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Restoring Spirit has taken eleven years to bring to publication. The bulk of it was written in 2004. Putting all these memories and feelings in writing was very therapeutic for me in the aftermath of the accident. But the accident was becoming the major event in my life that everything was chronologically placed around. I needed to put it to rest and move on to my future. I did return to it for a short period in 2007, when the Epilogue was written as the end of the story. Knowing that God would take it for His use someday in his own time, it is now ready to be shared.
The untold story of early-twentieth-century women's role in developing an essential area of health care.
... to a life of happiness, peace, and hope. Travel with author Julie Wilson to the day when the Samaritan woman, burdened by a life of disappointment, went wearily to Jacob's well to draw water ... and there met Jesus. Get ready to be amazed and enlightened as Wilson uncovers layer upon layer of meaning in this seemingly simple story to reveal God's message to women through all time. Using this parable as a starting point, Wilson takes women -- for her focus in this study is the healing and restoration of women -- on a passionate and daring journey through the Old and New Testaments. Along the way, you will meet other men and women of the Bible and, through them, discover the spiritual heritage that is yours to claim today. Restoring Your Spiritual Heritage contains twelve lessons for personal or group study. Everything you need is here, including further reading, discussion, and reflection prompts. It is the third book in as many years by this prolific author and gifted teacher, whose "Gen-X" worldview and unswerving faith have guided many from darkness into light. Book jacket.
In the book of Acts divine involvement is everywhere. From the beginning God is responsible for promised action, including the geographic expansion--"in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (1:7)--referenced in Jesus' response to the disciples, clearly related to Luke's purpose in writing the book. Geographic expansion, however, is only the second part of Jesus' reply. Is it possible that the first half of Jesus' reply--"It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority"--has even greater bearing on the actions that follow and on Luke's purpose? Is the Father setting times and seasons related to the kingdom's establishment? Does this phrase explain the conspicuous divine involvement throughout the plot? In Restoring the Kingdom, Michael Salmeier answers these questions in the affirmative by exploring Luke's characterization of God in three strands: God as the King who establishes and restores Israel's king, who establishes his people, and who directs events. This unfolds Luke's purpose in assuring the reader concerning the events that have taken place, helping to more fully illuminate Luke's theology concerning God and his kingdom.
This aromatherapy guide synthesizes Eastern and Western approaches to restoring emotional and mental health by using the healing properties of 40 essential oils. 159 illustrations, 77 in color.
Restoring the Vocation of a Christian College examines the vocation of a Christian institution of higher learning--to faithfully educate students--and how individual Christian teachers and scholars can participate in this process no matter their discipline. It surveys and engages developments over the last few decades in Christian worldview studies, Christian pedagogy, character formation, and vocational reflection. Through individual essays by college administrators, cocurricular staff, and faculty from a wide range of disciplines, it provides both thoughtful reflection and concrete application of these often abstract concepts to specific institutional settings and the actual classroom experience.
Inspiration and guidance for creating journals or scrapbooks for self-healing and inner strength while managing life’s difficult moments. In follow up to Faith Books & Spiritual Journaling, author Sharon Soneff shows that there is a richer, deeper reward to creative journals beyond the beauty they supply. In this new volume, Art Journals & Creative Healing, she demonstrates with real excerpts from artistic journals that the process of journaling can be a tool in navigating through some of life’s more challenging seasons, as well as a tool to support personal growth and achievement. Complex human experiences are treated with dignity and sensitivity, and will inspire readers dealing with their own issues. Hope, growth, and healing are at the center of each work. Additionally, the ideas, artistic approaches, and resources provided by the author and numerous contributing artists will help the reader with creative ideas for working through various situations through their reflective and artistic journal keeping. Through a marriage of beautiful imagery, uplifting quotations, and other rich sources, Art Journals & Creative Healing offers its audience a full-bodied artistic experience, along with journaling worksheets and journal prompts to help readers get started with their own journals. Specific topics addressed include using mediums as metaphors, journaling for cathartic expression, gaining wisdom through introspection, finding strength in the midst of suffering, and finding beauty in pain. Art Journals & Creative Healing is a supportive and encouraging text offered as a creative companion for overcoming the challenges of life.
