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Atlantis was a global configuration of islands covering what is now the mid-Atlantic Ocean, as well as portions of the Pacific, and had islands even in the Indian Ocean. Europe and America were connected by a land passage, of which Iceland, Madeira, and the other Atlantic islands are remnants.

Atlantis and its illustrious “Fourth Race” inhabitants sunk 856,000 years ago, coinciding with the elevation of the Alps.

Titans and Cyclopes of old belonged to that Root-Race. Progressively, the human frame consolidated and symmetrised. Two front eyes developed but the “seers” sinned and lost the third. After the separation of the sexes, Karman forced the creative gods to incarnate in mindless men. Then, sight and speech developed, for language is coeval with reason. Humanity had passed the middle point in the Great Cycle. The door for further monads entering the human kingdom closed and the balance struck. Many of us are now working off the effects of the evil karmic causes produced by us in Atlantean bodies.

Prometheus is the pre-eminent Atlantean hero and philanthropist. He bestowed to animal man divine mind. But the gift was abused and became a curse. The mystery of the Fourth Race “falling” into matter explained: Angels fell but not Man.

Eminent Atlanteans are still kindling the Promethean fire. Zoroaster, Ulysses, Noah, Kabiri, Telchines, and other heroic figures are none other than mankind’s divine instructors and true benefactors.

Atlantis was a land of beautiful and strong giants. Their initiates commemorated images of the five Races in stone for the instruction of future generations. Though perfected in materiality, they degenerated in spirituality. Black magic, bestiality, selfishness, and self-adoration spelled the demise of that proud race.

