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The analytical toxicologist may be required to detect, identify,and in many cases measure a wide variety of compounds in samplesfrom almost any part of the body or in related materials such asresidues in syringes or in soil. This book gives principles andpractical information on the analysis of drugs and poisons inbiological specimens, particularly clinical and forensic specimens. After providing some background information the book coversaspects of sample collection, transport, storage and disposal, andsample preparation. Analytical techniques - colour tests andspectrophotometry, chromatography and electro­phoresis, massspectrometry, and immunoassay – are covered in depth, and achapter is devoted to the analysis of trace elements and toxicmetals. General aspects of method implementation/validation andlaboratory operation are detailed, as is the role of the toxicologylaboratory in validating and monitoring the performance of point ofcare testing (POCT) devices. The book concludes with reviews ofxenobiotic absorption, distribution and metabolism,pharmacokinetics, and general aspects of the interpretation ofanalytical toxicology results. A clearly written, practical, integrated approach to the basicsof analytical toxicology. Focuses on analytical, statistical and pharmacokineticprinciples rather than detailed applications. Assumes only a basic knowledge of analytical chemistry. An accompanying website provides additional material and linksto related sites. Written by an experienced team of authors,Fundamentals ofAnalytical Toxicology is an invaluable resource for thosestarting out in a career in analytical toxicology across a widerange of disciplines including clinical and forensic science, foodsafety, and pharmaceutical development. Praise from the reviews: “This is an ambitious effort to describe in detail themany and varied aspects of the science of toxicological analysis.The 17 chapters cover every foreseeable aspect, from specimencollection through analytical techniques and quality control topharmacological principles and interpretation of results. Theauthors bring together a great deal of experience in the field andhave succeeded admirably in achieving their goal: "to giveprinciples and practical information on the analysis of drugs,poisons and other relevant analytes in biological specimens...".The book is very readable and quite up-to-date, and contains manyillustrative figures, charts and tables. Both the student and thepracticing professional would do well to study this materialcarefully, as there is something here for every conceivable levelof interest.” Review from RandallBaselt "This text comes highly recommended for any analyticaltoxicology trainee." The Bulletin of the Royal College ofPathologists “Overall, this book provides a comprehensive, thorough,clear, up to date and practical treatment of analytical toxicologyat a high standard. Understanding of the text is enhanced bythe use of many illustrations. Specifications, guidelines,and methods are highlighted in grey background“Boxes”. The many and up to date literaturereferences in each chapter demonstrate the authors’ thoroughwork and permit easy access to deeper information. Thereforethis book can be highly recommended as a valuable source ofknowledge in analytical toxicology both as an introduction and forthe advanced reader.” GTFCh Bulletin“Toxichem + Krimtech”, May 2008 (translated,original review in German) “Many toxicologists will add this important referenceto their libraries because it competently fills a need...” International Journal of Toxicology “The book is very well illustrated, easy to understandand pleasant to read, and contains a wealth of dedicatedinformation.” International Journal of EnvironmentalAnalytical Chemistry
Are you studying for the toxicology Boards? Are you a toxicologist who would like to have a source of recent questions for review? Are you enrolled in a general toxicology course at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level? 2000 Toxicology Board Review Questions provides a means to evaluate your knowledge and understanding of the significant newer concepts in the area of general toxicology. The questions in the book are based on information contained in some of the most well-respected and recent textbooks. The book is divided into 35 specialty chapters, and all answers are referenced to the original textbook source.The book will be useful to toxicologists, clinical pharmacologists, emergency room physicians, clinical pharmacists, and forensic pathologists.
This invaluable textbook, written by international experts, covers all the main elements of forensic toxicology and analytical toxicology techniques as well as the important parts of pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, and pharmacology in general, with a particular focus on drugs of abuse.
Aimed at toxicologists and pharmacists involved in analytical work, this text provides critical evaluations of analytical possibilities to help with the choice of methods.
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology is an integrated introduction to the analysis of drugs, poisons, and other foreign compounds in biological and related specimens. Assuming only basic knowledge of analytical chemistry, this invaluable guide helps trainee analytical toxicologists understand the principles and practical skills involved in detecting, identifying, and measuring a broad range of compounds in various biological samples. Clear, easy-to-read chapters provide detailed information on topics including sample collection and preparation, spectrophotometric and luminescence techniques, liquid and gas-liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry including hyphenated techniques. This new edition contains thoroughly revised content that reflects contemporary practices and advances in analytical methods. Expanding the scope of the 1995 World Health Organization (WHO) basic analytical toxicology manual, the text includes coverage of separation science, essential pharmacokinetics, xenobiotic absorption, distribution and metabolism, clinical toxicological and substance misuse testing, therapeutic drug monitoring, trace elements and toxic metals analysis, and importantly the clinical interpretation of analytical results. Written by a prominent team of experienced practitioners, this volume: Focuses on analytical, statistical, and pharmacokinetic principles Describes basic methodology, including colour tests and immunoassay and enzyme-based assays Outlines laboratory operations, such as method validation, quality assessment, staff training, and laboratory accreditation Follows IUPAC nomenclature for chemical names and recommended International Non-proprietary Name (rINN) for drugs and pesticides Includes discussion of 'designer drugs' (novel pharmaceutical substances NPS) Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology: Clinical and Forensic, 2nd Edition is an indispensable resource for advanced students and trainee analytical toxicologists across disciplines, such as clinical science, analytical chemistry, forensic science, pathology, applied biology, food safety, and pharmaceutical and pesticide development.
About ten years ago, the last volume of A. Stolman's series Progress hz Chemical Toxicology appeared. Now, volume one of a new series edited by R. C. Baselt is available. This series is published with similar goals, that is, to invite recognized authorities to review topics of current interest or potential interest to analytical toxicologists. Volume one emphasizes cannabinoid detection and the use of immunoassays for drug analysis.
A practical guide to the laboratory analysis of over 100 substances frequently involved in episodes of acute poisoning. Noting that many hospitals, especially in developing countries, lack the support of analytical toxicology services, the book aims to help laboratory staff perform a range of simple tests known to produce rapid and reliable results for the management of poisoning emergencies. All tests described can be performed without the need for sophisticated equipment, expensive reagents, or a continuous supply of electricity. The manual opens with general information about the organization and functions of an analytical toxicology laboratory, the principles of safe laboratory practice, and the essentials of emergency medicine and intensive care that will influence the laboratory's work. Two chapters, which constitute the core of the manual, describe the many simple analytical tests that can be used to detect and identify poisons, whether in biological fluids or in powders, tablets, or other items found near the patient. The first chapter, on qualitative tests for poisons, sets out a three-part series of tests designed for use as a routine, rapid screen, especially appropriate in the many cases where the identity of the poison is unknown. The second and most extensive chapter provides step-by-step instructions for the performance of qualitative tests and some quantitative methods for 113 specific poisons or groups of poisons. Substances covered range from pesticides and other industrial chemicals, through compounds contained in household products, to pharmaceuticals, plant toxins, and drugs commonly abused.