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The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA), enacted on August 3,1996, brought about significant changes in the way in which pesticides are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If not implemented properly, the new requirements of FQPA could lead to the removal from the market of a number of beneficial pesticide products and cause substantial disruptions for agriculture in the United States. For many of these products, there is no suitable alternative pest control tool or the substitute pesticide may not be as efficacious or it may be more costly. Ultimately, the potential loss of many existing products could place American farmers at a disadvantage with foreign growers in competing nations who will continue to enjoy access to a variety of effective pesticides in use today. EPA must rely upon the principles of sound science and base its decisions on actual data when making these important FQPA decisions.
Reviews the USDA's & EPA's implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act & the affects of the administration's decisions on public health. Witnesses: Wayne Carlson, Bayer Corp.; Ralph Engel, Chemical Spec. Mfrs. Assoc.; Kevin Gardner, Amer. Farm Bureau Fed.; Jerome Goddard, med. entomologist, Mississippi Dept. of Health & Clin. Assist.; George Gray, Harvard (Univ.) Center for Risk Analysis; E. Allen James, Responsible Ind. for a Sound Environ.; William Lovelady, Nat. Cotton Council; Peter Robertson, EPA; Richard Rominger, USDA; Robert Rosenberg, Nat. Pest Control Assoc.; & George Wichterman, Amer. Mosquito Control Assoc.