Could the lost civilization of Atlantis provide the answer to the origins of human existence? In his controversial new study, John Gordon examines the evidence and makes some startling discoveries. Though many have dismissed Plato’s account of the vanished continent and its people as fantasy, Gordon argues that not only is the story true, but it’s a brilliant and complex metaphor for cosmic creation. Gordon’s research leads him to oppose modern scientific orthodoxy on a range of accepted ideas from the "Big Bang" theory to Darwinian evolution. He questions the concept that humans emerged relatively recently; the notion that dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid impact; and the belief that present-day global warming has a human cause. It’s an eye-opening look at our world.
A comprehensive study of the major occult writings on Atlantis • Fully examines the many occult teachings on Atlantis, including those from G. I. Gurdjieff, Madame Blavatsky, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, Fabre d’Olivet, and Dion Fortune • Shows how these writings correlate with the concept of cyclical history, such as the Mayan calendar and 2012, the Age of Aquarius, and the four Yugas • By a renowned scholar, author, editor, and translator of more than 30 books Atlantis has held a perennial place in the collective imagination of humanity from ancient Greece onward. Many of the great minds of the occult and esoteric world wrote at length on their theories of Atlantis--about its high culture, its possible location, its ultimate demise, and their predictions of a return to Atlantean enlightenment or the downfall of modern society. Beginning with a review of the rationalist writings on Atlantis--those that use geographic and geologic data to validate their theories--renowned scholar Joscelyn Godwin then analyzes and compares writings on Atlantis from many of the great occultists and esotericists of the 19th and 20th centuries, including Fabre d’Olivet, G. I. Gurdjieff, Guido von List, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, Dion Fortune, and René Guénon, whose writings often stem from deeper, metaphysical sources, such as sacred texts, prophecy, or paranormal communication. Seeking to unravel and explain the histories and interpretations of Atlantis and its kindred myths of Lemuria and Mu, the author shows how these different views go hand-in-hand with the concept of cyclical history, such as the Vedic system of the four Yugas, the Mayan calendar with its 2012 end-date, the theosophical system of root races, and the precession of the equinoxes. Venturing broader and deeper than any other book on Atlantis, this study also covers reincarnation, human evolution or devolution, the origins of race, and catastrophe theory.
Reveals the parallels between the rise and fall of Atlantis, cultures in ancient Mesoamerica, and our modern civilization • Links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico, the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar • Reveals the Atlantean and Mayan prophecy of an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal and how we are headed into a destructive phase • Shows how ancient prophecies correlate precisely with the latest climatology studies, the rising incidence of solar flares, and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts With the passing of the Mayan Calendar’s end date we can now focus on the true significance of what the Maya and their predecessors were trying to convey to future civilizations. Frank Joseph reveals how the Mayan prophecy, symbolized by their calendar, was created through the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria and predicts an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal. He shows how this cycle correlates precisely with scientific studies on glacial ice cores and predictions from the Hopi, the Incas, and the Scandinavian Norse as well as the visions of Edgar Cayce. He links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico (the progenitors of the Maya), the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar. Drawing on the latest climatology studies and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts, he reveals that we are on the brink of a destructive phase in the global cycle of change as predicted by the Atlanteans and the Maya. The world’s current political, economic, and cultural deterioration is paralleled by unprecedented storms and record temperatures, massive solar flares, tectonic disturbances, and fissuring sea floors that could release dangerous reservoirs of methane gas into the environment--all of which signals we are headed into another ice age. Despite the Atlanteans’ greater understanding of the cyclical nature of catastrophes and of the human role in them, Joseph reveals the mistakes they made that played a crucial role in their civilization’s destruction. By recognizing the self-destructive patterns of Atlantis in our own civilization, we can learn from their mistakes to reestablish civilization’s cosmic balance before time runs out.
Traces the legend of Atlantis from the original stories found in the works of Plato to the latest scientific debates and discoveries, and argues that the threat of global warming may lead modern society to the same fate.
The Seventeen-rayed Sun stands for the emanations of the Divine Monas, from the Heavenly Man down to terrestrial men, and their respective hierarchies. The ten points inscribed within the Pythagorean triangle are worth all the theogonies and angelologies ever emanated from the theological brain.
It is around the plateau of the Pamirs that the cradle of the true Race must be located: but the cradle of initiated humanity only; of those who have for the first time tasted of the fruit of knowledge, and these are in Tibet, Mongolia, Tartary, China and India, where also the souls of their pious and initiated brethren transmigrate, and re-become “sons of God.” Druses are the descendants of mystics of all nations who, in the face of cruel and unrelenting persecution by the orthodox Christian Church and Orthodox Islamism, have found refuge in the fastnesses of Syria and Mount Lebanon. They are the Sikhs of Asia Minor, related to the followers of Guru Nanak and that fraternity of Tibetan Lamaists, known as the Brotherhood of Khelang. They are repetitions of those of the Tibetan Taley-Lama, whose appellation “Path to the Ocean,” means, Path or “Way to the Ocean of Light” or Divine Wisdom. Both Lamas and Druses share the same mystical statistics. Lord Buddha ennobled even the least philosophical of the dissenting sects of his religion, the Lamaism of the nomadic Kalmucks.
Zoroaster is a generic title; so is Thoth-Hermes. Prophet Isaiah lived 200 years earlier than Cyrus (from 760 to 710 BCE) while the great Persian King began his reign in 559. The Jews were simply a Persian colony imbued with Magianism and Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster, the Sage of remote Antiquity, is transformed by Christian bigots into a “slave of Daniel.” The key to understanding the Avesta lies concealed at the bottom of the rightly interpreted Kabbalah. Kabbalah is the record of doctrines received by the Chaldean Magi and the initiated Jews from Zarathushtra whose teachings, on account of their profound philosophy, were meant only for the few. Physically and intellectually, we may progress and grow in strength and sophistication, but lose daily in spirituality and wisdom. He who would penetrate the secrets of Fire, and unite with It, must first unite himself soul and body to Earth (his mother) to Humanity (his sister), and to Science (his daughter). The ancient name of Persepolis was Ista-Char, or Throne of the Sun, the place sacred to Ista or Esta. Eventually, Ista/Esta became Vesta, to whom the Romans burnt inextinguishable fire. The fire burning in the sacred altar meant heavenly truth, and the smoke of incense waving into the faces of the worshippers imparted the knowledge thereof. When the Kalki-Avatara appears, seated upon a white horse, our sufferings in this world will come to an end. The white horse is animating principle of the Sun; its four legs represent for the four Root-races of the world: black, russet, yellow, and white. The Chinese clothed their four orders of priests in black, red, yellow, and white; John saw these very colours in the symbolic horses of the Revelation. The four Zoroastrian ages are the four Root-races, the progression of the human life-wave on any globe of a planetary chain. The colours of each of the four races are: gold for the Mongolian, silver for the Caucasian, brass for the Red Indian, iron for the Negro. There are seven Ahuru-asters, or spiritual teachers of Ahura-Mazdha (an office corrupted later into Guru-asters and Zuru-asters) from Zera-Ishtar, the title of the Chaldean or Magian priests. The last one was the Zaratusht of the Desatir, the thirteenth prophet, and the seventh of that name. He flourished between 1200 and 1300 BCE.