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Rethinking a supply chain strategy is not a trivial problem. Supply chains tend to be rather complex entities, and the act of thinking strategically about them, what we call supply chain 'strategizing', reflects this complexity. The absence of an established answer in the supply chain management literature regarding how to rethink the supply chain strategy of an organization further compounds what is already a daunting problem. Between 2006 and 2016, a team of researchers at MIT's Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) explored the problem of supply chain strategizing, as part the Supply Chain 2020 Project. After a decade of research in collaboration with world-class organizations, significant progress was made. Many questions remain open, and will continue to be explored by an offshoot of the SC2020 Project, called the MIT Supply Chain Strategy Lab.But we feel it is time to share with the community of supply chain managers the insights we have derived so far on how to re-think the supply chain strategy of an organization. That is the purpose of this text.
Collaboration in supply chains means managing the chain beyond traditional or transactional methods. It involves rethinking the way your business is managed, both internally and externally, and the ways in which employees and partners relate to each other. Stuart Emmett and Barry Crocker's book explains how a relationship-based approach to supply chain management can transform business; how to organise your business internally for effective supply chain relationships and how to transform your external supply chain using relationship marketing, customer relationship management and supply chain partnerships. One of the key distinguishing characteristics of a high performing supply chain is the presence of strategic trust. With strategic trust, the parties have access to each other's strategic plans; relevant cost information and forecasts are shared; risks and rewards are addressed openly. This book explains how to embed a culture of inter-company trust and to realise the benefits of improved supply chain relationships.
Rethinking Supply Chain outlines how organizations can close the gap between the supply chain capabilities they have and the supply chain capabilities they want. The supply chains built pre-covid are no longer suitable in the current volatile business environment. Rethinking Supply Chain explores why and how organizations can upgrade their supply chains to level 5 maturity, enhancing them to be more sustainable, strategy-driven and resilient. It outlines the dangers of using outdated supply chain practices, sharing what goes wrong when organizations run level 5 complexity and variability with a level 1 capability. It shows how organizations can improve their strategic planning, supply chain design, sales and operations planning and business planning processes to respond to new dynamic levels of variability and complexity. It is supported by practical frameworks and roadmaps. This book outlines why supply chain reconfiguration is needed, how to define a business case for change and the steps needed to drive effective transformation. Rethinking Supply Chain also explores how to integrate sustainability into the heart of supply chain design and operations and examines the trade-offs organizations must navigate, depending on whether they wish to be at par, differentiate or dominate on sustainability drivers.
Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics is a step-by-step guide to balancing the triangle of service, cost and cash which is the essence of supply chain management. Supply chains have become increasingly strategy-driven, and this Supply Chain Triangle approach puts the supply chain at the heart of the strategy discussion instead of seeing it as a result. Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics fully reflects the 'inventory' or 'working capital' angle and examines the optimisation of the supply chain and Return on Capital Employed. Including case studies of Barco, Casio and a selection of food retail companies, this book covers building a strategy-driven KPI dashboard, target setting and financial benchmarking. Regular examples and diagrams illustrate how different types of strategies lead to different trade-offs in the Supply Chain Triangle. This ground-breaking text links supply chain, strategy and finance through financial metrics, therefore creating value for the shareholder. Online supporting resources include worksheets covering basic financial concepts such as cash flow and working capital, with example data sets and guidelines/exercises to make it interactive.
John Gattorna and Deborah Ellis are long-term collaborators on the design and management of enterprise supply chains. Dr John Gattorna has been one of the most influential voices in the development of the modern supply chain. His long-held vision of the supply chain as the central nervous system of an organisation and as a major source of competitive advantage if done well has inspired both supply chain professionals and CEOs. To support this vision, he has led the development of frameworks and tools to guide design using customers as the sole frame-of-reference, thus ensuring precise alignment between enterprise supply chains and the markets/customers they serve.In 2018 John was awarded the Council of Supply Chain Management (CSCMP) Distinguished Service Award for his contribution to the profession, and in the same year was inducted into the CSCMP Hall of Fame. Deborah Ellis has consulted with leading companies for over 20 years on logistics and supply chain strategy. Like John Gattorna, the emphasis of her work has been on developing tailored supply chains that generate market advantage. She has worked with him, and partnered with clients, to apply, refine and extend the frameworks and methodologies that simplify the supply chain task, while generating value for the customer and the business. Since 2017 they have together presented the Global Supply Chain Thought Leadership Retreat Series for senior supply chain executives in the Asia Pacific, South Africa and Europe. These by-invitation-only events have been very well received, and this book has evolved from the research and discussions associated with those events.
