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How do you find and maintain a balance between faith, grace, and works? On the one hand, there's grace, and on the other, a new morality that weighs motive equally with action. If you have never struggled with your own moral weaknesses, if you have never looked in the mirror and wondered whether a believer was staring back at you, if you have never felt a twinge of terror while reading "Not everyone who says to be 'Lord, Lord", will enter into the kingdom of heaven", then this book is not for you. But if you struggle with faith and want to know what genuine Christian faith looks like, "Righteous Sinners" will help you examine faith, grace, and works and the conflicting teaching that abounds on this issue to help you come to a clearer understanding of what it means to be a "righteous sinner".
When critics study reader-character interaction in Matthew's Gospel, they tend to reach similar conclusions. The disciples are viewed as the link between Jesus and the readers. The supplicants and Pharisees serve as foils complementing the true meaning of discipleship.This study reconceptualizes the readers' role on the basis of M.M. Bakhtin's analysis of the author-hero relationship. The outcome of this reading strategy is that the readers must also interact with Jesus through the limited perspective of the major character groups, momentarily suspending the post-resurrection knowledge that all authority is g ranted to him. By encouraging the readers to identify with the Pharisees, the Gospel is able to constitute the readers as sinners, thereby establishing them in the supplicants' condition of need, and thus as the potential recipients of good news.This is volume 246 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series.
Discover the storyline of Scripture as you follow people, places, or things in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You'll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the literary masterpiece that it is. In Sinners, we will discover God's tender compassion on anyone--regardless of their social status, troubled past, or the labels placed upon them. And we are going to notice the counterintuitive ways "sinful" people respond to Jesus in righteous acts of faith. You'll start to see a theme unfold: The people considered sinful often act with greater faith than the most religious people of Jesus' day. In the Sinners Bible study, we will explore Luke 7: the sinful woman who anointed Jesus with the perfume from her alabaster jar and whose faith saved her; Luke 7: the Roman centurion who advocated for his sick servant and whose faith saved the servant's life; Matthew 9: the former tax collector and disciple named Matthew who had left his tollbooth to follow Jesus and whose faith confused the religious; Matthew 15: the Canaanite mom who begged Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter and whose faith led to her daughter's healing; and John 4: the Samaritan woman at the well who was approached by Jesus and whose faith started revival in her town.
This theological classic is organized as follows: To the Christian Reader I. Of the Body of Scripture, and Theology II. Of God, and the Nature of God III. Of the Life of God IV. Of God’s Glory, and Blessedness V. Concerning the Persons of the Godhead VI. Of God’s Works, and His Decree VII. Of Predestination and Creation VIII. Of Angels IX. Of Man, and the Estate of Innocency X. Of Sin, and the Fall of Angels XI. Of Mans Fall and Disobedience XII. Of Original Sin XIII. Of Actual Sin XIV. Of the Common Punishment of Sin XV. Of Election, and of Jesus Christ the Foundation Thereof XVI. Of the Union of the Two Natures in Christ XVII. Of the Distinction of Both Natures XVIII. Of Christs Nativity and Office XIX. Concerning the Outward Means of Executing the Decree of Election, and of the Decalogue XX. Of the First Commandment XXI. Of the Second Commandment XXII. Of the Third Commandment XXIII. Of the Fourth Commandment XXIV. Of the Fifth Commandment XXV. Concerning the Sixth Commandment XXVI. Of the Seventh Commandment XXVII. Of the Eighth Commandment XXVIII. Concerning the Ninth Commandment XXIX. Of the Tenth Commandment XXX. Of the Use of the Law XXXI. Of the Covenant of Grace XXXII. Of the Sacraments XXXIII. Of Baptism XXXIV. Of the Lords Supper XXXV. Of the Degrees of Executing God’s Decree of Election XXXVI. Concerning the First Degree of the Declaration of God’s Love XXXVII. Concerning the Second Degree of the Declaration of God’s Love XXXVIII. Concerning the Third Degree of the Declaration of God’s Love XXXIX. Of Repentance and the Fruits Thereof XL. Of Christian Warfare XLI. Of the First Assault XLII. Of the Second Assault XLIII. Of the Third Assault XLIV. Of the Patient Bearing of the Cross XLV. Of the Calling Upon God XLVI. Of Christian Apology, and Martyrdom XLVII. Of Edification, and Almes Among the Faithful XLVIII. Of the Fourth Degree, of the Declaration of God’s Love: And of the Estate of the Elect After This Life XLIX. Of the Estate of the Elect at the Last Day of Judgement L. Of the Estate of the Elect After Judgement LI. Concerning the Order of the Causes of Salvation, According to the Doctrine of the Church of Rome LII. Concerning the Decree of Reprobation LIII. Concerning the Execution of the Decree of Reprobation LIV. Concerning a New Devised Doctrine of Predestination, Taught by Some New and Late Divines LV. Of the State and Condition of the Reprobates When They Are Dead LVI. Of the Condemnation of the Reprobates at the Last Judgement LVII. Of the Estate of the Reprobates in Hell LVIII. Of the Application of Predestination
Salvation is of eternal importance yet it is very often misunderstood. In A Fourfold Salvation Author W. Pink addresses the subject of salvation by addressing; Salvation from the Pleasure of Sin, Salvation from the Penalty of Sin, Salvation from the Power of Sin, and Salvation from the Presence of Sin. "Ask the average Christian, Are you saved? and he answers, Yes, I was saved in such and such a year; and that is as far as his thoughts on the subject go. Ask him, To what do you owe your salvation? and "the finished work of Christ" is the sum of his reply. Tell him that each of those answers is seriously defective, and he strongly resents your aspersion." Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.