'Restoring the First-century Church in the Twenty-first Century: Essays on the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement in Honor of Don Haymes' is a snap-shot of a major American religious movement just after the turn of the millennium. When the ÒDisciplesÓ of Alexander Campbell and the ÒChristiansÓ of Barton Warren Stone joined forces early in the 19th century, the first indigenous ecumenical movement in the United States came into being. Two hundred years later, this American experiment in biblical primitivism has resulted in three, possibly four, large segments. Best known is the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), active wherever ecumenical Christians gather. The denomination is typically theologically open, having been reshaped by theological Liberalism and the Social Gospel in the twentieth century, and has been re-organized on the model of other Protestant bodies. The largest group, the Churches of Christ, easily distinguished by their insistence on 'a cappella' music (singing only), is theologically conservative, now tending towards the evangelical, and congregationally autonomous, though with a denominational sense of brotherhood. The Christian Churches/Churches of Christ (Independent) are a 'via media' between the two other bodies: theologically conservative and evangelical, congregationally autonomous, pastorally oriented, and comfortable with instrumental music. The fourth numerically significant group, the churches of Christ (Anti-Institutional), is a conservative reaction to the 'a cappella' churches, much in the way that the Southern ''a capella' churches reacted against the emerging intellectual culture and social location, instrumental music and institutional centrism of the Northern Disciples following the Civil War. Besides these four, numerous smaller fragments, typically one-article splinter groups, decorate the history of the Restoration Movement: One-Cup brethren, Premillennialists, No-Sunday-School congregations, No-Located-Preacher churches, and others. This movement to unite Christians on the basis of faith and immersion in Jesus Christ, and to restore New-Testament Christianity, is too little recognized on the American religious landscape, and it has been too little studied by the academic community. This volume is focused primarily on the 'a cappella' churches and their interests, but implications for the entire Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement abound. The voices that speak freely within were unimpeded in authoring these essays by standards of orthodoxy imposed from without. All of the contributors are acquainted with Don Haymes, the honoree of the volume, and have been inspired by this friend and colleague, a man with a rigorous and earthy intellect and a heavenly spirit. David Bundy, series editor Studies in the History and Culture of World Christianities
Humanity’s creative role within the living pattern of nature • Explores important scientific discoveries that reveal the self-organizing intelligence at the heart of nature • Examines the idea of a living cosmos from its roots in the earliest cultures, to its eclipse during the Scientific Revolution, to its return today • Reveals ways to reengage our creative partnership with nature and collaborate with nature’s intelligence For millennia the world was seen as a creative, interconnected web of life, constantly growing, developing, and restoring itself. But with the arrival of the Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th centuries, the world was viewed as a lifeless, clock­like mechanism, bound by the laws of classical physics. Intelligence was a trait ascribed solely to human beings, and thus humanity was viewed as superior to and separate from nature. Today new scientific discoveries are reviving the ancient philosophy of a living, interconnected cosmos, and humanity is learning from and collaborating with nature’s intelligence in new, life-enhancing ways, from ecological design to biomimicry. Drawing upon the most important scientific discoveries of recent times, David Fideler explores the self-organizing intelligence at the heart of nature and humanity’s place in the cosmic pattern. He examines the ancient vision of the living cosmos from its roots in the “world soul” of the Greeks and the alchemical tradition, to its eclipse during the Scientific Revolution, to its return today. He explains how the mechanistic worldview led to humanity’s profound sense of alienation, for if the universe only functioned as a machine, there was no longer any room for genuine creativity or spontaneity. He shows how this isn’t the case and how, even at the molecular level, natural systems engage in self-organization, self-preservation, and creative problem solving, mirroring the ancient idea of a creative intelligence that exists deep within the heart of nature. Revealing new connections between science, religion, and culture, Fideler explores how to reengage our creative partnership with nature and new ways to collaborate with nature’s intelligence.