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Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon Qigong with the Classical Chinese Medicine basedEFT Qi-Healer's Methodfor Personal Transformation and HealingThe third book Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong elaborates on the use of Pan Gu Shen Gong together with the EFT Qi-healer's Method to effectively clear and release the emotional debris held in the body, cultivate the Three Treasures Jing, Qi and Shen, and strengthen one's self-awareness through an integrated combination of Toltec wisdom, Qigong, Qi-healing, emotional freedom technique therapy, ear acupuncture, and Chinese tonic herbs. We are sick because we are not aware. Awareness is the key to healing.
The goal of the fifth book Return to Oneness with Shiva is to offer a solution to most people whose life challenge is battling their monkey-mind (ego) which I believe is the cause of suffering and can be conquered by becoming like Hanuman whose love and devotion to his Sadguru is shown by the application of Hanuman Qigong and Hunaman ji's mantras and self-realization teachings of Kashmir Shaivism. Healing with the hologram of love merkaba energy ball of light encoded with the healing conscious mind encodements is also included. Most people are not aware that their healing and spiritual ascension are essentially associated with the functioning of their thyroid gland or throat chakra. Who and what you meditate on, you become. The unified chakra and aligned energy fields are very important, not just for survival, but - more importantly - as vital tools for ascension, healing and channeling. "Ascension is basically a change in frequency and a change in focus of consciousness. Because the energy you are has frequency, you can change it. The low-frequency stuff of fear and limitation will fall away and you will live in a state of what you would today call ecstasy, at one with your spirit and with the spirit of everyone else. That's ascension." - Master Enoch "Spiritual oneness means the incarnated soul is achieving a higher degree of oneness with the higher soul, and a certain degree of oneness with God and oneness with all." - Master Choa Kok Sui "Use the Triangles Work with the Great Invocation by Holy Master Djwhal Khul and encourage others to use it." - Mang Mike Nator "This universe, which is created in His Consciousness, is dependent on that Consciousness. It is always dependent on that Consciousness. It cannot move outside of that Consciousness. It exists only when it is residing in His Consciousness. This is the way the creation of His universe takes place. You must understand that this universe, which is created by the Lord of Consciousness, is one with that Creator Who is wholly self-luminous light with Consciousness." - Swami Lakshmanjoo "When one finds true Oneness, there will be no words. . . One will only have the experience of Love and a smiling heart. No words can express that happiness and peace. It is beyond words. Oneness is everything. Oneness is the only truth worth seeking. Oneness is a gift from Heaven." - Hanuman Qigong, origin of the heart, a form of Sheng Zhen Gong The Shamballa Temple of Love with its Ascended Masters can be experienced through the Merkaba meditation facilitated by Ricardo B Serrano of the Melchizedek Order of Mastery (Shamballa Temple of Love). "You will find 'Return to Oneness with Shiva' an excellent addition to your spiritual and healing library." -
As a registered acupuncturist, I have been researching for over 30 years on the best alternative holistic - body, mind and spirit - functional medicine based therapies for healing cancer and degenerative diseases that work. The main focus of the seven books of You Hold the Keys to Healing - is to heal the body, mind, and emotions by building the Qi of the energy body (lightbody or energy bubble) while achieving Self-realization through meditation and Qigong. This final seventh book "The Cure & Cause of Cancer: An Alternative Holistic Approach to Heal Cancer," is focused on the therapeutic measures to heal cancer manifesting in the body through the Budwig diet, Cessiac herbal formulas, electrotherapy, alkaline water, coconut oil, reishi mushroom and other tonic herbs to detox the body and boost the body's Wei Qi immune system fostering an anti-cancer terrain. Oriental medicine such as acupuncture, acupressure, pranic healing, meditation, and Qigong are also used to balance and build the body's Qi. An important therapeutic tool emphasized in this book is the addition of an unorthodox therapy using hydrazine sulfate to address the wasting syndrome problem often seen with cancer patients: cachexia. Basically, hydrazine sulfate inhibits gluconeogenesis (the liver's recycling of lactic acid into glucose) where the sugar is consumed in ever-increasing amounts by voracious cancer cells, and halt the leading cause of death in cancer: cachexia. Dr. Joseph Gold, the developer of hydrazine sulfate therapy said, "For the past 50 years the attention of the medical profession has been focused on the tumor. But all attempts to treat the tumor - to kill the tumor and therefore wipe out the disease - have in general been futile. During the past 50 years the death rate from this disease has reportedly hardly budged, decreasing at the most 5 percent overall, and in the major cancers not decreasing at all. Cytotoxic chemotherapy, the major weapon to defeat cancer in the last 50 years, has succeeded in killing cancer cells, but in killing normal cells, too, and has been itself a cause of cancer mortality. Effective cancer control may lie, rather, with therapy of the 'shift' to glycolysis, than with tumor therapy, potentially obviating such developments as drug resistance and major drug toxicity. In this regard it is recognized that not only can the "metabolic shift to enhanced glycolysis" provide a basis for cancer treatment but that discovery of the regulatory mechanism(s) underlying this metabolic shift may be essential to the future development of anti-cancer therapy." Why do I, as a licensed health care professional, recommend Hydrazine Sulfate to my patients who are under the care of their medical doctors? Hydrazine sulfate is marketed in the United States and Canada as a dietary supplement /nutraceutical by some companies. In the United States and Canada, dietary supplements are regulated as foods, not drugs. In my over 30 years of cancer research, I also believe that hydrazine sulfate is the missing important therapeutic tool to solve the riddle of the wasting syndrome - cachexia - in cancer, and stop the voracious cancer cells to use glucose. "These studies in essence suggest that it would be sheer insanity for a cancer patient failing current therapy, not to try hydrazine sulfate. To wait until his/her disease becomes truly terminal, from which there is no return." - Dr. Gold BOOK UPDATES The main reasons for the updates: 1) I have included powerful herbs, ketogenic diet and coconut oil for cancer which are natural substitutes for the intake of hydrazine sulfate, an MAO inhibitor medication. 2) I have also included the reasons for acupuncture and the practice of meditation and Qigong as vital adjuncts to natural cancer therapy. 3) Finally, an electromagnetic healing technology invented in the Philippines can rebuild the body's Qi field by supplying negative ions needed to heal cancer and other chronic degenerative dise
Throughout the years there have been several editions of Zhuang Zi's book with significant differences in certain parts of the text. Not every word in the book came from Zhuang Zi's pen. Contributions were made by his disciples and there have been many changes to the original text: errors in hand copying the text, in mistaking notations for text, and in outright forgery throughout centuries. Chen Guying's 1976 edition of the book, an eclectic study of all the editions that identifies probable forgeries, is used as the text reference in the present translation.
