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The first edition of Practical Sedimentology contained dis ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cussions of principles and techniques that could be applied to the analysis of sediments in the field and in laboratories sup Colleagues at the University of Canterbury and the Univer plied with inexpensive and commonly available equipment. sity of New England, Lismore, have helped with practical When considering a revised edition, we felt that it was inap advice on their experiences with various methodologies dis propriate to restrict consideration to the simple and common cussed in this volume. At the University of Canterbury, we techniques because so many modern analyses of sediments are particularly grateful to K. Swanson for advice on prepar use sophisticated and often expensive equipment to examine ing materials for scanning electron microscopy and paleonto sediments and sedimentary rocks. A review of the wide range logical specimens; to G. Coates (working at the university at of available techniques and equipment was not feasible in the the time of the first edition of Practical Sedimentology) for same volume as a review of principles. The original intent to compilation of, and additions to, the procedures for textural analysis and some tables and sketches; to Ted Montague for produce a concise summary of practical sediment studies in an inexpensive format was maintained, but now in the form the bulk of the chapter on borehole sedimentology; to Dr. J.
Papers cover the entire spectrum of eolian investigations, ranging from the microscopic level to regional synthesis as well as ancient eolian deposits and their interpretation.
The third edition of this comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary covers the whole field of physical geography and provides an essential reference for all students and lecturers in this field.
It is more than half a century since the publication of R. A. Bagnold’s classic book The physics of blown sand and desert dunes, and it is a tribute to the quality of Bagnold’s work that many of the fundamental principles which he developed - main valid today. His book continues to be essential reading for any serious s- dent of aeolian processes. However, the past two decades have seen an explosion in the scale of research dealing with aeolian transport processes, sediments, and landforms. Some of this work has been summarized in review papers and edited conference proceedings, but this book provides the rst attempt to review the whole eld of aeolian sand research. Inevitably, it has not been possible to cover all - pects in equal depth, and the balance of included material naturally re ects the - thors’ own interests to a signi cant degree. However, our aim has been to provide as broad a perspective as possible, and to provide an entry point to an extensive mul- disciplinary scienti c literature, some of which has not been given the attention it deserves in earlier textbooks and review papers. Many examples are drawn from existing published work, but the book also makes extensive use of our own research in the Middle East, Australia, Europe, and North America. The book has been written principally for use by advanced undergraduates, po- graduates, and more senior research workers in geomorphology and sedimentology.
Symposia do not just happen, and those which venture on the Bureau of IUT AM. I was on the train like a into new territory happen even less frequently. Never shot armed to the teeth with excuses. theless, faced by the challenge of organising such an I rehearsed my speech all the way down. I had event, many of us volunteer eagerly for the task. I am studiously opted for the environmental side of seabed not one of this select band. studies. I could prove it and produced papers on the Confronted by what at fIrst sight was but a casual correlation of geotechnical properties of the seabed invitation to consider whether I might be interested in with the populations of bugs that live there. Elsewhere commenting on the possibility I attended an informal (as in my defence package were items on landslips, clima I then thought) meeting at Newcastle University in 1980 tology, cluster analysis applied to business development to discuss the subject of Seabed Mechanics. Professor - anything I could find to illustrate my dissociation Len Maunder, Head of Mechanical Engineering here at from Seabed Mechanics proper.
A concise account of all major branches of sedimentary geology, highlighting the connecting links between them. Introduction; Processes of sedimentation; Sedimentary texture; Sedimentary petrology; Hydraulics, sediment transportation and structures of mechanical origin; Sedimentary environments and facies; Tectonics and sedimentation; Stratigraphy and sedimentation; Basin analysis: A synthesis; References; Index.