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WHAT is there about some letters that makes them so much more effective than others? A letter may have perfect diction, a finished style; it may bristle with attention-getters and interest-arousers; it may follow every known rule; yet when it reaches where the reader sits and decides its fate, it may find itself in a wastebasket, while something lacking any polish, picks up the bacon and walks home with it. Why? People will give, when you have stirred their emotions. People will invest, when you have aroused their cupidity. And people want to know the future, so if you can persuade them that you are any sort of Prophet, they will buy your forecasting. It all comes back to the point we made in the beginning-""What do they want?"" What is the bait that will attract your fish and make them bite? Find that-and you will be as successful in bringing back orders as any angler can be with a properly baited hook in bringing in the fish. Get your copy today and learn the Masters of Marketing Secrets!
""Most advertising copywriters know their fundamentals. Many of us practice them. Some of us should get back to them. ""Whether one is now studying to go into the field of copywriting, whether he is new in the craft, or whether he has been a practitioner in it for years, his knowledge-and practice-of these fundamentals will determine the extent of his success. ""As Daniel Defoe said, 'An old and experienced pilot loses a ship by his assurance and over-confidence of his knowledge as effectively as the young pilot does by his ignorance and want of experience.' ""So this book will strip down to fundamentals, try to forget the furbelows. For, as time goes on, every line of creative work gets cluttered up with impressive jargon and off-the-beam technicalities, with professional palaver that strays far away from the main objective."" Get your copy today - and learn the secrets of writing ads from the Masters...
"ADVERTISING should be judged only by the goods it is conclusively known to sell, at a given cost. Mere opinions on Advertising Copy should be excluded from consideration, because opinions on Advertising are conflicting as opinions on Religion. "But, it is different with Advertising, as it is with Mechanics or with Medicine, all three of which can be conclusively tested. "Many Advertisers, however, seem satisfied to spend their money on mere Opinions about Advertising when they might have invested it on Evidence about Advertising. "When it is anything less than Salesmanship it is not real Advertising, but only 'General Publicity.' And, 'General Publicity' admittedly claims only to 'Keep the Name before the People,' — to produce a 'General impression on the Trade,' and to 'Influence Sales' for the salesmen. "The only way to judge Advertising is to judge it by the amount of goods It is conclusively known to Sell, at a given cost." Get this copy for yourself and learn these Secrets...
Robert Collier was decades ahead of his time in writing down ways for man to improve his lot in life. He wrote "Secret of the Ages" during an active and successful life developed upon basic ideas which opened up new vistas of living for countless multitudes of people. Brought up to be a priest, he worked as a mining engineer, an advertising executive and a prolific writer and publisher. The Robert Collier Letter Book earned Robert Collier the distinction of being one of the greatest marketing minds in history. Robert Collier sales letters were successful because he wrote to his readers' needs. As an expert in marketing, his sales savvy and writing expertise placed hundreds of millions of dollars in his clients' pockets.
The Robert Collier Letter Book shows the best solutions for copywriting and sales letters, explaining techniques, methods and the theory of letter writing which prove to be transferable to completely different times. The author presents plentiful examples of promotional letter writing from a bygone era which show the principles underlying the actual writing. Collier also discusses the interplay between marketing and business strategy, including accounting and product development. His samples provide highly relevant guidance for marketers.
As you are reading this, you are obviously interested in how Marketing actually works and what is actually effective. You already have been through the wringer with all these online marketers who use the same copy-paste template of a sales page, with mailing lists which send you unwanted traffic several times a week and insist that you are stupid enough to believe their hype, over and over and over. The Masters of Marketing Secrets series brings you these classics so that you can make up your own mind. All that has been done with these books is to give you modern versions of them which have been (mostly) cleaned up of typo's and poor editing - and also made available in ebook and paperback so you can study them at your leisure. J. George Frederick lived in those times and wrote about the people and principles of advertising they discovered. His book has been handed around for years, and as you study the other books in this series it starts pulling the pieces together for you.
Rarely has a book about advertising created such a commotion as this brilliant account of the principles of successful advertising. Published in 1961, Reality in Advertising was listed for weeks on the general best-seller lists, and is today acknowledged to be advertising's greatest classic. It has been translated into twelve languages and has been published in twenty-one separate editions in fifteen countries. Leading business executives, and the advertising cognoscenti, hail it as "the best book for professionals that has ever come out of Madison Avenue." Rosser Reeves says: "The book attempts to formulate certain theories of advertising, many quite new, and all based on 30 years of intensive research." These theories, whose value has been proved in the marketplace, all revolve around the central concept that success in selling a product is the key criterion of advertising. Get Your Copy Now
Just as technology is constantly evolving, author Maria Veloso approaches marketing communication from a posture of newer, faster, and more effective techniques. Veloso provides both timeless and cutting-edge methods to help content marketers achieve phenomenal success. With the rise of social networks, “Twitterized” attention spans, and new forms of video content, marketers’ online sales techniques need an upgrade. In Web Copy That Sells, you’ll gain tips for: crafting attention-grabbing, clickable, and actionable content; learn how to streamline key messages down to irresistible “cyber bites” for highly targeted Facebook ads and interactive web banners; discover the latest psychological tactics that compel customers to buy; and learn how to write video scripts that sell. Whether your focus is on web copy, email campaigns, social media, or any of the other latest and greatest opportunities for lead generation through digital marketing communication, these tips will help you pack a fast, powerful, sales-generating punch.
Love it or hate it, advertising remains a key component in acquiring customers and nurturing brand engagement. Distilling the wisdom of the world’s greatest advertisers, direct marketing expert Craig Simpson delivers an education on how to create best-in-class direct marketing and advertising copy that creates brand awareness, sells products, and keeps customers engaged. He takes readers through basic principles and time-tested methods of creating effective ad copy that increases profits. Dissecting the principles of legendary marketers like Robert Collier, Claude Hopkins, John Caples, and David Ogilvy, the reader will find applications to modern digital marketing, direct marketing, and inspiration for headline writing and beyond.
In How to Write a Good Advertisement, advertising expert Victor O. Schwab shares his proven techniques for crafting effective and persuasive advertisements. Drawing from his extensive experience in the industry, Schwab provides practical insights and strategies for capturing the attention of potential customers and compelling them to take action. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this book offers valuable guidance on how to create advertisements that deliver results.