by night and hiding by day. It is a harrowing, terrifying experience, but determination to find a new life in Canada keeps them going. The diary that Julia May keeps is another act of bravery. Learning to read and write alongside her mistress at the plantation was her own secret, and strictly forbidden for a slave girl. Now as she records her fears and the extraordinary things she sees during her journey, she is deeply afraid that she'll be found out and suffer the consequences. But her journal keeps her going through the hard times until they are finally free. Readers will be moved as they follow her family's trek north . . . but even here old prejudices die hard.
Neil Anderson has travelled the world, speaking and teaching, and has written many books. At his side, at his back, has been his wife Joanne: they have been together for over 50 years. Now Joanne is gripped by a long decline, sinking gradually into agitated dementia. She depends on Neil's presence, calls him Daddy. He has no training as a nurse, but now for long hours he sits at her bedside, and cares for her bodily needs. They do not speak much: conversation is a strain. So Neil has used the silent hours to pray, to spend time in God's presence, and to reflect on what this means. 'I have become keenly aware that God is using Joanne's illness to teach me about the power of presence,' he writes. 'I'm learning on a much deeper level the purpose of just being there, and what it means to be still and know that He is God. There is an inexplicable peace that comes from knowing I don't have to 'do' in order to 'be' in God's will - to be in His presence - to be in each other's presence. 'It has been a peaceful time of reflection upon the presence of God, and how that has shaped me, our marriage, and ministry. My theology tells me that God is omnipresent, but we are not always aware of His presence, and yet without His presence we are not fully alive.'
In Animal Choice and Human Freedom: On the Genealogy of Self-Determined Action, Michael Yudanin argues that describing freedom conceptually is impossible without explaining how it can exist in the world. Yudanin develops an account of freedom’s instantiation in biological agents and provides several prerequisites that are necessary for its exercise. He demonstrates that freedom is linked to the form of life and distinguishes between choice in non-verbal animals and human freedom, where the latter is enabled by the development of language and thus possesses a distinct character. Following this descriptive account, Yudanin explores freedom’s evolutionary history, explaining how it developed in the course of the evolution of species.
This is a work depicting the real life story of a young man who was born into "rags". But God brought him into Blessings which surpasses "riches" untold. In this book, you will discover how; through the mighty power of God, this young man came through many toils and snares; yet made his way to the cross of Jesus Christ and was saved by the Grace of God; and today, lives a life of "freedom" from the snares of the enemy (Satan). Minister H. William (Hazel) Lee also shares the "heart-rending" story of how he witnessed the physical and sexual abuse of his mother during times when she was intoxicated. Lee shares how he sometimes, had to carry his mother in his arms; through the streets of Wabasso, Florida in order to get her home from some slop house; where it was evident that she had been sexually abused. But through all this; by the Grace of God, Lee was able to survive this traumatic time in his life. And now he shares these and many other "life-changing" stories with you. It is Lee's desire that after reading this book, you will be able to find a "peace" for your life that you never dreamed possible. Lee also shares that; no matter what circumstance(s) you may have experienced in life; no matter what kind of environment or situation you may have come from, you can be whatever you want to be in life. The choice is up to you. Lee also encourages, that you can be free from any bondage that might be keeping you from attaining your "Divine Liberation".
The Volume speaks to us from the heart and engages the socio-political concerns in the Nigerian context through the lens of a theological approach. The author reflects historically the numerous consequences of the amalgamation of the ethnic groups of different orientations in Nigeria into one socio-political structure of the colonizers interests. This sociopolitical structure raises several questions than answers it pretends to offer the indigenous people. From a Nigerian point of view, the articles in this volume critically challenge the unjust formation of any nationhood in the Africa context. It points out how the sustenance of an unjust nation formation betrays the creed on which such a nation is established. “Truth conquers all” is the spirit with which this Volume is written. It is the truth that will set a nation like Nigeria free from the spirit of confusion and unperceived religio-socio-political syncretism. The awareness emanating from this volume suggests liberating steps from the unsuspicious colonial interests and the sustained feigned relationship with the colonizers which militate against the socio-political and economic growth, and theological orthodoxy of such a growing nation.
This volume considers the UK as a state that was both internally differentiated and placed a premium on its external relations and world power. It contains documents dealing with the implications of the multinational status of the UK. They relate to matters including discussions over the status of Ireland; and the constitutional position of the other nations of the UK. The volume also contains documents connected to the constitutional implications of the Empire, including the way in which it was managed, and how should be structured. It contains material relevant to the constitutional impact of the UK on the outside world.