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Over the past several decades major advances in accelerators have resulted from breakthroughs in accelerator science and accelerator technology. After the introduction of a new accelerator physics concept or the implementation of a new technology, a leap in accelerator performance followed. A well-known representation of these advances is the Livingston chart, which shows an exponential growth of accelerator performance over the last seven or eight decades. One of the breakthrough accelerator technologies that support this exponential growth is superconducting technology. Recognizing this major technological advance, we dedicate Volume 5 of Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST) to superconducting technology and its applications.Two major applications are superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities. SC magnets provide much higher magnetic field than their room-temperature counterparts, thus allowing accelerators to reach higher energies with comparable size as well as much reduced power consumption. SRF technology allows field energy storage for continuous wave applications and energy recovery, in addition to the advantage of tremendous power savings and better particle beam quality. In this volume, we describe both technologies and their applications. We also include discussion of the associated R&D in superconducting materials and the future prospects for these technologies.
Over the past several decades major advances in accelerators have resulted from breakthroughs in accelerator science and accelerator technology. After the introduction of a new accelerator physics concept or the implementation of a new technology, a leap in accelerator performance followed. A well-known representation of these advances is the Livingston chart, which shows an exponential growth of accelerator performance over the last seven or eight decades. One of the breakthrough accelerator technologies that support this exponential growth is superconducting technology. Recognizing this major technological advance, we dedicate Volume 5 of Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST) to superconducting technology and its applications. Two major applications are superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities. SC magnets provide much higher magnetic field than their room-temperature counterparts, thus allowing accelerators to reach higher energies with comparable size as well as much reduced power consumption. SRF technology allows field energy storage for continuous wave applications and energy recovery, in addition to the advantage of tremendous power savings and better particle beam quality. In this volume, we describe both technologies and their applications. We also include discussion of the associated R&D in superconducting materials and the future prospects for these technologies.
This book is dedicated to superconducting technology and its applications, including superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities.
Over the past several decades major advances in accelerators have resulted from breakthroughs in accelerator science and accelerator technology. After the introduction of a new accelerator physics concept or the implementation of a new technology, a leap in accelerator performance followed. A well-known representation of these advances is the Livingston chart, which shows an exponential growth of accelerator performance over the last seven or eight decades. One of the breakthrough accelerator technologies that support this exponential growth is superconducting technology. Recognizing this major technological advance, we dedicate Volume 5 of Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST) to superconducting technology and its applications. Two major applications are superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities. SC magnets provide much higher magnetic field than their room-temperature counterparts, thus allowing accelerators to reach higher energies with comparable size as well as much reduced power consumption. SRF technology allows field energy storage for continuous wave applications and energy recovery, in addition to the advantage of tremendous power savings and better particle beam quality. In this volume, we describe both technologies and their applications. We also include discussion of the associated R & D in superconducting materials and the future prospects for these technologies.
Volume 10 in the series of the annual journal Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST), will be its final volume. Its theme is 'The Future of Accelerators'. This volume, together with previous 9 volumes, gives readers a complete picture as well as detailed technical information about the accelerator field, and its many driving and fascinating aspects.This volume has 17 articles. The first 15 articles have a different approach from the previous volumes. They emphasize the more personal views, perspectives and advice from the frontier researchers rather than provide a review or survey of a specific subfield. This emphasis is more aligned with the theme of the current volume. The other two articles are dedicated respectively to Leon Lederman and Burton Richter, two prominent leaders of our community who left us last year.
Since its invention in the 1920s, particle accelerators have made tremendous progress in accelerator science, technology and applications. However, the fundamental acceleration principle, namely, to apply an external radiofrequency (RF) electric field to accelerate charged particles, remains unchanged. As this method (either room temperature RF or superconducting RF) is approaching its intrinsic limitation in acceleration gradient (measured in MeV/m), it becomes apparent that new methods with much higher acceleration gradient (measured in GeV/m) must be found for future very high energy accelerators as well as future compact (table-top or room-size) accelerators. This volume introduces a number of advanced accelerator concepts (AAC) — their principles, technologies and potential applications. For the time being, none of them stands out as a definitive direction in which to go. But these novel ideas are in hot pursuit and look promising. Furthermore, some AAC requires a high power laser system. This has the implication of bringing two different communities — accelerator and laser — to join forces and work together. It will have profound impact on the future of our field.Also included are two special articles, one on 'Particle Accelerators in China' which gives a comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing accelerator community in China. The other features the person-of-the-issue who was well-known nuclear physicist Jerome Lewis Duggan, a pioneer and founder of a huge community of industrial and medical accelerators in the US.
