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Nearing death, the always pragmatic Glenn Smith is a dysfunctional baby boomer who believes the world is a sick place where love, friendship, and God are phony ideas created by greeting card companies, big business, and snake oil salesmen. But when his perverted old neighbor is suddenly murdered, Glenn is unwittingly propelled into the midst of the perplexing investigation. Glenn has no idea that what he is about to uncover will not only change his life, but also the history of America. Prompted to find out who killed Bobbie Bourgeois by a vision of his deceased mother, Glenn digs deep into the murder case and soon unveils the sinister mission of a shadowy organization determined to stop at nothing to defeat the countrys enemieseven if it means trampling on the United States Constitution, assassinating officials, or overthrowing governments. Through the people he meets and the relationships he develops, Glenn sets the stage for the creation of a potential life-changing perspective. While in the midst of his unforgettable end-of-life journey, Glenn attempts to solve a challenging murder caseall while struggling to find his sanity amid a dangerous world full of phonies and hypocrites.
The Righteous Way is an introduction to the Five Percent Nation that influenced Hip-Hop culture and New York City urban youth. This work lays a foundation for readers to meaningfully build and organize based on the moral and ethical implications of the Nation's teachings. It features an exclusive interview with Allah B on the history of the Nation and The Word, the Nation's first national newspaper, and is Part 1 of The Righteous Way Trilogy.
The Righteous Way: Golden Jubilee Edition (Part 2), commemorates the 50th Year Anniversary of the Five Percent Nation along with an Interview with Lord Jamar Allah on the Five Percent Nation influence on Hip-Hop. It includes a photo gallery of dynamic photos taken by renowned photographers Khalik Allah and Jamel Shabazz.
Since its composition in Washington's Willard Hotel in 1861, Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Republic" has been used to make America and its wars sacred. Few Americans reflect on its violent and redemptive imagery, drawn freely from prophetic passages of the Old and New Testaments, and fewer still think about the implications of that apocalyptic language for how Americans interpret who they are and what they owe the world. In A Fiery Gospel, Richard M. Gamble describes how this camp-meeting tune, paired with Howe's evocative lyrics, became one of the most effective instruments of religious nationalism. He takes the reader back to the song's origins during the Civil War, and reveals how those political and military circumstances launched the song's incredible career in American public life. Gamble deftly considers the idea behind the song—humming the tune, reading the music for us—all while reveling in the multiplicity of meanings of and uses to which Howe's lyrics have been put. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" has been versatile enough to match the needs of Civil Rights activists and conservative nationalists, war hawks and peaceniks, as well as Europeans and Americans. This varied career shows readers much about the shifting shape of American righteousness. Yet it is, argues Gamble, the creator of the song herself—her Abolitionist household, Unitarian theology, and Romantic and nationalist sensibilities—that is the true conductor of this most American of war songs. A Fiery Gospel depicts most vividly the surprising genealogy of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and its sure and certain position as a cultural piece in the uncertain amalgam that was and is American civil religion.
As the essence of human nature arrives, consciousness comes across its own curiosity to expand and discover the outer regions of mind. The poems themselves become discoveries written in an endeavor to understand the universe, yet are committed to make life functional on this great rock, Earth. Enjoy.
Saint Sandra is the chosen one of the spirit of the prophecy, of the coming of Jesus. Jesus will address the world through Saint Sandra. To witness Jesus three times as well as two angels, these miracles are so amazing. All of Saint Sandra’s miracles will sweep you off your feet. Something was floating in Saint Sandra’s bedroom. Saint Sandra’s leg was healed on heaven’s time. To get your spirit to heaven and not to hell is the way of this book. Saint Sandra has witnessed many different encounters in hell. Jesus wins over evil.
What is Karma Yoga? Karma Yoga means the path of action without attachment. In other words, without getting entrapped in happiness-sorrow, continuing to perform karma with a sense of duty is Karma Yoga. Who is a Karma Yogi? A karma yogi is one who performs his right action as his ritual in the practical world. Karma yoga (also means Karma marga) is the best yoga described by the Lord Krishna. Karma is natural. Without karma, no one can live in this world. Without doing karma, no one can survive. Karma is the fundamental of our life. As long as we do our karmas, we can live in this world. Arjuna is a warrior whose behavior is ruled by impulses and basic instincts. He lacks the soul consciousness. He is religious, but not spiritualist. He is confused by contradictions. Lord Krishna enlightens him the way out of the confusions through Karma Yoga. He advises Arjuna to perform his duty detached from the thoughts of the consequences. Similarly, many of us confused in our lives before performing our duties while pondering about the outcomes. We forget our right karmas and wander in the middle of the crossroad of our lives. Consequently, we witness our failures and downfalls. And eventually, we grumble and blame our fates. Therefore, perform your karma without thinking about any result. Detach yourself from the consequences. Your foremost duty is to perform your karma (Dharma). But not to flee from your karma. Let your karma decides the outcome. Don’t try to meddle yourself into it. Always remember that only your karma leads you to the path of joy, happiness, success and peace and vice versa. Perform your Karma Yoga and become a Karma Yogi!
Feet Tell Stories. Tracing footsteps is like following the plot of a story. Footsteps demonstrate where you have walked in your life and point to where you are going. Your spiritual story is important to God. He is the author of your faith and the One who walks with you. Let Walking with God be your exercise book for the next chapter of your life. "We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God does, and that God will not do what we can do. He will not force us to walk correctly before Him. We have to do that ourselves. We must get into the habit of doing things — to instruct ourselves in the way we must go." (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, May 10.) Faith + Action. Each of the fifty short chapters in Walking with God highlights a metaphor from the Bible to help you intentionally coordinate your feet and your faith. Each chapter sets out: a spiritual goal, a new place to go with God, a deeper discovery as you walk together and a way to make that footwork metaphor become real in your life. Your walk with God is the story of your spiritual life. He wants to join you on the journey... Go far.
Because of grace, good things happen even in the midst of a bad world. To the casual observer it may look like chance or luck. But to the person who knows Jesus, its undeniable that this undeserved goodness is nothing else but His grace.When Jesus walked on earth, He brought grace into every encounter, to every person. Even now, all around us, God is working out beautiful grace stories. Open the pages of this devotional book for a daily encounter with Jesus and His surprising, endless, life-changing grace.