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El secreto ha sido altamente codiciado, oculto, perdido, robado y comprado por grandes sumas de dinero. Este secreto milenario lo conocieron algunos de los personajes más destacados de la historia. Ahora el secreto es revelado al mundo. Al aprender el secreto podrás tener, ser o hacer todo lo que quieras. Sabrás quién eres realmente y conocerás el verdadero esplendor que te reserva la vida.
DESCRIPCION DEL LIBRO ORIGINAL:"El secreto" es uno de los libros m�s solicitados en estos �ltimos a�os. En �l su autora revela la clave para el �xito, el poder y la prosperidad. Aborda el tema de la importancia del pensamiento positivo, condici�n que se conoce desde hace miles de a�os y a la que muchos gur�es y escritores han dedicado sus investigaciones y sus obras. Se trata de la "Ley de atracci�n" que postula que los pensamientos positivos atraen una vida de felicidad y prosperidad. He ah� el secreto.La s�ntesis de su argumento es que el universo responde a frecuencias de deseo de cada individuo, sean positivos o negativos, por lo que tendremos lo que deseamos y pensamos. Es esta una obra de superaci�n personal capaz de cambiar la vida de las personas. Las reflexiones y afirmaciones que en ella se presentan permitir�n atraer alegr�a y armon�a a la vida de quienes est�n dispuestos a seguir sus sugerencias. El camino para la consecuci�n de todos esos logros que han ambicionado estar� en sus manos y se har�n realidad los sue�os. CONTENIDO:El Secreto Revelado: La Ley De Atracci�nLa Atracci�n De Los SemejantesAtraer Lo Bueno, Evitar Lo MaloTu Poderosa MenteLos Sentimientos Te AyudanPoderoso AmorC�mo Utilizar El SecretoEs Momento De "Crear"El Secreto Y El DineroEl Secreto Y Las RelacionesTrabaja En TiEl Secreto Y La SaludAyuda Al MundoHoy Puede Ser Un Gran D�aSOBRE EL AUTOR DEL LIBRO ORIGINAL:Rhonda Byrne naci� en Australia, en el a�o 1951. Escritora, conferencista, guionista y productora de televisi�n, su nombre se populariz� con la pel�cula y el libro "El Secreto". Ha publicado otros t�tulos de autoayuda y superaci�n, entre los que se encuentran "El poder", "La magia" y "H�roe". En todos ellos la autora intenta que el lector encuentre la felicidad a partir del reconocimiento de su propio potencial y de todo lo que puede lograr con una actitud positiva. SOBRE EL AUTOR DEL RESUMEN:Los libros son mentores. Pueden guiar lo que hacemos en nuestras vidas y c�mo lo hacemos. Muchos de nosotros amamos los libros mientras los leemos y hasta resuenan con nosotros algunas semanas despu�s, pero luego de 2 a�os no podemos recordar si lo hemos le�do o no. Y eso no est� bien. Recordamos que en el momento, aquel libro signific� mucho para nosotros. �Por qu� es que tiempo despu�s nos hemos olvidado de todo? Este resumen toma las ideas m�s importantes del libro original. A muchas personas no les gusta leer, solo quieren saber qu� es lo que el libro dice que deben hacer. Si conf�as en el autor no necesitas de los argumentos. La gran parte de los libros son argumentos de sus ideas, pero muy a menudo no necesitamos argumentos si confiamos en la fuente. Podemos entender la idea de inmediato. Toda esta informaci�n est� en libro original. Este resumen hace el esfuerzo de reducir las redundancias y convertirlas en instrucciones directo al grano para las personas que no tienen intenci�n de leer el libro en su totalidad. Esta es la misi�n de Sapiens Editorial.
The tenth-anniversary edition of the book that changed lives in profound ways, now with a new foreword and afterword. In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller. Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it. In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life. The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.
