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* RFID is a groundbreaking technology that will serve as a replacement for UPC codes and has already been adopted by both Wal-Mart and Target, with the U.S. Department of Defense-the largest consumer of goods in the world-expected to follow suit * Leading business and technology experts offer contributions, business scenarios, and insights on the value of RFID for both companies and the end consumer * Contains helpful information for individuals in the industry who are struggling to solve the technical, organizational, and strategic problems involved in implementation * Includes in-depth coverage on how to avoid mistakes and succeed with RFID, as well as a look at the value of RFID for both companies and end consumers
Giving organizations the ability to track, secure, and manage items from the time they are raw materials through the life-cycle of the product, radio frequency identification (RFID) makes internal processes more efficient and improves overall supply chain responsiveness. Helping you bring your organization into the future, RFID in the Supply Ch
"Expert guides to library systems and services."
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to read and capture information stored in a tag attached to an object or location. In this work, we further exploit this technology to find other applications that differ from its classic one and show how powerful RFID can become in the near future. We present three novel ways of taking advantage of RFID technology that go beyond object identification: an RFID-based anti-counterfeiting architecture for electronic components, a passive displacement sensor using RFID technology and an example of how an RFID tag can perform as an actuator, designing a remote control car driven via RFID. In the first of them (Section 3), we showed the feasibility of using this technology in a PCB production line to authenticate a chip during the pick and place stage, by building a demo where a pick and place machine was linked to an RFID reader. Designs of very small RFID tag antennas are proposed but most likely due to variations in the manufacturing process, they didn't perform as expected. In Section 4 we present an implementation of the principle of RFID tag antenna based sensing by developing a displacement sensor. We conclude that displacement can be mapped to antenna bandwidth and best match frequency. However, for a sensor with higher sensitivity for little displacements, we conclude that a reader with higher RSSI resolution is needed. Finally, in Section 5 we propose two different approaches of controlling a car via RFID technology. Approach A uses the RFID IC writable user memory and Approach B the baseband RFID signal at the tag. In the end we conclude that Approach B is much better as far as time response is concerned.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are emerging as one of the most pervasive computing technologies due to their broad applicability. RFID systems consist of tiny integrated circuits equipped with antennas (RFID tags) that communicate with their reading devices (RFID readers). This technology works using radio-frequency waves without line of sight. It has created tremendous opportunities for linking various objects in the physical world. These objects can be numbered, identified, cataloged, and tracked. RFID systems present many advantages and features that cannot be found in other ubiquitous computing environments. RFID communication is fast, convenient, and its application can substantially save time, improve services, reduce labor cost, thwart product counterfeiting and theft, increase productivity gains, and maintain quality standards. Suitable for layman as well as professionals, this book examines various RFID topics, such as: RFID system elements * tools * techniques and technologies behind RFID * implementation issues of RFID * RFID and bar code technology * RFID standards * RFID systems and solutions for library * RFID applications in various arenas * RFID and consumer privacy issues * near field communications and RFID in Indian and global perspectives.
Although Lean and wireless professionals seek the same goals, few are fluent in each other‘s language. Those who are have already helped their companies tap into the competitive advantages possible by integrating wireless technology into a Lean culture of continuous process improvement. Highlighting wireless as a powerful and inherently Lean tool,
RFID is now a 'need to know' technology - this book is the comprehensive resource for learning, adapting and customizing RFID technology.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Informatik - Internet, neue Technologien, Note: 1,0, Freie Universität Berlin (Institut für Informatik), Veranstaltung: Understanding mobile technologies and services, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Immer wieder liest man heute in der Presse, RFID wäre die Zukunft. Nun stellt sich die Frage, die Zukunft von was. Was ist überhaupt RFID? Leider kann man diese Frage nicht ganz so einfach beantworten. RFID oder auch generell Verfahren zur Autoidentifikation dienen sehr generell formuliert der drahtlosen Übertragung von Objektdaten zum Zwecke der Erfassung und eindeutigen Identifizierung der entsprechenden Objekte. Diese Objekte kön-nen sehr vielfältig sein, von Warenpaletten bis zu Personen. Ein Einsatzge-biet von RFID, welches von der Industrie momentan wohl am meisten geför-dert wird, stellt die Anwendung in der Logistik dar. An die Stelle der auf-wändigen manuellen Erfassung von eingehenden und ausgehenden Waren rückt die automatische, berührungslose Registrierung, die den gesamten Weg der Versorgungskette, vom Hersteller bis in den Supermarkt, vereinfachen und kosteneffektiver machen soll.
The approval by The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) of a new standard for RFID in libraries is a big step toward interoperability among libraries and vendors. By following this set of practices and procedures, libraries can ensure that an RFID tag in one library can be used seamlessly by another, assuming both comply, even...
How RFID, a ubiquitous but often invisible mobile technology, identifies tens of billions of objects as they move through the world. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is ubiquitous but often invisible, a mobile technology used by more people more often than any flashy smartphone app. RFID systems use radio waves to communicate identifying information, transmitting data from a tag that carries data to a reader that accesses the data. RFID tags can be found in credit cards, passports, key fobs, car windshields, subway passes, consumer electronics, tunnel walls, and even human and animal bodies—identifying tens of billions of objects as they move through the world. In this book, Jordan Frith looks at RFID technology and its social impact, bringing into focus a technology that was designed not to be noticed. RFID, with its ability to collect unique information about almost any material object, has been hyped as the most important identification technology since the bar code, the linchpin of the Internet of Things—and also seen (by some evangelical Christians) as a harbinger of the end times. Frith views RFID as an infrastructure of identification that simultaneously functions as an infrastructure of communication. He uses RFID to examine such larger issues as big data, privacy, and surveillance, giving specificity to debates about societal trends. Frith describes how RFID can monitor hand washing in hospitals, change supply chain logistics, communicate wine vintages, and identify rescued pets. He offers an accessible explanation of the technology, looks at privacy concerns, and pushes back against alarmist accounts that exaggerate RFID's capabilities. The increasingly granular practices of identification enabled by RFID and other identification technologies, Frith argues, have become essential to the working of contemporary networks, reshaping the ways we use information.