Both Western and Chinese intellectuals have long derided filial piety tales as an absurd and grotesque variety of children’s literature. Selfless Offspring offers a fresh perspective on the genre, revealing the rich historical worth of these stories by examining them in their original context: the tumultuous and politically fragmented early medieval era (A.D. 100–600). At a time when no Confucian virtue was more prized than filial piety, adults were moved and inspired by tales of filial children. The emotional impact of even the most outlandish actions portrayed in the stories was profound, a measure of the directness with which they spoke to major concerns of the early medieval Chinese elite. In a period of weak central government and powerful local clans, the key to preserving a household’s privileged status was maintaining a cohesive extended family. Keith Knapp begins this far-ranging and persuasive study by describing two related historical trends that account for the narrative’s popularity: the growth of extended families and the rapid incursion of Confucianism among China’s learned elite. Extended families were better at maintaining their status and power, so patriarchs found it expedient to embrace Confucianism to keep their large, fragile households intact. Knapp then focuses on the filial piety stories themselves—their structure, historicity, origin, function, and transmission—and argues that most stem from the oral culture of these elite extended families. After examining collections of filial piety tales, known as Accounts of Filial Children, he shifts from text to motif, exploring the most common theme: the "reverent care" and mourning of parents. In the final chapter, Knapp looks at the relative burden that filiality placed on men and women and concludes that, although women largely performed the same filial acts as men, they had to go to greater extremes to prove their sincerity.
This ambitious book looks into the reasons for the exceptional durability of the Chinese empire, which lasted for more than two millennia (221 B.C.E.-1911 C.E.). Yuri Pines identifies the roots of the empire's longevity in the activities of thinkers of the Warring States period (453-221 B.C.E.), who, in their search for solutions to an ongoing political crisis, developed ideals, values, and perceptions that would become essential for the future imperial polity. In marked distinction to similar empires worldwide, the Chinese empire was envisioned and to a certain extent "preplanned" long before it came into being. As a result, it was not only a military and administrative construct, but also an intellectual one. Pines makes the argument that it was precisely its ideological appeal that allowed the survival and regeneration of the empire after repeated periods of turmoil. Envisioning Eternal Empire presents a panoptic survey of philosophical and social conflicts in Warring States political culture. By examining the extant corpus of preimperial literature, including transmitted texts and manuscripts uncovered at archaeological sites, Pines locates the common ideas of competing thinkers that underlie their ideological controversies. This bold approach allows him to transcend the once fashionable perspective of competing "schools of thought" and show that beneath the immense pluralism of Warring States thought one may identify common ideological choices that eventually shaped traditional Chinese political culture
Examines what can be learnt about the brain mechanisms underlying religious practice from studying people with neurological disorders.
First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The important questions: "Who am I? Why was I born? What is the goal of my life? What am I supposed to accomplish here?" are hopefully answered in this supplementary book to the "Return to Oneness with Shiva" with the help of my Siddha Guru Baba Muktananda's excerpts from his books and my Sadguru Nityananda's grace which are based from the Self-realization teachings of Kashmir Shaivism. Who and what you meditate on, you become. When you meditate on the Self as the Self, you become one with Shiva, the Self of all. "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form," states the Heart Sutra. The essence of all things is emptiness. To become aware of So'ham, "I am That," is to attain oneness with the Higher Self. The result of the integration of the Siddha Guru and the awakened Kundalini is a meditation that is very powerful. The subtle path to the Self is most easily attained through the Guru. Kabir said that the Guru makes one perfect; he unites the individual soul with Shiva. Unconditional love is the fulcrum of this universe, the original point of the universe. In the practice of Meditation on Three Hearts and Hanuman Qigong, efforts must be made to integrate the mind and heart, to feel the interaction between Love and Qi, restoring the experience of harmony in the world, in nature, and the Universe that may be understood as "being with higher Self" symbolized by Swastika or Yuan Shen (Original Spirit). Grounding and rooting to mother earth through the practice of Enlightenment Qigong forms especially Hanuman Qigong, Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong, and Drawing in Heaven and Earth via Wei Qi field activation are added to Siddha spiritual practices to balance the Shakti Qi flow in the body, build the Lightbody, psychic self-defense, avoid post-kundalini syndromes often seen in yoga practitioners and Self-realization. "The supreme state, which may be attained on some paths after extreme hardship, can be attained without great difficulty on the Siddha path." - Yogashikha Upanishad 1.3 "God consciousness is the reality of everything." - Shiva Sutra 1.1