The Secret is a self-help book regarding the power of positive thinking by Rhonda Byrne. The book suggests the notion that like attracts the like, which means if you emit positive energy, it will be very beneficial because you will attract positive things to you. Byrne proposed that positive thinking magnets positive outcomes. Simply believing in what you want to acquire or become will become of you. The book portrays that the secret is mainly about the law of attraction but it also highlights gratitude and visualization. The primary technique of ask, believe and receive is explained further by stating some facts from some of the Secret’s practitioners. The book promotes encouragement for people in times of trials or deepens their urge to succeed. Happiness, wealth, success in relationships, and even health improvement are all justified as achievable by the application of the so-called secret. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 11.0px 'Trebuchet MS'; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} If you just got out of a very low phase of your life and want to turn your life around by creating a fresh and new YOU, this book will definitely help you. Positive advices from credible people, some of them dates back from history are mentioned here. If you want to know the secret to attaining wealth, success, or even happiness for yourself, the key is revealed in The Secret. The author also advises the readers to evoke any negative thoughts before it materializes. It is written here that you can elude misfortunes plainly by not thinking of it. The book The Secret does not only stress the importance of positive thinking, it also gives the readers the resolution to change themselves. Byrne argues that everything is regulated by our thoughts, and that we are in control of our own outcomes. If you are very open to change your perspectives and maintain it that way to reach a better version of yourself, this book may be helpful. Followers of The Secret declare that it helps them attain their heart’s desire and the improvement of their lives. This could also be you, know the secret and be fulfilled.
Inside this Instaread of The Secret:* Overview of the book* Important People* Key Takeaways* Analysis of Key Takeaways
First time available in ebook! The Secret Daily Teachings, the much-loved companion guide for living The Secret day by day, is now available in a new ebook format. Take the next step with The Secret Daily Teachings—the much-loved companion guide for living The Secret day by day is now available in a new ebook format. The Secret contains clear principles on how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the Universe, but the important thing for every person is to LIVE IT. Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, Rhonda Byrne takes you through a year of teachings, sharing wisdom and insights for living in harmony with the laws that govern all human beings, so that you may become the master of your life. Building upon The Secret’s powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, more abundance, more magnificence—every single day of the year.
Frammenti di un Grande Segreto sono stati trovati, lungo il corso dei secoli, nelle tradizioni orali, in letteratura, nelle religioni e nelle filosofie. Per la prima volta tutti i tasselli del Segreto si uniscono in un'incredibile rivelazione che trasformerà la vita di coloro che ne faranno esperienza. Con questo libro imparerete a usare il Segreto in ogni aspetto della vostra vita - denaro, salute, relazioni, felicità - e in ogni vostra interazione col mondo. Comincerete a comprendere il potere nascosto e ancora inutilizzato che si trova dentro di voi, e questa rivelazione colmerà di gioia ogni ambito della vostra esistenza. Il Segreto racchiude la saggezza dei maestri del mondo moderno, uomini e donne che l'hanno usato per ottenere ricchezza, salute e felicità. Mettendo in pratica la conoscenza del Segreto essi portano alla luce storie avvincenti che raccontano di malattie sconfitte, ingenti guadagni, del superamento di ostacoli e del conseguimento di obiettivi da molti ritenuti irraggiungibili.
Des bribes d'un grand Secret ont été découvertes au fil des siècles dans les traditions orales, la littérature, les religions et les philosophies. Pour la première fois, toutes les pièces du Secret sont rassemblées dans une incroyable révélation qui risque de transformer la vie de tous ceux qui en prendront connaissance. Le Secret renferme la sagesse des maîtres des temps modernes. Les hommes et femmes qui l'ont utilisé et mis en pratique ont accompli des choses extraordinaires : ils ont supprimé la maladie, acquis d'immenses fortunes, surmonté des obstacles et réalisé l'impossible. Dans cet ouvrage, vous apprendrez à utiliser Le Secret dans tous les aspects de votre vie. Vous accéderez alors au pouvoir caché, inexploité qui sommeille en vous, et cette révélation pourra devenir une source de joie de tous les instants.
Japanese edition of The Secret: The Power by Rhonda Byrne, the author of "The Secret." The tenet of the book is that after positive thinking it takes just one thing to change everything. In Japanese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.