The purpose of this book is to help you with the development and implementation of a successful End-to-End Supply Chain Management - Strategy: optimising your processes from manufacturer to retailer. This book answers four questions: - How to develop an end-to-end supply chain - strategy? - How to create the necessary supply chain infrastructure? - How to make collaboration work between the partners in the network? - How to plan and manage the supply chain flows? It will enable you to: - Systematically improve your sales productivity in the retail stores; - Enhance the operational / qualitative performance of your processes and those of your partners in the supply chain; - More effectively balance the trade-off Time v Costs. This book provides you with: - A Supply Chain System - Model: a framework to develop your End-to-End Supply Chain; - 10 Strategic Building Blocks which can be used as a toolkit; - 50 Lessons Learned based on experiences from practice; - A strategic roadmap: to plan, organise, lead and control your supply chain. The 2nd edition has many new cases, toolboxes and a new chapter on process management. In addition, more attention is given to topics like procurement, demand planning, omnichanneling and supply chain-design, -planning and -execution. For whom has this book been written? This book is useful for thinkers and practitioners! For everyone who wants to learn more about supply chain management and the development and implementation of an end-to-end supply chain strategy.
BREAKTHROUGH BEST PRACTICES IN GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT FROM WORLD-CLASS PRACTITIONERS For all supply chain decision-makers, professionals, and students Improve financial and operational performance Manage risk and ensure continuity Drive value through deeper integration Optimize logistics cost and customer responsiveness Hire and develop world-class talent This book brings together advanced supply chain practices that yield significant, enduring business advantage. It reflects extensive collaboration between industry pioneers and The University of Tennessee Global Supply Chain Institute (GSCI), a leading source of best practice knowledge for global supply chain management. Building on GSCI’s deep industry partnerships, this book’s techniques take you far beyond the past decade’s advances. You’ll find new approaches to managing risk, integration, talent, distribution, purchasing, logistics, and more—all extensively vetted by leading executives. The authors fully explain each technique; its rationale, advantages, and challenges; and how pioneering organizations have implemented it. The world will look radically different in five years. If you want your supply chain to deliver competitive advantage tomorrow, you need to prepare today. This book shows you what to do, and how to get there. In recent years, practically everyone’s supply chain has become more sophisticated. To gain competitive advantage from your supply chain in the future, you’ll have to do even more. The Supply Chain Game Changers identifies powerful new ways to drive value in complex global supply chains, shows how pioneers are succeeding with these innovations, and helps you make them work in your environment. The authors first discuss ten trends impacting global supply chains today, and preview emerging drivers of change through 2025. Reflecting these changes, they share new best practices for managing global supply chains, evolving supply networks, and accounting for economics, politics, infrastructure, and competence. Next, the authors drill down to offer detailed guidance on several crucial aspects of supply chain management. You’ll discover new ways to identify, prioritize, and mitigate risk; balance cost and customer responsiveness through advanced distribution centers; integrate purchasing and logistics more effectively; and attract and develop world-class talent. The book concludes with the authors’ Top Ten actions for creating tomorrow’s world-class supplychain, practical tools for assessing where you stand,and detailed guidance for creating your new Action Plan.
LEVERAGE YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN FOR MAXIMUM PROFIT Do you have a global supply chain strategy designed for the long run? About 90 percent of global demand is not fully met by local supply, and global supply chains will soon account for 25 percent of multinational firms' performance--meanwhile, supply chains need to become 43 percent more global in the next decade just to maintain a firm's competitive edge. Written by three of today's leading experts on the subject--each from Michigan State University, the uncontested world leader of supply chain management--Global Supply Chain Management gives you the know-how and tools to dramatically boost supply chain efficiency by making it a core element of your overall corporate strategy. Global Supply Chain Management takes you step by step through the process of creating and managing a global supply chain strategy and aligning it with the conditions of your industry. Learn everything you need to know about developing a core strategy plus strategies for each of the critical supply chain functions: LOGISTICS--Integrate logistics strategy and tactical activities PURCHASING--Manage the transition to purchasing globally OPERATIONS--Systematically design, direct, and control processes MARKET CHANNELS--Effectively connect your supply chain to customers With in-depth case studies and data showing how American Express, AB InBev, Dell, FedEx, Daimler, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nokia, and several other prominent companies have applied global supply chain strategy to increase profits and growth, Global Supply Chain Management helps you take action to drive similar success in your company. If you're serious about competing today--and in the future--you must integrate and leverage strategic supply chain management into your overall corporate strategy. Global Supply Chain Management provides everything you need to build a strategy designed for the long run. PRAISE FOR GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT "This book does a superb job of using a total value perspective and integrating business functions into a strategic framework for global supply chain management that can be leveraged for success." -- Leif Johansson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AstraZeneca, Ericsson, European Round Table of Industrialists, and the International Advisory Board of the Nobel Foundation "Written by a superb team of world-leading authors on global supply chain management, this book provides a great framework for companies to leverage global supply chain functions and processes, measurements, and tools to achieve sustained strategic advantage in the global marketplace." -- Michael Lawton, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Vice President of Finance of Domino's Pizza, Inc. "In our company, we have come to recognize the strategic importance of building and maintaining a global supply chain. This book does an excellent job of identifying a framework for considering the implications of an integrated model for global supply chain management. It's clear that the authors have tremendous experience, and they have shared their insights in an innovative and integrative way." -- John Shull, Vice President and Global Procurement Officer of Steelcase Inc. "Global supply chains are critically important to companies in delivering products and services that satisfy customers. Hult, Closs, and Frayer provide an excellent model for how to drive the strategic and operational dimensions of global supply chain management to maximize end-customer value." -- Claes Fornell, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CFI Group Worldwide and ForeSee, and founder of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)