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Al leer este resumen, descubrirá las especificidades que caracterizan a los empresarios y las actitudes que deben adoptar para tener éxito en esta industria. También descubrirá que : las aspiraciones de un empresario para su trabajo son fundamentalmente diferentes de las de la mayoría; una empresa de éxito tiene una visión y el deseo de ofrecer un servicio nuevo y eficaz un buen empresario debe ser audaz, pragmático y tenaz; los puntos clave en los que se debe trabajar son la gestión inteligente del capital y del flujo de caja, la valoración del mérito y del rendimiento en la empresa, y la atención al cliente y a sus necesidades. Los empresarios se diferencian de la mayoría de la gente por su forma de ver la vida. Aspiran a crear sus propios empleos y oportunidades, a tomar el control de su vida profesional. Aunque muchos aspiran a la estabilidad, no tienen miedo de vivir con los riesgos que implica el éxito de sus proyectos. El espíritu emprendedor se basa también en muchas cualidades y hábitos, que no son necesariamente innatos. Acumular experiencia y aprender de la lectura y la investigación permite desarrollar gradualmente el alma emprendedora. Este es el objetivo de "La Mente Emprendedora", que proporciona 100 consejos concretos para evitar errores y alcanzar el éxito.
"What every successful entreprenuer knows, but won't tell you" -- Cover.
100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs What Every Successful Entrepreneur Knows But Won’t Tell You Achieve unimaginable business success and financial wealth. Reach the upper echelons of entrepreneurs, where you’ll find Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Sara Blakely of Spanx, Mark Pincus of Zynga and many others. Develop the Entrepreneur Mind – a way of thinking that comes from learning the vital lessons of the best entrepreneurs. Through compelling stories of modern-day business tycoons, Kevin Johnson, president of the multi-million dollar company Johnson Media Inc., shares the essential beliefs, characteristics and habits of elite entrepreneurs. In this riveting book, written for new and veteran entrepreneurs, Johnson identifies 100 lessons in seven key areas: Strategy, Education, People, Finance, Marketing and Sales, Leadership, and Motivation. Lessons include how to think big, who makes the best business partners, what captivates investors, when to abandon a business idea, where to avoid opening a business bank account, and why too much formal education can hinder your entrepreneurial growth. Smart and insightful, The Entrepreneur Mind is the ultimate primer on how to think like an entrepreneur. KEVIN D. JOHNSON, president of Johnson Media Inc. and a serial entrepreneur, has several years of experience leading his multimillion-dollar marketing and communications company that now serves many of the most notable Fortune 100 businesses.
THIS BOOK IS A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL WORK BY KEVIN JOHNSON There is no one born with Entrepreneurship or the ability to be an Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is not inbred, it is learned. The logic that says it can't be taught has been proven inaccurate and the fact that recently, more college students enrol in one type of entrepreneurship class or the other proves this to be true. Entrepreneurship has taken a place of respect in the academic world and it has come to stay. In truth, the secret to being a good Entrepreneur is the same as that of many other fields; constant study and applied knowledge. In the event that you don't have the time or the opportunity to study entrepreneurship in the university, you can acquire the required knowledge by reading expansively and stocking your library with lots of good books on the discipline. After reading all those books, you'll need a practical point of view to the ideas you find in them; this book provides that practical perspective. In this book, you will find 100 essential lessons that will provide a fresh angle on things, an angle you'll never find in entrepreneurship books, magazines or online articles. The lessons vary from how to think outside the box to why you should try different methods of doing things. It even gives guidelines on the traits that you should look for when choosing a life partner. The purpose for which this book was written is to assist budding entrepreneurs (especially those who prefer reading short books) in avoiding certain pitfalls. The most dangerous time in any business venture is at the start, with so many lessons yet to be learned, there is a high chance of mistakes being made and at that stage, and any mistake may prove fatal. Mistakes from spending too many resources on certain things or choosing the wrong partner to work with might spell the end of the business enterprise. There is a lesson in this book for budding entrepreneurs, intermediates and even business veterans. In a nutshell, if you want to think and act like an Entrepreneur; this is the book for you.
Ao ler este resumo, o senhor vai descobrir as especificidades que caracterizam os empresários e as atitudes a adotar para ter sucesso neste setor. O senhor descobrirá também que : as aspirações de um empresário para seu trabalho são fundamentalmente diferentes daquelas da maioria; uma empresa de sucesso tem uma visão e o desejo de prestar um novo e eficiente serviço; um bom empresário deve ser ousado, pragmático e tenaz; os pontos-chave para trabalhar são a gestão inteligente do capital e do fluxo de caixa, a valorização do mérito e do desempenho na empresa, e o foco no cliente e em suas necessidades. Os empresários diferem da maioria das pessoas na maneira como olham para a vida. Eles aspiram a criar seus próprios empregos e oportunidades, a assumir o controle de sua vida profissional. Enquanto muitas pessoas aspiram à estabilidade, elas não têm medo de viver com os riscos envolvidos no sucesso de seus projetos. O espírito empreendedor também se baseia em muitas qualidades e hábitos, que não são necessariamente inatos. Acumular experiência e aprender com a leitura e a pesquisa permite desenvolver gradualmente a própria alma empreendedora. Esse é o objetivo do "The Entrepreneur Mind", que fornece 100 dicas concretas para evitar erros e alcançar o sucesso.
