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In Rethinking the Medieval Legacy for Contemporary Theology, six distinguished theologians bridge medieval and contemporary theologies by developing the theological significance of medieval insights in response to contemporary issues. Their nuanced readings of medieval texts, extended to major theological issues of our time, provide examples of the retrieval of the medieval tradition, an essential part of any contemporary theological reconstruction. Barbara Newman extends the theology of perichoresis or mutual indwelling to illuminate the relationship between donor and recipient in the case of organ transplants; Marilyn McCord Adams applies insights about divine friendship to the perennial issue of horrendous evil; and Kevin Madigan brings principles of medieval exegesis to bear on the contemporary historical critical approach to biblical interpretation. Ingolf U. Dalferth applies insights from the doctrine of divine omnipotence and creation ex nihilo to deconstruct Heidegger’s limitation of the possibilities of authentic existence to historical facticity. Pim Valkenberg explores the possibilities of a theological encounter between Christianity and Islam in the works of Aquinas and Nicholas of Cusa; and Anselm K. Min applies the analogical insights of Aquinas on the nature and limits of human knowledge of God to a critique of contemporary theologies that claim to know either too little or too much about God.
Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume 15, Thematic Essays (600-1600) is a further volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the 7th century to the early 20th century. The chapters within it illustrate the range, complexity, and dynamics of interaction between the two faiths during the first thousand years of encounter. All chapters primarily draw upon entries found in volumes 1-7 of Christian-Muslim Relations. They explore tropes of perception, image and judgement that each religious community held in respect to the other through these centuries, and discuss issues and topics that occupied Christians and Muslims in their interaction. The first millennium sets the scene for the modern era and our understandings of contemporary relations and issues. Contributors are Mark Beaumont, Clinton Bennett, David Bertaina, Ulisse Ceceni, David Bryan Cook, Martha Frederiks, Ayşe İçöz, Sandra Keating, James Harry Morris, Nicholas Morton, Gordon Nickel, Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Tom Papademetriou, Gabriel Said Reynolds, Christian Sahner, Mark N. Swanson, Mourad Takawi, Luke Yarbrough.
God's simplicity and perfection shapes both God's distinctive relation to creation and how theologians properly acknowledge this distinctiveness in thought.
A Prominent Theologian Explores What It Means to Be Human Preeminent scholar and theologian Ingolf Dalferth offers mature reflections on what it means to be human, a topic at the forefront of contemporary Christian thought. Dalferth argues that humans should be defined not as deficient beings--who must compensate for the weaknesses of their biological nature by means of technology, morals, media, religion, and culture--but as creatures of possibility. He understands human beings by reference to their capacity to live a truly humane life. Dalferth explores the sheer gratuitousness of God's agency in justifying and sanctifying the human person, defining humans not by what we do or achieve but by God's creative and saving action. In the gospel, we are set free to interact with the world and creation.
Are you a seminarian/scholar who wants to go further from your school's Barthian tradition? The purpose of this book is to connect cutting-edge post-Barthian trinitarian theological movements all around the world: postliberal theology (Yale school) in the US, radical orthodoxy (Cambridge school) in the UK, German radical hermeneutic theology (Zurich school in the German-speaking world), and the theology of inculturation (Korean Methodist school) in Asia. Although each theological movement had a tremendous impact on the entire area of theology, there has been no work done to connect those twenty-first-century theological trends. The strength of this book is that it connects different theological movements with the author's own unique view as a Korean theologian. Comparing different Trinitarian theological movements, the author argues for the necessity of a God-focused theology to embrace different human understandings in a world where Christianity is not dominant. The book claims that Christians can pursue a genuine dialectics of differentiation and interdependence when they understand the global phenomenon of Christianity's inculturation as the work of the Trinity who relates Godself to different worldly cultures.
The book aims at showing the most important topics and paradigms in modern Trinitarian theology. It is supposed to be a comprehensive guide to the many traces of development of Trinitarian faith. As such it is thought to systematize the variety of contemporary approaches to the field of Trinitarian theology in the present philosophical-cultural context. The main goal of the publication is not only a description of what happened to Trinitarian theology in the modern age. It is rather to indicate the typically modern specificity of the Trinitarian debate and - first of all - to encourage development in the main areas and issues of this subject.
Cover -- Contents -- Introduction. The New Philology Comes of Age -- 1 New Challenges for the New Medievalism -- 2 Reflections on The New Philology -- 3 Virgil's "Perhaps": Mythopoiesis and Cosmogony in Dante's Commedia (Remarks on Inf. 34, 106-26) -- 4 Dialectic of the Medieval Course -- 5 Religious Horizon and Epic Effect: Considerations on the Iliad, the Chanson de Roland, and the Nibelungenlied -- 6 The Possibility of Historical Time in the Crónica Sarracina -- 7 Good Friday Magic: Petrarch's Canzoniere and the Transformation of Medieval Vernacular Poetry -- 8 The Identity of a Text
This book shows the importance of the possibility approach for contemporary debates about metaphysics, the idea of God, the problem of evil, the role of reason and the understanding of humanity in the light of contemporary transhumanist challenges. It discusses the turn to possibility not only as a historical phenomenon, but as a systematic starting point for a contemporary philosophical theology that points beyond the barren alternatives between classical or neoclassical metaphysics as well as modern and postmodern antimetaphysics. It thus offers a new starting point for critical engagement with the philosophical and theological challengers and shortcomings of our contemporary culture.
New Medieval Literatures is an annual of work on medieval textual cultures, aiming to engage with intellectual and cultural pluralism in the Middle Ages and now. Its scope is inclusive of work across the theoretical, archival, philological, and historicist methodologies associated with medieval literary studies, and embraces the range of European cultures, capaciously defined. Book jacket.
Ingolf U. Dalferth develops a “radical theology” that unfolds the orienting strength of faith for human life from the event of God’s presence to every present. In a concise and clear manner, Dalferth outlines the theological and philosophical approaches to hermeneutics in the modern era, in order to promote a convincing and defensible theology for the twenty-first century, critically carrying on Martin Heidegger and Rudolf Bultmann, without forgetting Karl Barth. The result of his reconstruction is a “radical theology” that neither glorifies premodern theology in an antimodern attitude nor seeks a mystical deepening of the secular, but argues for a radical change in theological perspective of the possible. In doing so, theology unfolds “limit concepts” that restrict the claims of science and philosophy critically, and develops “ideas of orientation” that illumine the ways in which human life is understood and lived in radically new ways in faith. From here, Dalferth unfolds the reality of revelation and the Christian sense of an unconditional hope that fundamentally transcends all beliefs based on mundane realities and orients the world on something beyond its own temporal horizon—its loving Creator.