Low Energy Particle Accelerator-Based Technologies and Their Applications describes types of low energy accelerators, presents some of the main manufacturers, illustrates some of the accelerator laboratories around the globe and shows examples of successful transfers of accelerators to needed laboratories. Key Features: Presents new trends and the state of the art in a field that's growing Provides an overview of numerous applications of such accelerators in medicine, industry, earth sciences, nuclear non-proliferation and oil Fills a gap, with the author drawing on his own experiences with transporting such relatively large machines from one lab to the other that require a tremendous amount of planning, technical and engineering efforts This is an essential reference for advanced students as well as for physicists, engineers and practitioners in accelerator science. About the Author Dr. Vladivoj (Vlado) Valković, a retired professor of physics, is a fellow of the American Physical Society and Institute of Physics (London). He has authored 22 books (from Trace Elements, Taylor & Francis, 1975, to Radioactivity in the Environment, Elsevier, 1st Edition 2001, 2nd Edition 2019), and more than 400 scientific and technical papers in the research areas of nuclear physics, applications of nuclear techniques to trace element analysis in biology, medicine and environmental research. He has lifelong experience in the study of nuclear reactions induced by 14 MeV neutrons. This research has been done through coordination and works on many national and international projects, including US-Croatia bilateral, NATO, IAEA, EU-FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects. Cover photo credit: 3SDH 1 MV Pelletron system with RF source and analysis endstation designed with the intended purpose of aiding in fusion research. It is capable of Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques such as RBS, ERD, PIXE and NRA. Further detectors could be added to the endstation to allow for other techniques. Installed in Japan in 2014. Courtesy of National Electrostatics Corp.
Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators Single source reference enabling readers to understand and master state-of-the-art accelerator technology Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators provides a quick yet thorough overview of the key technologies for current and future accelerators, including those projected to enable breakthrough developments in materials science, nuclear and astrophysics, high energy physics, neutrino research and quantum computing. The work is divided into three sections. The first part provides a review of RF superconductivity basics, the second covers new techniques such as nitrogen doping, nitrogen infusion, oxide-free niobium, new surface treatments, and magnetic flux expulsion, high field Q slope, complemented by discussions of the physics of the improvements stemming from diagnostic techniques and surface analysis as well as from theory. The third part reviews the on-going applications of RF superconductivity in already operational facilities and those under construction such as light sources, proton accelerators, neutron and neutrino sources, ion accelerators, and crab cavity facilities. The third part discusses planned accelerator projects such as the International Linear Collider, the Future Circular Collider, the Chinese Electron Positron Collider, and the Proton Improvement Plan-III facility at Fermilab as well as exciting new developments in quantum computing using superconducting niobium cavities. Written by the leading expert in the field of radiofrequency superconductivity, Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators covers other sample topics such as: Fabrication and processing on Nb-based SRF structures, covering cavity fabrication, preparation, and a decade of progress in the field SRF physics, covering zero DC resistance, the Meissner effect, surface resistance and surface impedance in RF fields, and non-local response of supercurrent N-doping and residual resistance, covering trapped DC flux losses, hydride losses, and tunneling measurements Theories for anti-Q-slope, covering the Xiao theory, the Gurevich theory, non-equilibrium superconductivity, and two fluid model based on weak defects Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators is an essential reference for high energy physicists, power engineers, and electrical engineers who want to understand the latest developments of accelerator technology and be able to harness it to further research interest and practical applications.
The theme of this volume, “Medical Applications of Accelerators”, is of enormous importance to human health and has a deep impact on our society.The invention of particle accelerators in the early 20th century created a whole new world for producing energetic X-rays, electrons, protons, neutrons and other particle beams. Immediately these beams found revolutionary applications in medicine. There are two important yet distinct medical applications. One is that accelerators produce radioisotopes for various nuclear medicines for millions of patients each year. The other is that accelerators produce particle beams for radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer. The particle beams can be X-rays (generated by high-energy electrons), protons, neutrons or heavy ions such as carbon. Today there are more than 5,000 accelerators routinely used in hospitals all over the world for nuclear medicine and cancer therapy. The great potential of accelerator applications in medicine can hardly be exaggerated.This volume contains 14 articles, all written by distinguished scholars.
The first edition of Engines of Discovery celebrated in words, images and anecdotes the accelerators and their constructors that culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson. But even before the Higgs was discovered, before the champagne corks popped and while the television producers brushed up their quantum mechanics, a new wave of enthusiasm for accelerators to be applied for more practical purposes was gaining momentum. Almost all fields of human endeavour will be enhanced by this trend: energy conservation, medical diagnostics and treatment, national security, as well as industrial processing. Accelerators have been used most spectacularly to reveal the structure of the complex molecules that determine our metabolism and life. For every accelerator chasing the Higgs, there are now ten thousand serving other purposes. It is high time to move from abstract mathematics and philosophy to the practical needs of humankind.It is the aim of this revised and expanded edition to describe this revolution in a manner which will attract the young, not only to apply their curiosity to the building blocks of matter but to help them contribute to the improvement of the quality of life itself on this planet. As always, the authors have tried to avoid lengthy mathematical description. In describing a field which reaches out to almost all of today's cutting edge technology, some detailed explanation cannot be avoided but this has been confined to sidebars. References guide experts to move on to the journal Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology and other publications for more information. But first we would urge every young physicist, teacher, journalist and politician to read this book.