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The subject of this dissertation is the production of the rho°.omega. final state in photon photon interactions. The production of the rho°.omega. final state has been of interest primarily because of its similarity to the related process .gamma gamma. .-->. rho°rho°. The cross section for rho°rho° production demonstrates a peaking near threshold, the mechanism of which has been the subject of considerable speculation. The data sample used for the analysis was obtained using the TPC detector facility at the PEP ee− storage ring, and corresponds to an integrated ee− luminosity of 64 pb−1 at 29 GeV center of mass energy. Our estimate of the rho°.omega. cross section is compared to the predictions of several models which have been used to account for the observed rho°rho° cross section. The experimental results are consistent with the predictions of a threshold enhancement model, as well as those of a four quark (qq anti q anti q) resonance model. However, they disagree with the predictions of a t-channel factorization approach.
Measurements of exclusive untagged [rho]°[rho]°, [rho][phi], K/sup *//bar K//sup */, and [rho].omega. production and tagged [rho]°[rho]° production in photon-photon interactions by the TPC/Two-Gamma experiment are reviewed. Comparisons to the results of other experiments and to models of vector-vector production are made. Fits to the data following a four quark model prescription for vector meson pair production are also presented. 10 refs., 9 figs.
"The reactions $ gamma gamma$ $ to$ 2$ pi sp+2 pi sp-2 pi sp0$ and $ gamma gamma to pi sp+ pi sp- pi sp0 pi sp0$ have been studied by using the ARGUS detector at the $e sp+e sp-$ storage ring DORIS II at DESY." --
Recent experimental results on exclusive final stated produced in photon-photon interactions are reviewed. Comparisons between experiments and with perturbative QCD calculations are made for meson and baryon pair production. New results on vector meson pair (rho°rho°, rho°omega, rho°phi ...) production and production of multiparticle (KK..pi pi.., K*K..pi.. ...) final states are summarized. 34 refs.