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This is a thorough yet easy-to-read biography of one of the major figures in Presbyterian and ecumenical church history. During the course of his forty-six-year career as Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Robert Speer shaped church policy, increased Presbyterian funding of world missions, and influenced many church leaders, including John D. Rockefeller Jr., Henry Sloane Coffin, and John Mackay. Pastors, laity, professors, and students interested in the history of mission work and ecumenical relations will be interested in the life and accomplishments of this influential Presbyterian.
The moral elements of individual character are inevitably social. And the social obligation immensely strengthens the sanctions which enjoin them. When a man “has trained himself,” to use the words of Lord Morley in dealing with Voltaire’s religion, “to look upon every wrong in thought, every duty omitted from act, each infringement of the inner spiritual law which humanity is constantly perfecting for its own guidance and advantage ... as an ungrateful infection, weakening and corrupting the future of his brothers,” he views each struggle within his own soul against evil and each firm aspiration after purity not as a mere incident in his own spiritual biography but as a fight for social good and for the perfecting of the nation and of humanity. And the struggle for social good and the perfecting of human life is fundamentally a struggle for the triumph of ideals in personal wills. God can take hold of men only in man. He revealed Himself and wrought redemption less by a social process than by a personal incarnation. And the only way of which we know to uplift the life of the nation and to fit it for its mission and its ministry[8] is to reform our own and other men’s characters, and ourselves to be what manner of man among men we would have the nation be among nations. It is of some of the elements of character of which men stand specially in need to-day that we are to speak in these lectures. What is good in our lives as individuals and in our life as a nation is not in need of discussion here. And there is no nobility in analyzing and deriding our weaknesses. Our purpose is to urge our keeping if we have not lost them, and our regaining if we feel them slipping from us, some of the elemental moral qualities and spiritual resources which are vital to the capacity for duty and to the living of a full and efficient life.It has seemed best, on the whole, to preserve in the printed volume the free colloquialism of the lectures as they were delivered.