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The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) is one of the most cherished and reviled laws ever passed. It mandates protection and preservation of all the nation’s species and biodiversity, whatever the cost. It has been a lightning rod for controversy and conflicts between industry/business and environmentalists. The year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of this law, and provides an opportunity for a measured and thorough evaluation thereof. We cannot know today’s challenges and opportunities without understanding their histories. This book is the most comprehensive history of the ESA ever published, and the first to consider the entire history of the law from all angles in a single volume. The history of the ESA has been one of increasing impact, complexity, and controversy. In 1978, the Supreme Court declared that Congress intended for the U.S. government to save all species at any cost, and thereafter application of the ESA became steadily more controversial, as seen in the example of the northern spotted owl and the timber wars in the Pacific Northwest in the late 1980s and early 90s, and then everywhere as the ESA became a political football in the highly partisan environment of the late 1990s and amendments to the law ceased. This book is not only a history, but a call to action. It will take more conservation, more funding, and more innovative solutions if we are to save our wildlife and biodiversity. It will take the engagement to every American to muster the collective will to meet this challenge. The hope of this book is that we will be able to look back and say that we accomplished more in the second 50 years of the ESA than we did in the first.
Ten thousand years ago, the California condor's shadowraced across the rock faces of canyon walls throughout theSouthwest, but, over time, the majestic condor disappearedfrom this land--seemingly forever. Last seen in northernArizona in 1924, the California condor was on the brink ofextinction. In the early 1980s, scientists documented onlytwenty-two condors remaining in the wild, all in California.Thanks to a successful captive-breeding program, theirnumbers have increased dramatically, and dozens now flyfree over northern Arizona and southern Utah. Sophie A. H. Osborn's groundbreaking book, Condors inCanyon Country, tells the tragic but ultimately triumphantstory of the condors of the Grand Canyon region. A naturalstoryteller, Osborn has written an in-depth, highly personalnarrative that brings you along as the author and othercondor biologists struggle to ensure the survival of thespecies. The book's kaleidoscopic photographs of thesehuge birds flying free over the Southwest are nearly asbreathtaking as seeing California condors live. The onlybook of its kind, Condors in Canyon Country is a must-readfor anyone passionate about endangered species and whathumankind can do to save them.