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As part of the Physics 2010 decadal survey project, the National Research Council was asked by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation to recommend priorities for the U.S. particle physics program for the next 15 years. The challenge faced in this study was to identify a compelling leadership role for the United States in elementary particle physics given the global nature of the field and the current lack of a long-term and distinguishing strategic focus. Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time provides an assessment of the scientific challenges in particle physics, including the key questions and experimental opportunities, the current status of the U.S. program and the strategic framework in which it sits and a set of strategic principles and recommendations to sustain a competitive and globally relevant U.S. particle physics program.
"Beyond Einstein science" is a term that applies to a set of new scientific challenges at the intersection of physics and astrophysics. Observations of the cosmos now have the potential to extend our basic physical laws beyond where 20th-century research left them. Such observations can provide stringent new tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity, indicate how to extend the Standard Model of elementary-particle physics, and-if direct measurements of gravitational waves were to be made-give astrophysics an entirely new way of observing the universe. In 2003, NASA, working with the astronomy and astrophysics communities, prepared a research roadmap entitled Beyond Einstein: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. This roadmap proposed that NASA undertake space missions in five areas in order to study dark energy, black holes, gravitational radiation, and the inflation of the early universe, to test Einstein's theory of gravitation. This study assesses the five proposed Beyond Einstein mission areas to determine potential scientific impact and technical readiness. Each mission is explored in great detail to aid decisions by NASA regarding both the ordering of the remaining missions and the investment strategy for future technology development within the Beyond Einstein Program.
The Space Studies Board (SSB) was established in 1958 to serve as the focus of the interests and responsibilities in space research for the National Academies. The SSB provides an independent, authoritative forum for information and advice on all aspects of space science and applications, and it serves as the focal point within the National Academies for activities on space research. It oversees advisory studies and program assessments, facilitates international research coordination, and promotes communications on space science and science policy between the research community, the federal government, and the interested public. The SSB also serves as the U.S. National Committee for the International Council for Science Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). This volume reviews the organization, activities, and reports of the SSB for the year 2010.
This book reveals the hidden principles of relativity and makes it easy for almost anyone to understand it. No longer is relativity a mysterious counter intuitive theory understood only by physicists. When the simple principles that underlie it are understood our whole view of the universe undergoes a revolutionary paradigm shift and relativity becomes completely natural and obvious. The first principle is that everything in the universe continually travels through combined space and time at the speed of light. Thus if anything acquires velocity in space its velocity in time automatically slows. This principle underlies the time dilation of special relativity and provides a firm physical basis for the arrow of time and a present moment of existence, which revolutionizes our understanding of time. The second principle is that all forms of mass and energy are different forms of spatial velocity. Thus gravitational fields become fields of intrinsic velocity density, which by the first principle slow the velocity in time of anything in the field. This principle reveals that gravitational time dilation and linear velocity time dilation are two aspects of the same thing and it also reveals the hidden reason for the conservation of mass and energy as simply the conversion of one form of spatial velocity to another. These principles lead to a completely new understanding of the fabric of the universe as a universal field of spacetime velocity which can either be velocity in space or velocity in time at any point so long as the total velocity is equal to the speed of light c. Within this field the presence of spatial velocity is always some form of mass or energy, and the presence of mass or energy is always some form of spatial velocity. This lets us replace the impossible to visualize curved spacetime of relativity with a much easier to understand flat space model in which gravitational fields become fields of intrinsic spatial velocity. This model of relativistic spacetime is completely equivalent to relativity's curved space but has the enormous advantage of representing spacetime as we actually see it as flat rather than curved. In addition this book shows how a computational model of the universe actually computes relativity in terms of the basic laws of nature. In a computational universe everything reduces to data and the laws of nature find a natural place as part of the data of the universe rather than somehow standing outside a physical universe they are not a part of it while mysteriously controlling it as they did in the traditional view. This leads to all sorts of amazing new insights that can't be found anywhere else such as convincing explanations for how the presence of mass actually curves spacetime, the true fundamental nature of time, solutions for the problems of Newton's bucket and what world lines are actually relative to, and a simple new and convincing explanation of dark matter, all questions current physics has been unable to answer. This is a serious scientific theory based solidly in modern physical and computational science that proposes a revolutionary new interpretation of the universe completely consistent with modern physics but from an entirely new perspective. Anyone interested in the fundamentals of relativity, time, and reality in general will find this book a fascinating and mind opening read.
This book is an in depth expose’ of a system of physics, in which the atom is integrated within a more inclusive hybrid building block that combines dark energy and electromagnetic energy together within one system of physics that creates all the matter and the spacetime of our universe. The nature and the origin of matter, space, time, gravity, inertia, kinetic energy, and even consciousness are explained from within this hybrid system of physics, allowing the large-scale and the small-scale to be unified within it. To understand how the universe started out from an event that created the passage of time and three-dimensions of space out of a state where time passage and the three-dimensions of space did not previously exist, we must first come to understand the nature of other levels of order and dimensions that exist beyond the boundaries of our perceived essence. This work explores some of those levels of order and dimensionalities that exist outside of our universe, while also revealing how these other dimensionalities take part in creating aspects of our universe as well as of our consciousness that we have not yet come to identify. If you’ve wondered how it is that the universe functions as it does on the large-scale level within the parameters of time and space as to the provisions of special and general relativity, while quantum particles have been shown to disobey many of those laws, this work will reveal a system of physics that bridges the gap between the large-scale and the small-scale as well as between time and space, which makes sense out of what had previously seemed to be a paradox.
From award-winning physicist, public intellectual, and the bestselling author of A Universe from Nothing Lawrence Krauss, comes “a masterful blend of history, modern physics, and cosmic perspective that empowers the reader to not only embrace our understanding of the universe, but also revel in what remains to be discovered” (Neil deGrasse Tyson, American Museum of Natural History). In this grand poetic vision of the universe, Lawrence Krauss tells the dramatic story of the discovery of the hidden world that underlies reality—and our place within it. Reality is not what you think or sense—it’s weird, wild, and counterintuitive, and its inner workings seem at least as implausible as the idea that something can come from nothing. With his trademark wit and accessible style, Krauss leads us to realms so small that they are invisible to microscopes, to the birth and rebirth of light, and into the natural forces that govern our existence. His unique blend of rigorous research and engaging storytelling invites us into the lives and minds of remarkable scientists who have helped unravel the unexpected fabric of reality with reasoning rather than superstition and dogma, and to explain how everything we see—and can’t see—came about. A passionate advocate for reason, Krauss gives the rationale for the seemingly irrational—and the mysteries and apparent contradictions of quantum physics, and explores what that means for our lives here on Earth—and beyond. At its core, The Greatest Story Ever Told—So Far is about the best of what it means to be human—an epic history of our ultimately purposeless universe that addresses the question, “Why are we here?”