Durch die Lektüre dieser Zusammenfassung werden Sie die Besonderheiten entdecken, die Unternehmer auszeichnen, sowie die Einstellungen, die man annehmen muss, um in dieser Branche erfolgreich zu sein. Sie werden auch feststellen, dass : Die Ziele eines Unternehmers für seine Arbeit unterscheiden sich grundlegend von denen der Mehrheit; Ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen hat eine Vision und den Wunsch, eine neue und effiziente Dienstleistung anzubieten; ein guter Unternehmer mutig, pragmatisch und hartnäckig sein muss; Ein guter Unternehmer muss mutig und pragmatisch sein; die wichtigsten Punkte, an denen er arbeiten muss, sind die intelligente Verwaltung von Kapital und Cashflow, die Bewertung von Verdienst und Leistung im Unternehmen und die Konzentration auf den Kunden und seine Bedürfnisse. Unternehmer unterscheiden sich von den meisten Menschen durch ihre Lebensauffassung. Sie streben danach, ihre eigenen Arbeitsplätze und Möglichkeiten zu schaffen und die Kontrolle über ihr Berufsleben zu übernehmen. Während viele Menschen nach Stabilität streben, scheuen sie sich nicht, mit den Risiken zu leben, die mit dem Erfolg ihrer Projekte verbunden sind. Der Unternehmergeist beruht auch auf vielen Eigenschaften und Gewohnheiten, die nicht unbedingt angeboren sind. Durch das Sammeln von Erfahrungen und das Lernen aus Lektüre und Forschung kann man seine unternehmerische Seele allmählich entwickeln. Dies ist das Ziel von "The Entrepreneur Mind", das 100 konkrete Tipps gibt, um Fehler zu vermeiden und Erfolg zu haben.
The areas of publicity, public relations and promotions have been considered to be on the periphery of the media. Yet this revealing new book demonstrates that they form a fundamental component of the media industries, with the decline of hard news being accompanied by the rise of gossip and celebrity. In addition to making a substantial contribution to our understanding of the cultural function of celebrity, Fame Games outlines how the promotion industry has developed and how celebrity is produced, promoted, and traded within the Australian media. While their analysis will inform academic debates on media practice internationally, the authors have taken the unique step of investigating the workings of the Australian promotion industry from within. Interviews with over 20 publicists, promoters, agents, managers, and magazine editors have provided a wealth of information about the processes through which celebrity in Australia is produced.
This work provides detailed coverage of the current state of international treaty law in respect of copyright issues relating to the Internet and E-commerce. The centre-piece of the book is an article-by-article analysis of the two key World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) treaties tackling the subject: the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, both negotiated primarily as a response to technological developments such as the Internet. It also includes detailed comparative material showing how the WIPO treaties are being implemented elsewhere in the world, and in particular how the EU, Japan and the US are responding to these key issues. This includes analysis of the key EU Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society, which is intended to roll out protection across Europe for copyright holders operating in the digital arena.
"John Tomlinson′s book is an invitation to an adventure. It contains a precious key to unlock the doors into the unmapped and unexplored cultural and ethical condition of ′immediacy′. Without this key concept from now on it will not be possible to make sense of the social existence of our times and its ambivalences." - Ulrich Beck, University of Munich "A most welcome, stimulating and challenging exploration of the cultural impact and significance of speed in advanced modern societies. It successfully interweaves theoretical discourse, historical and contemporary analyses and imaginative use of literary sources, all of which are mobilised in order to provide an original, intellectually rewarding and critical account of the changing significance of speed in our everyday experience." - David Frisby, London School of Economics and Political Science Is the pace of life accelerating? If so, what are the cultural, social, personal and economic consequences? This stimulating and accessible book examines how speed emerged as a cultural issue during industrial modernity. The rise of capitalist society and the shift to urban settings was rapid and tumultuous and was defined by the belief in ′progress′. The first obstacle faced by societies that were starting to ′speed up′ was how to regulate and control the process. The attempt to regulate the acceleration of life created a new set of problems, namely the way in which speed escapes regulation and rebels against controls. This pattern of acceleration and control subsequently defined debates about the cultural effects of acceleration. However, in the 21st century ′immediacy′, the combination of fast capitalism and the saturation of the everyday by media technologies, has emerged as the core feature of control. This coming of immediacy will inexorably change how we think about and experience media culture, consumption practices, and the core of our cultural and moral values. Incisive and richly illustrated, this eye-opening account of speed and culture provides an original guide to one of the central features of contemporary culture and everyday life.
The field of material culture, while historically well established, has recently enjoyed something of a renaissance. Methods once dominated by Marxist- and commodity-oriented analyses and by the study of objects as symbols are giving way to a more ethnographic approach to artifacts. This orientation is the cornerstone of the essays presented in Material Cultures. A collection of case studies which move from the domestic sphere to the global arena, the volume includes examinations of the soundscape produced by home radios, catalog shopping, the role of paper in the workplace, and the relationship between the production and consumption of Coca-Cola in Trinidad. The diversity of the essays is mediated by their common commitment to ethnography with a material focus. Rather than examine objects as mirages of media or language, Material Cultures emphasizes how the study of objects not only contributes to an understanding of artifacts but is also an effective means for studying social values and contradictions.