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In Rethinking Hegemony, edited by Thomas Clayton, a group of prominent educationists explore the complex and powerful process of hegemony, or ideological domination, as it operates in schools and other educational settings. In this collection of national and international empirical studies the authors grapple with the central process of hegemony – that of social maintenance or transformation by means of prominent social ideas which shape our understanding of what constitutes just, proper, and legitimate ways of thinking and acting. While the authors agree that these ideas are continually renewed, recreated and defended by dominant groups in society, they also consider the way other groups respond to this process in what often becomes a struggle for hegemony or ideological ascendancy. Chapters include Daniel Schugurensky’s analysis of the university restructuring in Latin America, Carmel Borg’s examination of the diffusion of Catholic values in Malta’s state schools, Joseph and Rea Zajda’s study of the rewriting of history textbooks in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, Peter Mayo’s case study of a state-sponsored adult eduction program in the University of Malta and Richard Maclure’s examination of the role of international and African NGOs in serving the interests of African elites and transnational capital. Ethnographic studies by Barbara Burgess and Mark Ginsburg, and Peter Demerath examine the education of emotionally disturbed children in the USA, and the struggles of New Guinean youth to negotiate between the Western ideas of individualism and hierarchical power structures and the egalitarianism of their village origins. Ryohei Matsuda and Ahmed Mah’s chapters consider both the marginalisation and the attempts at recognition of indigenous agricultural knowledge in Agricultural Science faculties in Africa universities. Chapters by Victor Cordova and Mark Ginsburg, Pamela Young, Joseph Slowinski and Thomas Clayton consider campus struggles in a Mexican university, the role of Protestant missionaries in the 19th and 20th century Ottoman Empire, the influence of EU educational assistance in Eastern Europe, and the role of Vietnamese interventions in Cambodian education and culture.
Hegemony has long been a key concept within the study of International Relations, as well as across the social sciences more generally, and a term used by analysts to make sense of contemporary events. Drawing on a rich historical framework, this book traces the different definitions and interpretations of hegemony in world politics and shows that the term continues to be a contested one. It examines and develops traditional ideas about hegemony – from the idea of the strong leading state to the dominance of particular ideologies – through a wide range of approaches including hegemonic stability theory and the work of Antonio Gramsci. Exploring issues such as the role of the state, the changing influence of regionalism and the emergence of counter-hegemonic movements, this book argues that a more nuanced understanding of hegemony is necessary in order to understand the construction of the contemporary world order. Considering a wide range of case studies throughout – from the reputation of the United States as an international leader, to the European Union's regional hegemony and the economic prowess of the so-called BRICS group – this text provides the ideal guide to a multi-faceted term and significant force of both history and the modern age.
Paul Kennedy's classic naval history, now updated with a new introduction by the author This acclaimed book traces Britain's rise and fall as a sea power from the Tudors to the present day. Challenging the traditional view that the British are natural 'sons of the waves', he suggests instead that the country's fortunes as a significant maritime force have always been bound up with its economic growth. In doing so, he contributes significantly to the centuries-long debate between 'continental' and 'maritime' schools of strategy over Britain's policy in times of war. Setting British naval history within a framework of national, international, economic, political and strategic considerations, he offers a fresh approach to one of the central questions in British history. A new introduction extends his analysis into the twenty-first century and reflects on current American and Chinese ambitions for naval mastery. 'Excellent and stimulating' Correlli Barnett 'The first scholar to have set the sweep of British Naval history against the background of economic history' Michael Howard, Sunday Times 'By far the best study that has ever been done on the subject ... a sparkling and apt quotation on practically every page' Daniel A. Baugh, International History Review 'The best single-volume study of Britain and her naval past now available to us' Jon Sumida, Journal of Modern History
For many years now debates over America hegemony and its supposed decline have circulated academic circles. The neo-Gramscians have greatly enriched our knowledge in this field, developing some key theoretical tools and concepts, yet ontological inconsistencies, notably the downgrading of structure, has meant their explanation of the dynamics of the contemporary world order remains somewhat incomplete. In this book, Jonathan Pass aims to counter such oversights, drawing directly on the ideas of Antonio Gramsci (amongst others) to elaborate a more sophisticated, overtly materialist, theory of world hegemony, rooted in a critical realist philosophy of science. Through the lens of this Neo neo-Gramscian (NNG) approach the book examines the complex interplay of internal and external social forces responsible for the evolving 'nature' of US hegemony, from its establishment in the 1940s, passing through its different stages of crisis and restructuring up to the present. China's spectacular rise undoubtedly constitutes a 'world event', but is it potentially a 'world hegemon'? The book seeks to sheds some light on this question, analysing the economic and geopolitical significance of China's emergence and how it affects, and is affected by, both American hegemony and its own extremely delicate 'passive revolution' at home. American Hegemony in the 21st Century presents a major contribution to International Relations, International, Political Economy, Politics and Philosophy and will be of interest to researchers looking for a more sophisticated and convincing analysis of the dynamics of the contemporary world order.
Over the last decade, the United States' position as the world's most powerful state has appeared increasingly unstable. The US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, non-traditional security threats, global economic instability, the apparent spread of authoritarianism and illiberal politics, together with the rise of emerging powers from the Global South have led many to predict the end of Western dominance on the global stage. This book brings together scholars from international relations, economics, history, sociology and area studies to debate the future of US leadership in the international system. The book analyses the past, present and future of US hegemony in key regions in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, Europe and Africa – while also examining the dynamic interactions of US hegemony with other established, rising and re-emerging powers such as Russia, China, Japan, India, Turkey and South Africa. American Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers explores how changes in the patterns of cooperation and conflict among states, regional actors and transnational non-state actors have affected the rise of emerging global powers and the suggested decline of US leadership. Scholars, students and policy practitioners who are interested in the future of the US-led international system, the rise of emerging powers from the Global South and related global policy challenges will find this multidisciplinary volume an invaluable guide to the shifting position of American hegemony.
""We live in a period of uncertainty about the fate of American global leadership and the future of international order. The 2016 election of Donald Trump led many to pronounce the death, or at least terminal decline, of liberal international order - the system of institutions, rules, and values associated with the American-dominated international system. But the truth is that the unravelling of American global order began over a decade earlier. Exit from Hegemony develops an integrated approach to understanding the rise and decline of hegemonic orders. It calls attention to three drivers of transformation in contemporary order. First, great powers, most notably Russia and China, contest existing norms and values, while simultaneously building new spheres of international order through regional institutions. Second, the loss of the "patronage monopoly" once enjoyed by the United States and its allies allows weaker states to seek alternative providers of economic and military goods - providers who do not condition their support on compliance with liberal economic and political principles. Third, transnational counter-order movements, usually in the form of illiberal and right-wing nationalists, undermine support for liberal order and the American international system, including within the United States itself. Exit from Hegemony demonstrates that these broad sources of transformation - from above, below, and within - have transformed past international orders and undermine prior hegemonic powers. It provides evidence that that all three are, in the present, mutually reinforcing one another and, therefore, that the texture of world politics may be facing major changes""--
This volume brings together leading scholars to analyse the central issues of power, order, and change in world politics.
Through Gramsci and Fanon, Salem centers anticolonial politics by exploring the connections between Egypt's moment of decolonization and the 2011 revolution.