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This book provides readers with an up-to-date and comprehensive view on the resolution of inflammation and on new developments in this area, including pro-resolution mediators, apoptosis, macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells, possible novel drug developments.
This book offers a comprehensive study of C-reactive protein (CRP) belonging to the pentraxin family, including a brief history of CRP, its structure, synthesis and evolution. Focusing on the emerging role of CRP and its clinical application in the field of disease biology, it details the pathophysiological role of CRP in a host of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious diseases and others. It also discusses the role of innate immunity and acute phase response (APR) and their key mediators in the host body in response to tissue injury, infection, trauma or surgery, immunological disorders or neoplastic growth. CRP’s significance in inflammation is highlighted, and its importance as a clinical marker in cardiovascular disease, its functional significance in Leishmania and Plasmodium infections, its association with the development of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus, and its role in cancer are discussed in detail. The book also includes clinical data studies and presents the latest research advances to further readers’ understanding of CRP.
Inflammation is a fundamental protective mechanism and at the same time the driving force of a variety of major diseases in humans. Indeed, acute self-resolving inflammation usually plays a positive role for the host, as exemplified by infectious diseases where its positive role is well established and testified by its perception as innate immunity. On the other hand, non-resolving inflammation and consequent chronicization is a key determinant of immunopathology and clinical manifestations of most major diseases in humans. As a consequence, it is increasing appreciated that the problem with inflammation is not how often it starts, but how often it fails to resolve. Appropriate resolution of inflammatory responses, which also drives activation of tissue damage repair mechanisms and return of local tissues to homeostasis, is a necessary process for ongoing health. Interestingly, cells sustaining these processes are also key to the proinflammatory responses, and the underlying "pro-resolving" molecular pathways are triggered as part of the pro-inflammatory response. This clearly indicates resolution of inflammation as an active process requiring functional repolarization of inflammatory cells that calls our attention on the underlying molecular mechanisms. The increasing number of anti-inflammatory drugs best-sellers in the pharma market is a clear indication of the relevance of having inflammation under check; nonetheless, there is still a great need for better acting pharmacological tools for the control of inflammation. Indeed, the remarkable success of biological drugs targeting proinflammatory cytokines has indicates that tools able to block proinflammatory mediators have promising applications, but at the same time has made clear that there are intrinsic limitations to this approach which frequently vanish undermine the activity of single targeting drugs, including the well-known redundancy of inflammatory mediators. Under self-limiting conditions inflammation spontaneously resolves in an active process. Some cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in inflammation resolution have been uncovered in the recent past, and include generation of specific cytokines, apoptosis of inflammatory leukocytes, lipid mediators, macrophage repolarization and others are likely to be revealed in the next future, since loss-of-function mutations of an increasing number of genes results in the development of spontaneous inflammation in experimental animals. We argue that "pushing for" inflammation resolution by exploiting active naturally-occurring pro-resolving processes may have significant advantages over the attempt to simply "push back" inflammation by passive blockade of proinflammatory mediators. At present the research in the field of inflammation aims at identifying and validates new molecules involved in the resolution of inflammation as a basis for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. This involves the discovery of new natural or synthetic "pro-resolving" molecules from plant and animals and the investigation of endogenous inflammation "pro-resolving" mechanisms, including atypical chemokine receptors, decoy receptors, and microRNA. An extensive effort is focused on the regulation by "pro-resolving" agents on two molecular systems of key relevance in inflammation: the chemokine system, which regulates recruitment, permanence and egress of leukocyte in tissues; and the Toll Like Receptor (TLR)/IL-1R system, which is central for the activation of infiltrating leukocytes.
Dieses Fachbuch erläutert die molekularen Grundlagen von Entzündungen, spannt den Bogen zu Infektionskrankheiten und den Zusammenhang zwischen Entzündungen und chronischen Erkrankungen, behandelt abschließend den Heilungsprozess und zeigt Therapiemöglichkeiten.
It is only during the last decade that the functions of sinusoidal endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells, pit cells and other intrahepatic lymphocytes have been better understood. The development of methods for isolation and co-culturing various types of liver cells has established that they communicate and cooperate via secretion of various intercellular mediators. This monograph summarizes multiple data that suggest the important role of cellular cross-talk for the functions of both normal and diseased liver. Special features of the book include concise presentation of the majority of detailed data in 19 tables. Original schemes allow for the clear illustration of complicated intercellular relationships. This is the first ever presentation of the newly emerging field of liver biology, which is important for hepatic function in health and disease and opens new avenues for therapeutic interventions.
The vertebrate immune system defends the organism against invading pathogens while at the same time being self-tolerant to the body’s own constituents thus preserving its integrity. Multiple mechanisms work in concert to ensure self-tolerance. Apart from purging the T cell repertoire from auto-reactive T cells via negative selection in the thymus dominant tolerance exerted by regulatory T cells plays a major role in tolerance imposition and maintenance. Among the various regulatory/suppressive cells hitherto described, CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) and interleukin-10 producing T regulatory 1 (Tr1) cells have been studied in most detail and are the subject of most articles in this issue. Treg, also called "natural" regulatory T cells, will be traced from their intra-thymic origin to the site of their action in peripheral lymphoid organs and tissues. The repertoire of Treg is clearly biased towards recognition of self-antigens, thereby potentially preventing autoimmune diseases such as gastritis and oophoritis. Regulatory T cells, however also control infections, allergies and tolerance to transplanted tissues and this requires their induction in the periphery under conditions which are not yet fully understood. The concept of dominant tolerance, by far not novel, will offer new insights and hopefully tools for the successful treatment of autoimmune diseases, improved cancer immunotherapy and transplant survival. The fulfillment of these high expectations will, however, require their unambiguous identification and a better understanding of their mode of action.
This volume examines in detail the role of chronic inflammatory processes in the development of several types of cancer. Leading experts describe the latest results of molecular and cellular research on infection, cancer-related inflammation and tumorigenesis. Further, the clinical significance of these findings in preventing cancer progression and approaches to treating the diseases are discussed. Individual chapters cover cancer of the lung, colon, breast, brain, head and neck, pancreas, prostate, bladder, kidney, liver, cervix and skin as well as gastric cancer, sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma.
The Impact of Nutrition and Statins on Cardiovascular Diseases presents a summary of the background information and published research on the role of food in inhibiting the development of cardiovascular diseases. Written from a food science, food chemistry, and food biochemistry perspective, the book provides insights on the origin of cardiovascular diseases, an analysis of statin therapy, their side effects, and the role of dietary intervention as an alternative solution to preventing cardiovascular diseases. It focuses on the efficacy of nutrition and statins to address inflammation and inhibit the onset of disease, while also providing nutrition information and suggested dietary interventions. Includes a bioscience approach that focuses on inflammation and revisits the lipid hypothesis Presents the view that nutritional interventions have considerable value, not only for reducing cardiovascular risk for CVDs patients, but also acting as the best precaution for otherwise healthy people Advocates that nutritional habits that are formed at a young age are the best way to tackle the global epidemic that is CVDs