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This revised and updated edition of The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports elaborates on the themes of the successful first edition of this book.
Starting with a major survey of the economics of sport, this volume involves primarily a comparison of the European and American models of sport, how to restructure leagues to make them more competitive, the analysis of gate-sharing mechanisms, the economic impact of promotion and relegation and a comparison of broadcasting regimes.
This paper analyzes issues associated with network effects and two-sidedness in the market for professional team sports. Teams in professional sports leagues have to compete both for players (inputs) and fans (consumers). In this setting, we construct a theoretical framework where fans are more attracted to a team with a large portion of talented players from a fixed talent pool, at the same time that players want to show their ability in front of a large number of fans. We observe that either perfect imbalance or alleviated imbalance will prevail as an equilibrium. The outcome depends upon the relative magnitude of two opposite effects, the product differentiation effect and the wage reduction effect caused by externalities from the size of talented players and fans respectively. Furthermore, we incorporate asymmetric relative quality effects into consumers' utility in order to analyze its impact on competitive balance. This is shown to either exacerbate or improve the imbalanced distribution of talented players, depending on fans' sensitivity to the relative quality between teams. The policy implications of revenue sharing on competitive balance and the level of wage offers under the condition of two-sided network effects are analyzed.
This volume deals with the competitive structure of football. It examines the relationship between sporting success and economic variables, the structure of European competitions, financial problems in football, their origins and options for reform, racial discrimination in English football, and the economic impact of the World Cup.
This book is unique in offering the first truly rigorous application of economic principles to the subject of professional team sports.
Why would a Japanese millionaire want to buy the Seattle Mariners baseball team, when he has admitted that he has never played in or even seen a baseball game? Cash is the answer: major league baseball, like professional football, basketball, and hockey, is now big business with the potential to bring millions of dollars in profits to owners. Not very long ago, however, buying a sports franchise was a hazardous investment risked only by die-hard fans wealthy enough to lose parts of fortunes made in other businesses. What forces have changed team ownership from sports-fan folly to big-business savvy? Why has The Wall Street Journal become popular reading in pro sports locker rooms? And why are sports pages now dominated by economic clashes between owners and players, cities with franchises and cities without them, leagues and players' unions, and team lawyers and players' lawyers? In answering these questions, James Quirk and Rodney Fort have written the most complete book on the business and economics of professional sports, past and present. Pay Dirt offers a wealth of information and analysis on the reserve clause, salary determination, competitive balance in sports leagues, the market for franchises, tax sheltering, arenas and stadiums, and rival leagues. The authors present an abundance of historical material, much of it new, including team ownership histories and data on attendance, TV revenue, stadium and arena contracts, and revenues and costs. League histories, team statistics, stories about players and owners, and sports lore of all kinds embellish the work. Quirk and Fort are writing for anyone interested in sports in the 1990s: players, players' agents, general managers, sportswriters, and, most of all, sports fans.