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Oakes and Boakye rethink Galatians by examining the text as a vision for the lives of its hearers. They show how, in tackling the difficulties that he faces in Galatia, Paul offers a vision of what the Galatians are in their relationship with the living Christ. This offers a new understanding of the concept of unity in diversity expressed in Gal 3:28. The authors develop their views over six chapters. First, Oakes maps a route from the letter to a focus on its Galatian hearers and on Paul's vision for their identity and existence. In the next chapter, Oakes uses the Christology of Galatians as a way to support the idea of pistis as current relationship with the living Christ. Boakye then offers three chapters analysing the letter's scriptural quotations and ideas about salvation and law. Boakye sees a key dynamic at work in Galatians as being a movement from death to life, as prophesied metaphorically by Ezekiel and as made literal for Paul in his encounter with the resurrected Christ, trust in whom becomes the route to life. Life becomes a key category for evaluating law. Boakye also draws Galatians close to Romans 4 in seeing in both texts the promise of the birth of Isaac, with Paul closely tying that to the resurrection of Jesus. Oakes then argues that the letter has a thematic concern for unity in diversity. In the first instance this is between Jews and gentiles but, in principle, it is between any other socially significant pair of groups.
Preface 1. Introduction: Rethinking Galatians in terms of the Vision Offered to the Hearers -- 2. The Pistis of the Relational Christ 3. Scripture and Promise 4. Death, Life and Righteousness -- 5. Law and Spirit 6. Unity in Diversity in Christ 7. Conclusion -- Bibliography Indexes.
Focusing on Paul's own statement about the Galatian crisis, Yon Kwon demonstrates that the letter is about Paul's pastoral engagement with the backsliding Galatians rather than his theological altercation with his opponents. Paul deals with the crisis in Galatia by reminding the Galatians of the implications of their present deviation for their future - the 'not yet' -, instead of affirming the blessings already realized in Christ by keeping in step with the Spirit - the 'already'.
What vision does Scripture cast for living as a follower of Christ? New Testament scholar Jarvis Williams offers a multifaceted vision of God's saving action in Jesus Christ for both Jew and Gentile, in both the vertical relationship between God and humanity as well as the horizontal relationships among people—with cosmic ramifications.
The study of Galatians has had a massive impact on Christianity throughout the ages, especially in the Reformation and modern eras. The language of "justification by faith" has generated vigorous discussion among Protestants and Catholics for more than 500 years. It would be easy to reengage this conversation again. But in this inaugural volume of the New Word Biblical Themes series, Nijay Gupta argues that Paul has much wider interests in view in Galatians. He argues that Paul's main theme in Galatians is family--who belongs within the household of God and how they are welcomed in. While addressing additional key topics and themes like justification, faith, and freedom, Gupta skillfully unifies them under the overarching rubric of inclusion in God's family through participation in the Sonship of Jesus Christ. In God's household, the Son is the model, love is the culture, the cross is the family crest, and Christian brothers and sisters enjoy equal access, privilege, and status in the community in Christ.
In this small book, Tim Gallant engages in careful rethinking of Paul's handing of the matter of the Mosaic law. Keying on the central texts in Galatians and Romans, Gallant works with the logic and flow of Paul's arguments, rather than beginning with dogmatic questions. Without taking an uncritical stance toward recent development such as the New Perspective on Paul, nor offering a standard exposition of traditional exegetical approaches to Paul, Gallant helps unearth the inner logic of a variety of apparent tensions in Paul's reflections on the law. The result is an intriguing re-presentation of Paul's salvation-historical hermeneutic. Foreword by Rich Lusk.
The phrases “scripture says” and “as it is written” in early Christian literature appear unremarkable, little more than throwaway lines. Tailoring Scripture with Citation Formulae: Clues about Early Christian Views of the Holy Books and the Holy God contends, however, that they provide much to remark on. Current discussions of scriptural intertextuality either neglect or instrumentalize citation formulae. Within a world of expensive books and widespread illiteracy, though, the formulae would not only have signaled the presence of an upcoming citation. At times they also situated and interpreted a quoted passage. Further, close attention to the formulae yields three interesting clues about early Christian views of the holy books and the holy God. First, the media of the formulae in the Gospels cuts precisely counter to expectations, with the pre-Synoptic tradition indicating a textual view of scripture and Matthew, an oral one. Second, the wellspring of prosopological exegesis, that is, discovering the triune God speaking in Israel’s sacred writings, is best attributed to the Epistle to the Hebrews. Third, while the undisputed Pauline letters say little about the nature of scripture, the apostle’s citation formulae in Romans and Galatians indicate that it operated as a divine hypostasis for him. This book is a comprehensive study including an analysis and catalogue of early Christian formulae.
After surveying diverse scholarly approaches to Paul's eschatology in Galatians, Yon-Gyong Kwon concludes that a satisfactorily coherent reading of Paul's argument has not been established yet. Focusing on Paul's own statements about the Galatian crisis, the author also demonstrates that the letter is Paul's pastoral engagement with the backsliding Galatians rather than his theological altercation with his opponents. Paul perceives this crisis in a conspicuously future-oriented perspective. Accordingly, Paul's theological argument reveals the same, futuristic perspective. The main focus of Yon-Gyong Kwon's study lies on this perspective: justification as an eschatological hope (ch. 3); sonship as a median motif (ch. 4); promise and inheritance as a hope yet to be fulfilled (chs. 5 and 6). Paul's christological argument does not show any discernible realized eschatological point of view. Instead, the apostle's emphasis falls on the incompatibility of Christ and the law on the one hand, and the crucial importance of the role of the Spirit on the other (ch. 7). In the final chapter the author demonstrates how the future-oriented perspective of Paul can explain the way Paul deals with the crisis, avoiding the tensions or contradictions that weaken the case for the traditional readings.
Paul's letter to the Galatians stands as a key book in the Bible, especially as it relates to the Old Testament Law and to the Christian's "freedom in Christ." Paul's emphasis on Jesus's substitutionary death, justification by faith, and the work of the Spirit makes the letter crucial for a complete understanding of the New Testament's teaching on salvation through faith in Christ. Combining scholarly depth with practical wisdom, pastor Todd Wilson has written a commentary based on years of ministry experience and biblical reflection, resulting in a resource that is exegetically engaged, theologically informed, and pastorally relevant. Paul's passionate exhortation for the Galatians to return and cling to the gospel that saved them remains relevant today, reminding modern readers of the importance of God's grace for all of life. Part of the Preaching the Word series.
"With updated bibliography"--Copyright page.